Java Spring Tutorial Masterclass – Learn Spring Framework 5
About Course
Learn Java Spring 5 for Free: Masterclass for Beginners
Unlock the power of Java Spring Framework 5 and become a highly sought-after developer. This comprehensive course, provided completely free of charge on Theetay, will guide you from beginner to expert, equipping you with the essential skills to build robust and scalable Java applications.
Taught by industry-leading experts Tim Buchalka and Goran Lochert, this Masterclass covers core concepts like Spring Core, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot 2.0, laying a solid foundation for your Spring journey. You’ll also learn to utilize Thymeleaf 4 and Maven 3, essential tools for efficient application development. Dive into the world of Spring Data, JPA, Hibernate, and Gradle, allowing you to seamlessly integrate with databases and build complex systems.
This course, originally developed for Spring 4 and featuring Eclipse IDE, has been fully upgraded to Spring 5 and uses the powerful JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, providing you with the latest industry standards.
No prior experience with Spring is needed, but a basic understanding of Java programming is essential. If you’ve completed the Java Masterclass on Udemy (or similar training), you’ll be well-prepared to tackle this course.
Get started today and join a community of dedicated learners who benefit from weekly support and a 30-day money-back guarantee. It’s risk-free learning, ensuring you gain valuable Spring skills or receive a full refund.
This course, originally available on Udemy, is now completely free to access on Theetay. Get your free copy now and start your journey towards becoming a Java Spring expert.
Keywords: Java Spring, Spring Framework, Spring 5, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring Data, JPA, Hibernate, Gradle, Maven, Thymeleaf, Java, Java EE, Udemy, Free Courses, Online Courses, Theetay
What Will You Learn?
- Be able to apply in confidence for Spring developer jobs.
- Master the core skills needed to become a Spring Framework developer.
- Obtain the skills to create your own Spring 5 projects.
- Confidently be able to transition to other Java EE technologies.
- Learn industry "Best Practices" for Spring 5 development from professional developers.
- Have the ability to demonstrate your knowledge of Spring Framework development.
- Understand core technologies like Spring Core, Spring MVC, and other technologies.
- Know how Spring fits in the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) space.
Course Content
Course Introduction
A Message from the Professor
Install and Setup
Which Version Of Java
04:33 -
Installing JDK 11 on Windows
05:41 -
Installing and Configuring IntelliJ IDEA on Windows
10:30 -
Installing JDK 11 on a Mac
02:46 -
Installing and Configuring IntelliJ IDEA on a Mac
11:13 -
Installing JDK 11 on a Linux Machine
07:20 -
Installing and Configuring IntelliJ IDEA on a Linux Machine
NEW Spring 5 – Maven and your first project
Your Programming Careers Questions Answered
01:52 -
Spring 5 Feature Overview
02:08 -
Maven and Other Tools
04:13 -
Creating a Maven Project
06:31 -
Importing Maven Projects
01:56 -
Maven Lifecycle Plugin and Goals
04:05 -
Fix our Maven Project
New Spring 5 – Logging with SLF4J & Logback
What is Logging
07:05 -
Using Logging with Logback
13:21 -
Logback Configuration
New Spring 5 – Multi module Spring Project
Project Overview
04:12 -
Create Multi Module Project
08:29 -
Project Setup
14:30 -
Using a Spring Container
17:12 -
Implementing the Game
12:15 -
Constructor Based Dependency Injection
07:50 -
Setter Based Dependency Injection
03:44 -
Setter or Constructor
04:48 -
Using Bean Lifecycle Callbacks
13:12 -
XML or Annotation Configuration
05:53 -
Autowiring Beans
09:58 -
Beans as Components
08:34 -
Using Java Annotation Configuration
09:54 -
Message Generator Challenge
10:02 -
Implementing MessageGenerator Logic
06:01 -
Console Module Setup Challenge
10:55 -
Application Events
08:18 -
Finish Game Logic
07:19 -
Using Qualifiers
11:49 -
Creating Custom Annotations
06:28 -
Using Properties
10:46 -
minNumber Challenge
09:11 -
Code Cleanup and Constructor Injection
10:17 -
Code Cleanup Challenge
New Spring 5 – Lombok Introduction
Lombok Introduction
05:15 -
Setup Lombok
13:14 -
Using Lombok
05:59 -
Lombok Challenge
New Spring 5 – Spring MVC
Spring MVC Introduction
02:51 -
Creating todo List Project
01:37 -
Project Setup Challenge
11:17 -
Setup Maven War Plugin
09:46 -
Setup Maven Cargo Plugin and Tomcat
08:09 -
Setup Dispatcher Servlet
15:50 -
Simple Controller
11:34 -
View Resolver and View
13:54 -
Spring MVC Request Processing
03:12 -
Model and Model Attributes
11:05 -
Simple Service Challenge
10:34 -
Request Parameters
08:24 -
Project Requirements
01:39 -
ToDo Item Class
09:19 -
ToDo Data Class
14:48 -
Creating the Todo Item Controller
08:38 -
Creating View and Basic JSTL tags
10:15 -
Todo Item Service Challenge
11:18 -
Implementing the Add Item Feature
11:38 -
Implementing Post Redirect Get Pattern
09:28 -
Home View and Navigation
17:55 -
Delete Item Challenge
04:48 -
Implement Edit Item Feature
12:02 -
View Item Challenge
New Spring 5 – Spring Boot 2 Introduction
Introduction to Spring Boot 2
02:05 -
Using Spring Initializr
05:27 -
Understanding Spring Boot Project Structure
09:24 -
Simple Spring Boot Application
New Spring 5 – Spring Boot 2 And Thymeleaf 3
Add Spring Boot to an Existing Project
16:10 -
Spring Boot Web Module
08:05 -
Thymeleaf Introduction
02:25 -
Setup Thymeleaf and Initial Template
13:31 -
Spring Boot Developer Tools
08:21 -
Game Service Challenge
09:32 -
Play Thymeleaf Template
18:21 -
Thymeleaf Preprocessing
12:19 -
Thymeleaf Template Challenge
13:47 -
Thymeleaf Fragments
13:23 -
Thymeleaf Fragment Challenge
05:55 -
Thymeleaf Decoupled Template Logic
17:32 -
Thymeleaf Decoupled Template Logic Challenge
15:10 -
Bug Fixes
01:17 -
Spring Internationalization
24:26 -
Thmyeleaf Internationalization Challenge
14:27 -
Message Generator Internationalization Main Message
09:44 -
Message Generator Internationalization Result Message
12:24 -
Request Interception
13:26 -
Locale Change Interceptor
08:11 -
Thymeleaf Recap
New Spring 5 – Gradle Introduction
What is Gradle
03:26 -
Creating a Gradle Spring Boot Project
05:44 -
Gradle Build Lifecycle Projects and Tasks
02:24 -
Understanding the Gradle Scripts
06:08 -
Running Gradle Tasks
06:32 -
Simple Spring Gradle Application
New Spring 5 – Gradle Multi Module Project Setup
Creating a Spring Boot Project Challenge
05:56 -
Configure Gradle Multi-module Project
15:08 -
Configure Sub Modules
08:18 -
Testing our Project
07:43 -
More Content
OLD – Installation & Setup – Part 1
Install JDK for Windows
05:15 -
Install Eclipse for Windows
07:54 -
Install Tomcat for Windows
06:29 -
Configure Tomcat Within Eclipse for Windows
08:14 -
Install JDK for Mac
02:44 -
Install Eclipse for Mac
07:34 -
Install Tomcat for Mac
06:05 -
Configure Tomcat Within Eclipse for Mac
06:42 -
Install JDK for Linux
04:20 -
Install Eclipse for Linux
08:31 -
Install and Configure Tomcat for Linux
OLD – Introduction to Java – EE
Introduction to JEE
05:34 -
Exploring Java EE basics Drilling into the Concepts
09:18 -
Exploring Java EE basics Building the Servlet
09:50 -
Exploring Java EE basics Creating a JSP and running the App
11:38 -
Exploring Java EE basics Adding a Service layer to the mix
09:24 -
Exploring Java EE basics Adding JSTL Library Support
06:08 -
Exploring Java EE basics JSTL in JSP
OLD – Installation & Setup – Part 2
Overview of Spring Tooling
06:12 -
Install Spring IDE
04:13 -
Installing Maven
05:00 -
Creating a Maven Project
12:44 -
Understanding the Project Object Model
OLD – Introducing Spring Framework
Why Spring
03:34 -
Overview of the Spring Framework
06:35 -
Spring Framework vs JEE
09:42 -
Introducing the Spring IoC container
10:56 -
Spring IoC container Accessing metadata from the file system
14:19 -
Spring IoC container Accessing metadata from the classpath
09:21 -
Spring IoC Container Challenge
12:26 -
Setting Constructor Arguments using the Spring bean config file
17:58 -
Setting Properties using the Spring bean config file
12:57 -
Setter based Dependency Injection in Spring
09:46 -
Setter based Dependency Injection in Spring continued
08:21 -
Spring Setter based Dependency Injection in Spring Running the App
11:25 -
Constructor based Dependency Injection in Spring
16:05 -
Spring Constructor based Dependency Injection Running the App
OLD – Introducing Spring MVC
Creating Spring MVC Project Infrastructure
10:12 -
Adding dependencies in an alternative way in a Spring MVC Project
08:13 -
Adding Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet
13:21 -
Building the Spring Controller – C part of MVC
10:26 -
Context and MVC Configuration
05:14 -
Autowiring collaborating objects in Spring
07:49 -
Bringing View Resolver in the mix and running the App
OLD – Bean Configuration
Bean scopes for a Spring Bean
03:11 -
Spring bean scopes Singleton and Prototype
10:46 -
Spring bean sc
10:00 -
Spring bean sc
07:46 -
Spring bean sc
08:47 -
Customize Spring Bean with Callbacks
11:19 -
Standard Naming for Spring Bean Callbacks
09:03 -
Spring Bean instantiation using Static Factory and Instance Factory methods
12:03 -
Spring Bean Definition with C Namespace
16:50 -
Spring Bean Definition with P Namespace
OLD – Configuring Spring with Annotations
Pros and Cons of Spring Configuration Annotations vs XML
07:23 -
Autowiring Spring Beans creating project infrastructure
12:04 -
Autowiring Spring Beans using set
12:10 -
Spring Beans as Components Cutting down on xml config
08:18 -
Handling Properties in Spring using XML config
12:19 -
Handling Properties in Spring mixing XML with Annotations
10:34 -
Handling Properties in Spring using pure Annotations creating infrastructure
13:33 -
Handling Properties in Spring using pure Annotations building and running the a
OLD – Introducing MySQL
Install MySQL for Windows
15:00 -
Install MySQL on Mac
12:17 -
Install MySQL on Linux
11:07 -
MySQL Workbench Basics Environment and table creation
11:13 -
MySQL Workbench Basics Insert and Export
OLD – Working with Spring JDBC
Introduction to Spring JDBC
05:16 -
CRUD with Spring JDBC Template Project Setup
14:53 -
CRUD with Spring JDBC Template Creating DAO Layer
12:17 -
CRUD with Spring JDBC Template XML config & Property file
14:16 -
CRUD with Spring JDBC Template More with DAOs
17:57 -
CRUD with Spring JDBC Template DAO and Test Harness
16:07 -
CRUD with Spring JDBC Template Building App and executing Test Harness
10:25 -
CRUD with Spring JDBC Template Expanding DAO Layer further
15:32 -
Spring JDBC Exceptions an Overview
10:06 -
Spring Named Parameters Template Understanding the API
10:37 -
Spring Named Parameters Template Building the DAO
12:39 -
Spring Named Parameters Template Components and Testing
OLD – Spring MVC in Depth – Part 1
Spring Java Config Creating the project infrastructure
12:59 -
Spring Java Config Creating the Java and Web Configuration
15:26 -
Spring Java Config Running the App
06:58 -
Fix minor error in WebMvcConfig
04:11 -
JNDI Datasource Building the Spring Service and Controller
14:34 -
JNDI Datasource Conceptual Overview and Configuration
13:56 -
JNDI Datasource Building views and Running the App
17:13 -
Spring MVC Architecture Going Deeper
06:40 -
Spring Handler Mapping Customization Creating the infrastructure
16:20 -
Spring Handler Mapping Customization Seeing the effect of customization
13:50 -
Spring Interceptors an Introduction
13:39 -
Spring Interceptors Integrating and building views with CSS inline styling
14:37 -
Spring Interceptors Continuing building the views with CSS Internal styling
14:31 -
Spring Interceptors Continue building views with mixed styling
12:30 -
Spring Interceptors Running the app with a closing summary
12:26 -
Introducing Logging
08:07 -
Logging Working with S
11:14 -
Logging LOG4J implementation and introducing Lo
09:59 -
Logging Continuing with log4j and getting to know Conversion Patterns
15:00 -
Logging Configuring and wrapping up
10:19 -
Spring Interceptors Invoking all the Interceptor methods
11:45 -
Spring Interceptors Running the app and wrapping up!
OLD – Spring MVC in Depth – Part 2
Section Overview
01:51 -
RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth Introduction & test harness
11:32 -
RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth Class level mapping
13:11 -
RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth Wrapping up first test
08:10 -
RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth method attribute & fallback
12:40 -
RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth defaultAttribute and default naming
09:07 -
RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth resolving ambiguous request mapping
15:45 -
RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth multiple request mapping
14:04 -
Model Attributes on Methods in-depth Adding multiple attributes
18:29 -
Model Attributes on Methods in-depth working with ‘name’ attribute
08:59 -
Model Attributes on Methods in-depth working with ‘value’ attribute
10:12 -
Model Attributes on Methods in-depth working with ModelAndView API
10:08 -
Model Attributes on Methods in-depth Introducing Spring Form Tag and Elements
19:56 -
Model Attributes on Methods in-depth Exploring ModelAndView API
12:51 -
Model Attributes on Methods in-depth Default data binding
07:38 -
Model Attributes on Methods in-depth Implicit resolution of logical view name
10:10 -
Session Attributes Creating the project infrastructure
19:16 -
Session Attributes Bringing in the Controller
19:33 -
Session Attributes Adding the JSPs
16:41 -
Session Attributes Cranking the Java configuration
15:56 -
Session Attributes Testing our application
15:48 -
Session Attribute & Request Attribute an Introduction
06:11 -
Session Attribute & Request Attribute Applying to Interceptor and Controller
15:21 -
Session Attrib
OLD – Spring MVC in Depth – Part 3 (Forms and Validation)
Spring Form Tags An Overview
08:08 -
Spring Form Tags Creating project infrastructure – part 1
11:58 -
Spring Form Tags Creating project infrastructure – part 2
09:53 -
Spring Form Tags SELECT tags – part 1
22:38 -
Spring Form Tags SELECT tags – part 2
10:47 -
Spring Form Tags SELECT tags – part 3
17:11 -
Spring Form Tags CHECKBOX tags – part 1
15:58 -
Spring Form Tags CHECKBOX tags – part 2
14:37 -
Spring Form Tags CHECKBOX tags – part 3
07:48 -
Spring Form Tags CHECKBOXES tags
10:59 -
17:02 -
Spring Form Validation an Introduction
05:11 -
Spring Form Validation Creating the project Infrastructure
19:48 -
Spring Form Validation Creating the JSPs
21:01 -
Spring Form Validation Running the first validation test
09:41 -
Spring Form Validation Working with @Size and @Notblank validations
07:58 -
Spring Form Validation Introducing Custom Validation Constraints
07:27 -
Spring Form Validation Creating our first Custom Validation Constraint
18:07 -
Spring Form Validation Regular Expression Validation
13:17 -
Spring Form Validation Using Apache Commons API Validator
14:00 -
Spring Form Validation Class Level Validation
15:38 -
Spring Form Validation Final Changes and Test
OLD – IntelliJ Spring Section
IntelliJ Spring Config and Test Import
18:08 -
Import Non Web Based Project
08:33 -
Build Spring MVC Demo
11:24 -
Controller Service and JSP
09:48 -
Welcome Service and Add Beans
OLD – New Spring 5 – Installation & Setup
Which version of Java should you use
05:16 -
How To Install The Java Development Kit (JDK) For Windows
04:48 -
Download and Install IntelliJ (FREE and PAID version) for Windows
09:53 -
How To Install The Java Development Kit (JDK) For Mac OS X
02:19 -
Download and Install IntelliJ (FREE and PAID version) on a Mac
09:40 -
How To Install The Java Development Kit (JDK) For Ubuntu Linux
04:36 -
Install and Configure IntelliJ (FREE and PAID version) for Ubuntu Linux
Extra Information – Source code, and other stuff
Bonus Lecture and Information
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