React Native – The Practical Guide (2023)
About Course
Learn how to build native mobile apps for both Android and iOS using React Native, a powerful framework that leverages your existing web development skills. This free course, offered by Udemy, provides a comprehensive guide to mastering React Native.
Dive into the core concepts and theory behind React Native, explore how to use React, JavaScript, and native components, and learn about navigation, styling, and animation.
Gain practical experience by building the “Favorite Places” app, which demonstrates essential features like maps, camera, user authentication, and server connectivity.
This course covers:
- React Native fundamentals and core concepts
- Utilizing React, JavaScript, and native components
- Understanding navigation in React Native apps
- Styling and animating React Native apps
- Integrating third-party libraries
- Working with maps and image pickers
- Implementing a full user authentication flow
- Connecting to a backend server
- Debugging techniques
- Publishing your app to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store
No prior experience with Android, Java, Swift, or ObjectiveC is required. However, a basic understanding of JavaScript and React is essential. This course includes refreshers for those who need them.
Enroll now and unlock the potential to create engaging mobile apps using your existing web development expertise.
What Will You Learn?
- Learn how to use ReactJS to build real native mobile apps for iOS and Android
- Develop cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile apps without knowing Swift, ObjectiveC or Java/ Android
- Explore React Native basics and advanced features!
- Learn how to use key mobile app features like Google maps or the device camera
Course Content
01 – Getting Started
A Message from the Professor
001 Welcome To This Course & What To Expect!.mp4
00:00 -
002 What Is React Native.mp4
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003 Join our Online Learning Community.html
00:00 -
004 A Glance Under The Hood Of React Native.mp4
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005 Creating React Native Projects Expo CLI vs React Native CLI.mp4
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006 Creating a New React Native Project.mp4
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007 Analyzing The Created Project.mp4
00:00 -
008 Running Our First App On A Real Device!.mp4
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009 Setting Up A Local Development Environment.mp4
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010 About This Course.mp4
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011 Course Resources, Code Snapshots & How To Use.html
00:00 -
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Section Quiz
02 – React Native Basics (COURSE GOALS APP)
001 Module Introduction.mp4
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002 Exploring Core Components & Component Styling.mp4
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003 Working With Core Components.mp4
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004 Styling React Native Apps.mp4
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005 React Native Core Components, Styling & Colors – More Information.html
00:00 -
006 Exploring Layouts & Flexbox.mp4
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007 React Native & Flexbox.mp4
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008 Using Flexbox To Create Layouts.mp4
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009 Flexbox – A Deep Dive.mp4
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010 Improving The Layout.mp4
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011 Handling Events.mp4
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012 Managing A List Of Course Goals (in our Demo App).mp4
00:00 -
013 iOS & Android Styling Differences.mp4
00:00 -
014 Making Content Scrollable with ScrollView.mp4
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015 Optimizing Lists with FlatList.mp4
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016 Splitting Components Into Smaller Components.mp4
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017 Utilizing Props.mp4
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018 Working on the Goal Input Component.mp4
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019 Handling Taps with the Pressable Component.mp4
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020 Making Items Deletable & Using IDs.mp4
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021 Adding an Android Ripple Effect & an iOS Alternative.mp4
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022 Adding a Modal Screen.mp4
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023 Styling the Modal Overlay.mp4
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024 Opening & Closing the Modal.mp4
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025 Working with Images & Changing Colors.mp4
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026 App Finishing Touches.mp4
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027 Module Summary.mp4
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Section Quiz
03 – Debugging React Native Apps (Introduction)
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Handling Errors.mp4
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003 Logging to the Console.mp4
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004 Debugging JavaScript Remotely.mp4
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005 Using the React DevTools.mp4
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006 Using the Documentation.mp4
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Section Quiz
04 – Diving Deeper into Components, Layouts & Styling – Building a Mini-Game App
001 Module Introduction & What We’ll Build.mp4
00:00 -
002 Starting Setup & Analyzing the Target App.mp4
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003 Setting Up our Screen Components.mp4
00:00 -
004 Creating Custom Buttons.mp4
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005 Styling for Android & iOS.mp4
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006 Styling the Number Input Element.mp4
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007 Configuring the TextInput Field.mp4
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008 Adding Visual Feedback to the Buttons.mp4
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009 Improving the Buttons.mp4
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010 Coloring the Components & The Overall App.mp4
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011 Adding a Linear Gradient.mp4
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012 Adding a Background Image.mp4
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013 Getting Started with the Game Logic.mp4
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014 Handling User Input & Showing an Alert Dialog.mp4
00:00 -
015 Switching Screens Programmatically.mp4
00:00 -
016 Starting Work on the Game Screen.mp4
00:00 -
017 Respecting Device Screen Restrictions with the SafeAreaView.mp4
00:00 -
018 Creating a Title Component.mp4
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019 Managing Colors Globally.mp4
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020 Creating, Using & Displaying Random Numbers.mp4
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021 Adding Game Control Buttons (+ & -) to the App.mp4
00:00 -
022 Checking for Game Over.mp4
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023 Improving the Game Screen Visuals.mp4
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024 Using Cascading Styles.mp4
00:00 -
025 Working with Icons (Button Icons).mp4
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026 Adding & Using Custom Fonts with React Native Apps.mp4
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027 Adding a (Foreground) Image.mp4
00:00 -
028 Using & Styling Nested Text.mp4
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029 Adding Logic to (Re-)Start Games & Displaying a Summary Screen.mp4
00:00 -
030 Logging Game Rounds.mp4
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031 Outputting Log Data with FlatList.mp4
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032 Styling the Game Round Logs.mp4
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033 Finishing Touches.mp4
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034 Module Summary.mp4
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Section Quiz
05 – Building Adaptive User Interfaces (Adapt to Platform & Device Sizes)
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Setting Dynamic Widths.mp4
00:00 -
003 Introducing the Dimensions API.mp4
00:00 -
004 Adjusting Image Sizes with the Dimensions API.mp4
00:00 -
005 Understanding Screen Orientation Problems.mp4
00:00 -
006 Setting Sizes Dynamically (for different Orientations).mp4
00:00 -
007 Managing Screen Content with KeyboardAvoidingView.mp4
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008 Improving the Landscape Mode UI.mp4
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009 Further Improvements with useWindowDimensions.mp4
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010 Writing Platform-specific Code with the Platform API.mp4
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011 Styling the Status Bar.mp4
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00:00 -
Section Quiz
06 – React Native Navigation with React Navigation (MEALS APP)
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 What Is Navigation.mp4
00:00 -
003 Getting Started with the App & Outputting Meal Categories.mp4
00:00 -
004 Displaying Items in a Grid.mp4
00:00 -
005 Getting Started with the React Navigation Package.mp4
00:00 -
006 Implementing Navigation Between Two Screens.mp4
00:00 -
007 Setting the Default Screen.html
00:00 -
008 Understanding the useNavigation Hook.mp4
00:00 -
009 Working with Route Parameters To Pass Data Between Screens.mp4
00:00 -
010 Displaying Meals.mp4
00:00 -
011 Adding Images & Styling.mp4
00:00 -
012 Styling Screen Headers & Backgrounds.mp4
00:00 -
013 Setting Navigation Options Dynamically.mp4
00:00 -
014 Adding & Configuring the Meal Details Screen.mp4
00:00 -
015 Outputting Content in the Meal Detail Screen.mp4
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016 Finishing the Meal Detail Screen.mp4
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017 Adding Header Buttons.mp4
00:00 -
018 Adding an Icon Button to a Header.mp4
00:00 -
019 Adding Drawer Navigation & Creating a Drawer.mp4
00:00 -
020 Configuring the Drawer Navigator & The Drawer.mp4
00:00 -
021 Adding, Configuring & Using Bottom Tabs.mp4
00:00 -
022 Nesting Navigators.mp4
00:00 -
023 Bottom Tabs & App Finishing Touches.mp4
00:00 -
024 Module Summary.mp4
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00:00 -
Section Quiz
07 – App-wide State Management with Redux & Context API
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Getting Started with React’s Context API.mp4
00:00 -
003 Managing App-wide State with Context.mp4
00:00 -
004 Using the Created Context with useContext.mp4
00:00 -
005 Managing Favorite Meals with the Context API.mp4
00:00 -
006 Getting Started with Redux & Redux Toolkit.mp4
00:00 -
007 Working with Redux Slices.mp4
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008 Managing Redux State & Dispatching Actions.mp4
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009 Using Redux State in Components.mp4
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010 Module Summary.mp4
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Section Quiz
08 – Time To Practice – The Expense Tracker App
001 Module Introduction & What We’ll Build.mp4
00:00 -
002 The Starting Setup.mp4
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003 Adding Navigation (with React Navigation) & Configuring Navigation.mp4
00:00 -
004 Adding Global Colors & Editing Navigation Configuration.mp4
00:00 -
005 Creating Key App Components to Display Expenses.mp4
00:00 -
006 Continuing Work on the Expense-related Components.mp4
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007 Adding Dummy Expense Data.mp4
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008 Outputting a List of Expenses.mp4
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009 Improving App Layout & Styling.mp4
00:00 -
010 Working on Expense List Items.mp4
00:00 -
011 Formatting Dates.mp4
00:00 -
012 Adding a Header Button & Making Expense Items Tappable.mp4
00:00 -
013 Navigating Programmatically Between Screens.mp4
00:00 -
014 Styling The Expense Management Screen.mp4
00:00 -
015 Supporting Different Editing Modes & Using Route Parameters.mp4
00:00 -
016 Adding a Delete Button.mp4
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017 Adding Custom Buttons.mp4
00:00 -
018 Closing A Modal Programmatically.mp4
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019 Managing App-wide State With Context.mp4
00:00 -
020 Using Context From Inside Components.mp4
00:00 -
021 Deleting & Updating Expenses.mp4
00:00 -
022 Finishing Touches.mp4
00:00 -
00:00 -
Section Quiz
09 – Handling User Input
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Building a Custom Input Component.mp4
00:00 -
003 Creating an Overall Form.mp4
00:00 -
004 Configuring the Form Input Elements.mp4
00:00 -
005 Adding Styling.mp4
00:00 -
006 Setting the Form Layout.mp4
00:00 -
007 Handling User Input in a Generic Way.mp4
00:00 -
008 Managing Form State & Submission.mp4
00:00 -
009 Working with Entered Data.mp4
00:00 -
010 Setting & Using Default Values.mp4
00:00 -
011 Adding Validation.mp4
00:00 -
012 Providing Visual Validation Feedback.mp4
00:00 -
013 Adding Error Styling.mp4
00:00 -
014 Module Summary.mp4
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Section Quiz
10 – Sending Http Requests
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Backend Setup (Firebase).mp4
00:00 -
003 Installing Axios.mp4
00:00 -
004 Sending POST Http Requests.mp4
00:00 -
005 Fetching Backend Data (GET Requests).mp4
00:00 -
006 Transforming & Using Fetched Data.mp4
00:00 -
007 Using Response Data from POST Requests.mp4
00:00 -
008 Updating & Deleting Backend Data (UPDATE & DELETE Requests).mp4
00:00 -
009 Managing the Loading State.mp4
00:00 -
010 Handling Request Errors.mp4
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011 Module Summary.mp4
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00:00 -
Section Quiz
11 – User Authentication
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Demo App Walkthrough.mp4
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003 How Does Authentication Work.mp4
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004 Backend Setup.mp4
00:00 -
005 Controlling Signup & Login Screens.mp4
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006 Sending Authentication Requests to the Backend.mp4
00:00 -
007 Creating New Users.mp4
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008 Logging Users In.mp4
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009 Authentication Error Handling.mp4
00:00 -
010 Storing & Managing the User Authentication State (with Context).mp4
00:00 -
011 Extracting the Authentication Token.mp4
00:00 -
012 Protecting Screens.mp4
00:00 -
013 Adding a Logout Functionality.mp4
00:00 -
014 Accessing Protected Resources.mp4
00:00 -
015 Storing Auth Tokens on the Device & Logging Users In Automatically.mp4
00:00 -
016 A Note About Token Expiration.html
00:00 -
017 Module Summary.mp4
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00:00 -
Section Quiz
12 – Using Native Device Features (Camera, Location & More)
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Adding a Favorite Places List.mp4
00:00 -
003 Editing the Favorite Place Items.mp4
00:00 -
004 Adding an Add Place Screen + Navigation.mp4
00:00 -
005 Adding a Header Button.mp4
00:00 -
006 Global Colors & Styling.mp4
00:00 -
007 Getting Started with a Custom Form.mp4
00:00 -
008 Adding & Configuring the Camera Package (for Native Camera Access).mp4
00:00 -
009 Taking Photos on Android.mp4
00:00 -
010 Taking Photos on iOS + Managing Permissions.mp4
00:00 -
011 Showing an Image Preview.mp4
00:00 -
012 Creating a Custom Button.mp4
00:00 -
013 Getting Started with the Location Picker.mp4
00:00 -
014 Locating Users.mp4
00:00 -
015 Adding a Location Preview Map.mp4
00:00 -
016 Adding an Interactive Map (Google Maps & Apple Maps).mp4
00:00 -
017 Allowing Map Interaction & Adding Markers.mp4
00:00 -
018 Confirming Picked Locations.mp4
00:00 -
019 Previewing Picked Locations.mp4
00:00 -
020 Adding a Form Submit Button.mp4
00:00 -
021 Managing Location & Image State in the Form.mp4
00:00 -
022 Converting Picked Locations to Human-Readable Addresses.mp4
00:00 -
023 Passing Entered Data to the AllPlaces Screen.mp4
00:00 -
024 Outputting a List Of Places.mp4
00:00 -
025 Styling Place Items.mp4
00:00 -
026 SQLite Getting Started & Initialization.mp4
00:00 -
027 Preparing Code to Insert Data into the SQLite Database.mp4
00:00 -
028 Inserting Places into the Database.mp4
00:00 -
029 Fetching Places from the Database.mp4
00:00 -
030 Adding the Place Details Screen.mp4
00:00 -
031 Fetching Place Detail Data from the Database.mp4
00:00 -
032 Showing a Readonly Map.mp4
00:00 -
033 Module Summary.mp4
00:00 -
00:00 -
Section Quiz
13 – Building React Native Apps Without Expo
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 How Exactly Does Expo Work.mp4
00:00 -
003 Expo Alternatives.mp4
00:00 -
004 Setting Up Our System.mp4
00:00 -
005 Using Expo’s Bare Workflow.mp4
00:00 -
006 Using Native Device Features with the Bare Workflow.mp4
00:00 -
007 Ejecting To The Bare Workflow.mp4
00:00 -
008 Creating Projects with the React Native CLI (no Expo).mp4
00:00 -
009 Non-Expo Apps & Native Device Features.mp4
00:00 -
010 Module Summary.mp4
00:00 -
Section Quiz
14 – Publishing React Native Apps
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Publishing Apps An Overview.mp4
00:00 -
003 Key Configuration Items & Considerations.mp4
00:00 -
004 Configuring App Names & Versions.mp4
00:00 -
005 A Quick Note About Environment Variables.mp4
00:00 -
006 Adding Icons & A Splash Screen.mp4
00:00 -
007 Building Expo Apps with EAS.mp4
00:00 -
008 EAS for iOS (even on Windows Devices).mp4
00:00 -
009 Building for iOS Without Expo.mp4
00:00 -
010 Building for Android Without Expo.mp4
00:00 -
011 Configuring Android Apps.html
00:00 -
00:00 -
Section Quiz
15 – Push Notifications
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 What are (Local) Notifications.mp4
00:00 -
003 Adding the Expo Notification Package.mp4
00:00 -
004 Scheduling Notifications.mp4
00:00 -
005 Configuring Scheduled Notifications.html
00:00 -
006 Handling Incoming Notifications.mp4
00:00 -
007 Local Notifications – Permissions.html
00:00 -
008 Reacting To Incoming Notifications.mp4
00:00 -
009 Reacting To User Interaction With Incoming Notifications.mp4
00:00 -
010 Understanding Push Notifications.mp4
00:00 -
011 Push Notifications Setup.mp4
00:00 -
012 Using the Push Token.mp4
00:00 -
013 Sending Push Notifications.mp4
00:00 -
014 Module Summary.mp4
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Section Quiz
16 – Course Roundup
001 Course Roundup.mp4
17 – Bonus JavaScript Refresher
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 JavaScript – A Summary.mp4
00:00 -
003 Project Setup.html
00:00 -
004 Core Syntax Refresher.mp4
00:00 -
005 let & const.mp4
00:00 -
006 Arrow Functions.mp4
00:00 -
007 Objects Properties & Methods.mp4
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008 Arrays & Array Methods.mp4
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009 Arrays, Objects & Reference Types.mp4
00:00 -
010 Spread Operator & Rest Parameters.mp4
00:00 -
011 Destructuring.mp4
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012 Async Code & Promises.mp4
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013 Wrap Up.mp4
00:00 -
014 Module Resources.html
00:00 -
00:00 -
Section Quiz
18 – Bonus React.js Refresher
001 Module Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 What is React.mp4
00:00 -
003 A Starting Project.mp4
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004 Understanding JSX.mp4
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005 Understanding Components.mp4
00:00 -
006 Working with Multiple Components.mp4
00:00 -
007 Working with Props.mp4
00:00 -
008 Rendering Lists of Data.mp4
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009 Handling Events.mp4
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010 Parent-Child Communication.mp4
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011 Managing State.mp4
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012 More on State.mp4
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013 User Input & Two-Way Binding.mp4
00:00 -
014 Wrap Up.mp4
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015 Module Resources.html
00:00 -
Section Quiz
19 – Bonus
001 Legacy Course Content.html
00:00 -
002 This Course Was Updated Update Information.mp4
00:00 -
003 Course Update Information & FAQs.html
00:00 -
004 Bonus More Content!.html
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