Mastering RTOS: Hands on FreeRTOS and STM32Fx with Debugging

About Course
>> The Complete FreeRTOS Course with Programming and Debugging <<
Latest update: RTOS debugging using SEGGER SystemView Trace tools, STM32 hal. Peripheral APIs and More examples are added.
Subtitles(CCs) and transcripts are available for this course.
Dedicated Support team to answer Q/A
The course is designed for Beginners to Advanced audience.
Short Description:
“The Biggest objective of this course is to demystifying RTOS practically using FreeRTOS and STM32 MCUs”
STEP-by-STEP guide to port/run FreeRTOS using development setup which includes,
1) STM32CUBEIDE + STM32F4xx + FreeRTOS + SEGGER SystemView
Demystifying the complete Architecture (ARM Cortex M) related code of FreeRTOS which will massively help you to put this kernel on any target hardware of your choice.
Development board used in this course:
If you already have an STM32 Based development board, then please continue using the same. The course uses STM32F407x DISCOVERY(STM32F407G-DISC1) board
Software used in this course:
1) STM32CUBEIDE which can run on all OS platforms(WIN/OSX/LINUX) (free)
2) SEGGER Systemview software free edition
Operating system information:
Debugging FreeRTOS with SEGGER SYSVIEW software
In this course debugging freeRTOS with SEGGER Systemview software is covered with STEP-BY-STEP guidance. please watch the preview videos.
Embedded Debugging and Quizzes
Debugging embedded code is really interesting and learning various debugging techniques and features are very much essential to have a good grip on embedded debugging.
Also, the course consists of various interview questions which will test your knowledge gained !.
My promise!
I will personally answer your questions about this material, either privately or in a group discussion. If you are in any way not satisfied, for any reason, you can get, No questions asked a full refund from Udemy within 30 days. But I am confident you won’t need to. I stand behind this course 100% and am committed to helping you.
Learning order of FastBit Embedded Brain Academy Courses,
If you are a beginner in the field of embedded systems, then you can take our courses in the below-mentioned order.
This is just a recommendation from the instructor for beginners.
1) Microcontroller Embedded C Programming: absolute beginners(Embedded C)
2) Embedded Systems Programming on ARM Cortex-M3/M4 Processor(ARM Cortex M4 Processor specific)
3) Mastering Microcontroller with Embedded Driver Development(MCU1)
4) Mastering Microcontroller: TIMERS, PWM, CAN, RTC,LOW POWER(MCU2)
5) Mastering Microcontroller: STM32-LTDC, LCD-TFT, LVGL(MCU3)
6) Embedded System Design using UML State Machines(State machine)
7) Mastering RTOS: Hands-on FreeRTOS and STM32Fx with Debugging(RTOS)
8) ARM Cortex M Microcontroller DMA Programming Demystified(DMA)
9) STM32Fx Microcontroller Custom Bootloader Development(Bootloader)
10) Embedded Linux Step by Step using Beaglebone Black(Linux)
11) Linux device driver programming using Beaglebone Black(LDD1)
Course Content
Overview of the course
A Message from the Professor
What is this course all about
RTOS Introduction
Development board used in our courses
IDE install (OpenSTM32 System Workbench)
Downloading and Installing FreeRTOS
Creating FreeRTOS based project for STM32 MCUs
FreeRTOS Task Creation
FreeRTOS Hello World App and Testing on hardware
Semi hosting and UART setup
FreeRTOS app debugging using SEGGER SystemView Tools
IDLE Task and Timer Svc Task of FreerRTOS
FreeRTOS Scheduler
FreeRTOS and ARM Cortex Mx Arch. Specific details
Context switching
Exercise Button and LED Task and Interrupt Coding
FreeRTOS Task Notification
FreeRTOS Licensing model and API interface
Overview of FreeRTOS Memory manage, STACK and Synchronization services
FreeRTOS Kernel Coding Style
FreeRTOS Task Deletion
ARM Cortex M Interrupt Priority and FreeRTOS Task Priority
Interrupt safe APIs and Task yielding
FreeRTOS Task States
FreeRTOS Importance of Delay APIs
FreeRTOS Hook Functions
FreeRTOS Scheduling Policies
FreeRTOS Queue Management
Semaphore for Synchronization, mutual exclusion and Interrupt Management
Mutual exclusion
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