(Udemy) Creating WordPress Plugins The Right Way (Marcelo Xavier Vieira)

About Course
Learn how to create WordPress plugins with this comprehensive course from Udemy. Taught by experienced developer Marcelo Xavier Vieira, this course will guide you through the process of building powerful and effective plugins using native WordPress tools.
This course is designed for programmers, web developers, and designers who want to enhance their WordPress skills. It will teach you how to:
- Use WordPress action hooks and filters to control plugin behavior
- Structure projects with PHP classes and objects
- Utilize native WordPress APIs for plugin creation
- Create custom post types, taxonomies, menus, and widgets
- Manage plugin stylesheets and JavaScript
- Install, deactivate, and uninstall plugins
- Control plugin templates and create template override systems
- Develop theme support for your plugin
- Manage custom tables for your plugin using the $wpdb class
- Enable user data submission and create user accounts
- Ensure plugin security with nonces, escaping, validation, and sanitization
- Create translatable plugins for international audiences
This course includes three projects: a dynamic slideshow plugin, a testimonial plugin, and a complex plugin utilizing custom tables. You’ll gain hands-on experience with essential WordPress concepts and best practices. This course is completely free and available on Theetay.
What Will You Learn?
- Learn how to create your own WordPress plugins with three amazing projects
- Master the native WordPress APIs, work with your own tables, post types, shortcodes, widgets
- Become independent of third-party tools by understanding in-depth how plugins work
- Learn how to work with separate tables in WordPress using the powerful $wpdb class
Course Content
A Message from the Professor
09:55 -
General Instructions (MUST WATCH)
Before You Begin
Initial tips on tools used in this course
10:36 -
What are action and filter hooks
12:29 -
Action Hooks
10:57 -
Project #1 – MV Slider
Getting to know the MV Slider plugin project
08:07 -
Structuring the plugin
12:47 -
Plugins with classes Vs Plugins without classes
07:26 -
Defining constants
04:23 -
Activate deactivate and uninstall methods
09:59 -
Creating the custom post type (CPT) for the plugin – part 1
08:24 -
Creating the custom post type (CPT) for the plugin – part 2
20:58 -
Metabox API – What are metaboxes
08:51 -
Metabox API – Adding metaboxes
08:01 -
Metabox API – Creating forms for the metabox
03:57 -
Metabox API – Saving metabox’s data
12:57 -
Metabox API – Validating and sanitizing data
09:59 -
Metabox API – Escaping data
09:12 -
Metabox API – Nonces and other validations
09:56 -
Metabox API – Adding values to the post type table
11:15 -
Adding menus to admin (part 1)
11:14 -
Adding menus to admin (part 2)
07:54 -
Settings + Options API – Introduction
04:35 -
Settings + Options API – Creating the form
05:50 -
Settings + Options API – Adding sections and fields (part 1)
11:19 -
Settings + Options API – Adding sections and fields (part 2)
06:31 -
Settings + Options API – Adding sections and fields (part 3)
15:47 -
Settings + Options API – Passing arguments to the created fields
06:46 -
Settings + Options API – Validating fields
08:12 -
Settings + Options API – Managing permissions and error messages
07:09 -
Settings + Options API – Splitting sections into tabs
08:04 -
Shortcode API – Introduction
03:42 -
Shortcode API – Creating the shortcode class
10:17 -
Shortcode API – Downloading Flexslider’s base files
05:15 -
Shortcode API – Creating the shortcode’s view (part 1)
09:21 -
Shortcode API – Creating the shortcode’s view (part 2)
09:49 -
Shortcode API – Creating the shortcode’s view (part 3)
07:51 -
Shortcode API – Registering and enqueuing scripts( part 1)
10:56 -
Shortcode API – Registering and enqueuing scripts( part 2)
05:29 -
Shortcode API – Making some options dynamic ( part 1)
05:06 -
Shortcode API – Making some options dynamic ( part 2)
02:35 -
Shortcode API – Making some options dynamic ( part 3)
16:24 -
Translating the plugin (part 1)
05:36 -
Translating the plugin (part 2)
07:57 -
Translating the plugin (part 3)
09:33 -
Translating the plugin (part 4)
06:04 -
Translating the plugin (part 5)
05:20 -
Translating the plugin (part 6)
08:31 -
Uninstalling the plugin
Project #2 – MV Testimonials
Getting to know the MV Testimonials plugin project
06:57 -
Creating the custom post type (CPT) for the plugin
08:43 -
Creating custom fields with the Metabox API (part 1)
06:10 -
Creating custom fields with the Metabox API (part 2)
10:08 -
Widget API – Introduction
07:05 -
Widget API – Creating the widget’s class
09:52 -
Widget API – Creating the widget’s form
11:43 -
Widgets API – Saving widgets configuration data
08:12 -
Widgets API – Displaying the widget on the frontend (part 1)
05:48 -
Widgets API – Displaying the widget on the frontend (part 2)
11:50 -
Widgets API – Displaying the widget on the frontend (part 3)
03:53 -
Creating special templates for the plugin (part 1)
09:03 -
Creating special templates for the plugin (part 2)
11:40 -
Creating special templates for the plugin (part 3)
12:03 -
Creating special templates for the plugin (part 4)
11:41 -
Translating the plugin
04:26 -
Uninstalling the plugin
Project #3 – MV Translations
Getting to know the MV Translations plugin project
12:59 -
Advantages and disadvantages of custom tables
06:47 -
The $wpdb class – Creating a custom table
14:08 -
The $wpdb class – Creating pages upon plugin installation
10:31 -
Creating the CPT and the plugin’s taxonomy
18:08 -
The $wpdb class – Registering the table for use
08:56 -
The $wpdb class – Selecting data with the get_results method
11:35 -
The $wpdb class – Inserting data using the insert method
16:03 -
The $wpdb class – Updating data using the update method
08:41 -
The $wpdb class – Deleting data using the delete method
06:45 -
Creating the class for the first shortcode
06:35 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 1)
07:50 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 2)
08:16 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 3)
09:00 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 4)
06:14 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 5)
04:39 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 6)
14:02 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 7)
13:36 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 8)
09:31 -
Creating the view for the shortcode (part 9)
16:44 -
Creating the view for the edit shortcode (part 1)
12:45 -
Creating the view for the edit shortcode (part 2)
10:50 -
Creating a specialized template for the plugin (part 1)
10:43 -
Creating a specialized template for the plugin (part 2)
14:30 -
Displaying the author’s translations in the author’s archive
04:34 -
Translating the plugin
03:12 -
Uninstalling the plugin
Making your plugins customizable – Filters
08:20 -
Making your plugins customizable – Action hooks
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