The Linux Command Line Bootcamp: Beginner To Power User

About Course
Learn the Linux command line from beginner to power user with this free course from Udemy! Master dozens of essential commands, understand how they all fit together, and build complex data pipelines. This course will teach you how to navigate the Linux folder structure, create, delete, move, and copy files and folders, decipher and manipulate Unix file permissions, use powerful searching commands like find, locate, and grep, and much more.
This interactive course includes numerous exercises and fun challenges to help you practice the skills you learn. You’ll also learn how to customize the shell by writing aliases and tweaking the prompt, automate tedious tasks using cron and cronjobs, and edit files directly from the command line using nano. This course is packed with valuable knowledge and real-world applications that will make you a more efficient and powerful computer user.
This course covers the following topics:
- Powerful commands (ls, cd, pwd, touch, mkdir, rm, mv, cp, cat, less, head, tail, wc, sort, grep, locate, find, chmod, sudo, su, chown, crontab, and more)
- Linux folder structure and navigation
- File creation, deletion, manipulation, and permissions
- Standard input, output, and error redirection
- Piping commands for complex workflows
- Shell expansion and substitution
- Automated tasks with cron and cronjobs
- File editing with nano
- Customizing your shell experience with aliases and prompts
- Bash scripting and creating your own commands
This course is completely free and is available on Theetay, a website that offers free access to a vast library of courses from platforms like Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and more. Enroll now and unlock the power of the Linux command line!
What Will You Learn?
- Master the Command Line and Dozens of Commands!
- Stop Relying On The Limited Graphical User Interface
- Write Your Own Commands From Scratch
- Automate Tasks and Schedule Jobs Using Cron
- Control Your Computer Completely From The Command Line!
- Master The Quirks Of File Permissions
- Learn Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts To Improve Your Efficiency
- Construct Powerful Command Pipelines
Course Content
The Super Quick Course Orientation Stuff
A Message from the Professor
Welcome To The Course
02:36 -
Why Learn The Command Line
05:53 -
Finding The Slides & Exercises
02:28 -
One Small Piece Of Advice
The World Of Operating Systems
04:27 -
What Are Unix and UnixLike
04:53 -
Exploring The Original Unix Manual
02:36 -
Linux GNU Kernels Oh My
08:16 -
Explaining Terminals Shells & Bash
04:06 -
Installation & Setup
Command Basics
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:25 -
Opening Up The Terminal
02:44 -
Understanding The Prompt
04:23 -
Our First Commands
04:39 -
Using Arrow Keys In The Terminal
02:45 -
Command Line Arguments
06:38 -
Providing Options To Commands
03:57 -
Combining Multiple Options
02:17 -
Using LongForm Options
04:20 -
Options That Require Parameters
Getting Help
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:07 -
Introducing The Manual
03:01 -
Navigating & Searching A Man Page
04:08 -
Parsing Man Page Synopses
07:50 -
The 7 Manual Sections & Searching
04:51 -
The Type & Which Commands
02:51 -
Using The Help Command
02:23 -
Getting Help EXERCISE
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:17 -
The Root Directory
05:05 -
The Home Directory
04:57 -
The pwd Command
03:47 -
Using ls
04:54 -
Helpful options for ls
08:10 -
Changing Directories With cd
08:21 -
Relative Vs Absolute Paths
07:42 -
Overview Of Other Folders
06:01 -
Navigation EXERCISE
Creating Files & Folders
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:11 -
Creating Files With touch
06:40 -
Why Touch is Called Touch
04:35 -
Exploring File Types Extensions & the file command
09:22 -
File Names Good Bad & Ugly
06:34 -
Creating Directories With mkdir
08:03 -
Creating Things EXERCISE
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:12 -
Introducing Nano
04:27 -
The Basics of Nano
05:10 -
Creating File With Nano
02:44 -
Mastering Nano Shortcuts
04:11 -
Searching & Replacing in Nano
08:25 -
Configuring Nano & Spellchecking
09:07 -
Nano Exercise
Deleting Copying & Moving
What Actually Matters In This Section
00:42 -
Deleting Files With rm
04:37 -
Deleting Folders With d & r
10:23 -
Moving Files With mv
04:43 -
Moving Folders with mv
03:36 -
Renaming With mv
04:30 -
Copying with cp
06:53 -
Deleting Copying & Moving EXERCISE
Shortcuts & History
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:43 -
Clearing & Jumping Lines
04:13 -
Jumping Characters & Words
04:41 -
Swapping Characters & Words
02:59 -
Killing Lines Words & More
05:30 -
Yanking From The KillRing
03:12 -
History Command & History Expansion
Working With Files
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:34 -
The Cat Command
04:45 -
Working With Less
06:21 -
Tac & Rev
05:29 -
Head & Tail
08:15 -
The wc Command
03:24 -
The Sort Command
07:55 -
Advanced Sorting By Field
04:10 -
Working With Files EXERCISE
What Actually Matters In This Section
00:52 -
Introducing The Standard Streams
06:03 -
Redirecting Standard Output
08:22 -
Appending Standard Output
04:43 -
Redirecting Standard Input
05:13 -
Redirecting StdIn & StdOut Together
03:41 -
Redirecting Standard Error
06:33 -
Putting It All Together & Fancy Shortcuts
06:57 -
Redirection EXERCISE
What Actually Matters In This Section
00:55 -
Intro To Piping
03:58 -
Playing With Piping
05:55 -
Comparing Redirection & Piping
02:43 -
An Interlude the tr command
07:36 -
Working With Multiple Pipes
11:00 -
Using The tee Command
06:40 -
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:25 -
Pathname Expansion Basics
06:49 -
More Pathname Expansion
08:53 -
Tilde Expansion
01:55 -
The Magic of Brace Expansion
11:05 -
Arithmetic Expansion
03:18 -
Quoting Double Vs Single
05:30 -
Command Substitution
03:43 -
Expansions EXERCISE
Finding Things
What Actually Matters In This Section
02:05 -
The Locate Command
08:59 -
The Find Command
09:13 -
More Find
04:50 -
How Timestamps Work
05:18 -
Finding By Time
09:14 -
Find With Logical Operators
06:37 -
Find w Exec & User Defined Actions
09:02 -
The Xargs Command
06:43 -
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:54 -
Introducing The Grep Command
05:35 -
Grep Recursive Search
06:02 -
Grep Options
08:02 -
Grep & Regular Expressions
08:17 -
Grep Extended Regex
06:17 -
Piping To Grep
Permissions Basics
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:06 -
MultiUser Systems & Permissions Intro
07:14 -
File Owners & Group Owners
04:10 -
The File Type Attribute
05:15 -
Understanding Permissions
04:00 -
Read Permissions
07:42 -
Write Permissions
07:21 -
Execute Permissions
06:20 -
Permissions Recap & Practice
Altering Permissions
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:59 -
The Chmod Command Symbolic Notation
11:41 -
Using Octal Notation With Chmod
06:46 -
The su Command Substitute User
05:49 -
The Super Special Root User
03:40 -
Using The Sudo Command
07:31 -
Changing Ownership With Chown
09:16 -
Working With Groups Demo
The Environment
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:54 -
Introducing The Environment & Variables
04:09 -
Parameter Expansion
05:15 -
Defining Variables & Export
08:10 -
The Mysterious Startup Files
11:04 -
Customizing Your Prompt
14:37 -
Defining Aliases
08:31 -
Useful Aliases & The bashaliases File
Writing Our Own Commands
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:11 -
Intro to Scripting
03:16 -
Our First Script
06:25 -
The Mysterious PATH Variable
06:12 -
Adding To The PATH
05:35 -
Making Our Script Executable
02:22 -
The Significance Of The Shebang
05:45 -
Building A Weather Program
What Actually Matters In This Section
01:07 -
An Introduction To Cron
04:52 -
CronJob Crazy Syntax
07:36 -
Our Very First Cronjob
06:16 -
Handling Errors In A Cron Job
03:28 -
More Cron Syntax
08:00 -
Writing A Daily Backup Cron Job
APPENDIX Installation Fun
Mac Installation Options & Terminal Setup
16:03 -
Mac Virtual Machine Setup
11:53 -
Windows Installation Overview
06:19 -
Windows Virtual Machine Setup
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