(Udemy) Introduction to Batteries (saVRee 3D)
About Course
Unlock the secrets of battery technology with this free online course, available on Theetay.com! Learn the fundamentals of how batteries work, from basic principles to advanced applications. This comprehensive course covers everything from essential terminology like Ah, specific gravity, and voltaic cells to battery construction, different battery designs, and potential hazards. You’ll explore topics like:
- The chemical reactions that power batteries
- Types of batteries, including lead acid, nickel-cadmium, and mercury
- Battery operations in series, parallel, primary, and secondary configurations
This course is perfect for anyone interested in battery technology, including professionals in electrical engineering, automobile engineering, power engineering, oil and gas, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering. Interactive 3D models, 2D images, high-quality written content, and audio narration make learning engaging and accessible.
This free course is brought to you by Theetay.com, your gateway to the best free online courses from platforms like Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, and NearPeer. Enroll now and gain valuable knowledge and skills in the field of battery technology!
Course Content
03:47 -
Course Material Download Link
Battery Terminology
Battery Construction
Battery Theory
Battery Operations
Types of Batteries
Battery Hazards
Final Thoughts
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