Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job 2023
About Course
Looking to land your dream IT job? This free Linux training course, brought to you from popular platforms like Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and others, will equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to succeed in a Linux-based career. Taught by experienced instructor Imran Afzal, this comprehensive course covers everything from basic Linux concepts to advanced system administration, shell scripting, and networking. This course is perfect for beginners with little to no Linux experience. You’ll learn how to install, configure, and administer Linux systems, troubleshoot common issues, and master essential command-line tools.
This course also includes quizzes, homework, and handouts to reinforce your learning. It is ideal for those looking to prepare for industry-recognized Linux certifications, such as RHCSA, RHCE, LFCS, LPI, and CompTIA Linux+. Some key topics covered in this course include:
- Understanding Linux Concepts
- Downloading, Installing, and Configuring Linux
- System Access and File System
- Linux Fundamentals
- System Administration
- Shell Scripting
- Networking, Servers, and System Updates
- Disk Management and Run Levels
- Resume Workshop
- Interview Workshop
Enroll today and start your journey towards a successful IT career! This free course is available on Theetay.
What Will You Learn?
- By the end of this course you will be a professional Linux administrator and be able to apply for Linux jobs
- You will be able to take the EX-200 exam and become Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA - EX200)
- You will learn 200+ Linux system administration commands
- CentOS and Redhat version 7, 8 and 9
- You will gain advance Linux systems administration skills and have deep understanding of Linux fundamentals and concepts
- You will be able to troubleshoot everyday Linux related issues
- You will manage Linux servers in a corporate environment
- You will write basic to advance level shell scripts
- This course will prepare you for CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-004) and LPI Linux Essentials
- Understand the concept of permissions and how to set them for files and directories
Course Content
01 – Introduction
001 Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Good News.mp4
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003 Syllabus Overview.mp4
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004 Download Syllabus.html
00:00 -
005 Thank You.mp4
01 – Module 1 – Understanding Linux Concepts
001 Welcome to Module 1.mp4
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002 Everyday Linux.mp4
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003 What is Linux.mp4
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004 Unix vs. Linux.mp4
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005 Linux Distributions.mp4
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006 Linux Users.mp4
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007 Linux vs. Windows.mp4
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008 Module 1 Homework.html
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009 Module 1 Handouts.html
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Section Quiz
02 – Module 2 – Download, Install and Configure
001 Welcome to Module 2.mp4
00:00 -
002 Lab Design.mp4
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003 What is Virtual Box.mp4
00:00 -
004 Downloading and Installing Oracle VirtualBox.mp4
00:00 -
005 Download and Install VMWare Player (Optional).mp4
00:00 -
006 CentOS vs. CentOS Stream.mp4
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007 Different Ways to Install Linux.mp4
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008 Creating a Virtual Machine.mp4
00:00 -
009 Download and Install Linux (CentOS 7).mp4
00:00 -
010 Download and Install Linux (CentOS 8).mp4
00:00 -
011 Download and Install Linux (CentOS 9).mp4
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012 Option 2 – Linux Installation on Cloud.mp4
00:00 -
013 Message for Redhat Installation.mp4
00:00 -
014 Redhat Linux Installation (Optional).mp4
00:00 -
015 Ubuntu Linux Installation (Optional).mp4
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016 Take a snapshot of VM.mp4
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017 Virtual Machine Management.mp4
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018 Keyboard Keys Used in Linux.mp4
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019 Module 2 Homework.html
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020 Module 2 Handouts.html
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Section Quiz
03 – Module 3 – System Access and File System
001 Welcome to Module 3.mp4
00:00 -
002 Important Things to Remember in Linux.mp4
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003 Access to Linux System.mp4
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004 Download and Install Putty.mp4
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005 Access Linux via Putty or SSH command line.mp4
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006 Command Prompts and Getting Prompts Back.mp4
00:00 -
007 Introduction to Linux File System.mp4
00:00 -
008 FileSystem Structure and Description.mp4
00:00 -
009 File System Navigation Commands (cd , ls and pwd).mp4
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010 Linux File or Directory Properties.mp4
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011 Linux File Types.mp4
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012 What is root.mp4
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013 Changing Password.mp4
00:00 -
014 Absolute and Relative Paths.mp4
00:00 -
015 Creating Files and Directories (touch, cp, vi, mkdir).mp4
00:00 -
016 Copying directories.mp4
00:00 -
017 Finding Files and Directories (find, locate).mp4
00:00 -
018 Difference Between Find and Locate Commands.mp4
00:00 -
019 WildCards (, , ^, ()).mp4
00:00 -
020 Soft and Hard Links (ln).mp4
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021 Module 3 Homework.html
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022 Module 3 Handouts.html
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00:00 -
Section Quiz
04 – Module 4 – Linux Fundamentals
001 Welcome to Module 4.mp4
00:00 -
002 Linux Command Syntax.mp4
00:00 -
003 Files and Directory Permissions (chmod).mp4
00:00 -
004 File Permissions Using Numeric Mode.mp4
00:00 -
005 File Ownership Commands (chown, chgrp).mp4
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006 Access Control List (ACL).mp4
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007 Help Commands.mp4
00:00 -
008 TAB Completion and Up Arrow Keys.mp4
00:00 -
009 Adding Text to Files.mp4
00:00 -
010 Input and Output Redirects (, , , stdin, stdout and stderr).mp4
00:00 -
011 Standard Output to a File (tee command).mp4
00:00 -
012 Pipes ( ).mp4
00:00 -
013 File Maintenance Commands (cp, rm, mv, mkdir, rmdir).mp4
00:00 -
014 File Display Commands (cat, less, more, head, tail).mp4
00:00 -
015 Filters Text Processing Commands.mp4
00:00 -
016 cut – Text Processors Commands.mp4
00:00 -
017 awk – Text Processors Commands.mp4
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018 grepegrep – Text Processors Commands.mp4
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019 sortuniq – Text Processors Commands.mp4
00:00 -
020 wc – Text Processors Commands.mp4
00:00 -
021 Compare Files (diff and cmp).mp4
00:00 -
022 Compress and uncompress (tar, gzip, gunzip).mp4
00:00 -
023 Truncate File Size (truncate).mp4
00:00 -
024 Combining and Splitting Files.mp4
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025 Linux vs. Windows Commands.mp4
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026 Module 4 Homework.html
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027 Module 4 Handouts.html
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Section Quiz
05 – Module 5 – System Administration
001 Welcome to Module 5.mp4
00:00 -
002 Linux File Editor (vi).mp4
00:00 -
003 Difference between vi and vim Editors.mp4
00:00 -
004 sed Command.mp4
00:00 -
005 User Account Management (useradd, groupadd, usermod, userdel, groupdel).mp4
00:00 -
006 Enable Password Aging.mp4
00:00 -
007 Switch Users and Sudo Access (su, sudo).mp4
00:00 -
008 Monitor Users (who, last, w, id).mp4
00:00 -
009 Talking to Users (users, wall, write).mp4
00:00 -
010 Linux Directory Service – Account Authentication.mp4
00:00 -
011 Difference between Active Directory, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP etc.mp4
00:00 -
012 System Utility Commands (date, uptime, hostname, uname, which, cal, bc).mp4
00:00 -
013 Processes, Jobs and Scheduling.mp4
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014 systemctl command.mp4
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015 ps command.mp4
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016 top command.mp4
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017 kill command.mp4
00:00 -
018 crontab command.mp4
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019 at command.mp4
00:00 -
020 Additional cronjobs (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly).mp4
00:00 -
021 Process Management (bg, fg, nice).mp4
00:00 -
022 System Monitoring Commands (df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free, top).mp4
00:00 -
023 System Logs Monitor (varlog).mp4
00:00 -
024 System Maintenance Commands (shutdown, init, reboot, halt).mp4
00:00 -
025 Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl).mp4
00:00 -
026 Finding System Information (uname, dmidecode).mp4
00:00 -
027 Finding System Architecture (arch).mp4
00:00 -
028 Terminal Control Keys.mp4
00:00 -
029 Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script).mp4
00:00 -
030 Recover Root Password.mp4
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031 SOS Report.mp4
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032 Environment Variables.mp4
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033 Special Permissions with setuid, setgid and stick bit.mp4
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034 Module 5 Homework.html
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035 Module 5 Handouts.html
06 – Module 6 – Shell Scripting
001 Welcome to Module 6.mp4
00:00 -
002 Linux Kernel.mp4
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003 What is a Shell.mp4
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004 Types of Shells.mp4
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005 Shell Scripting.mp4
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006 Basic Shell Scripts.mp4
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007 Input and Output of Script.mp4
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008 if-then Scripts.mp4
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009 for Loop Scripts.mp4
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010 do-while Scripts.mp4
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011 Case Statement Scripts.mp4
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012 Check Remote Servers Connectivity.mp4
00:00 -
013 Aliases (alias).mp4
00:00 -
014 User and Global Aliases.mp4
00:00 -
015 Shell History (history).mp4
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016 Module 6 Homework.html
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017 Module 6 Handouts.html
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Section Quiz
07 – Module 7 – Networking, Services, and System Updates
001 Welcome to Module 7.mp4
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002 Enable Internet on Linux VM.mp4
00:00 -
003 Network Components.mp4
00:00 -
004 Network Files and Commands (ping, ifconfig, ifup, ifdown, netstat, tcpdump)
00:00 -
005 NIC Information (ethtool).mp4
00:00 -
006 NIC or Port Bonding.mp4
00:00 -
007 New Network Utilities (nmtui, nmcli, nm-connection-editor and GNOME Settings)
00:00 -
008 Downloading Files or Apps (wget).mp4
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009 curl and ping commands.mp4
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010 FTP – File Transfer Protocol.mp4
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011 SCP – Secure Copy Protocol.mp4
00:00 -
012 rsync – Remote Synchronization.mp4
00:00 -
013 System Updates and Repos (rpm, yum).mp4
00:00 -
014 System Upgrade and Patch Management.mp4
00:00 -
015 Create Local Repository (Yum Server).mp4
00:00 -
016 Advance Package Management.mp4
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017 Rollback Patches and Updates.mp4
00:00 -
018 SSH and Telnet.mp4
00:00 -
019 DNS – Download, Install and Configure (Domain Name Systems).mp4
00:00 -
020 Hostname or IP Lookup (nslookup and dig).mp4
00:00 -
021 Network Time Protocol (ntp).mp4
00:00 -
022 chronyd (New Version of NTP).mp4
00:00 -
023 New System Utility Command (timedatectl).mp4
00:00 -
024 Sendmail.mp4
00:00 -
025 Web Server (Apache – HTTP).mp4
00:00 -
026 Central Logger (rsyslog).mp4
00:00 -
027 Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening).mp4
00:00 -
028 OpenLDAP Installation.mp4
00:00 -
029 Tracing Network Traffic (traceroute).mp4
00:00 -
030 How to open Image File through Command Line.mp4
00:00 -
031 Configure and Secure SSH.mp4
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032 SSH-Keys – Access Remote Server without Password.mp4
00:00 -
033 Linux Web-Based Administration (cockpit).mp4
00:00 -
034 Firewall.mp4
00:00 -
035 Tune System Performance (tuned, nice and renice).mp4
00:00 -
036 Run Containers – dockers and podman.mp4
00:00 -
037 Kickstart (Automate Linux Installation).mp4
00:00 -
038 DHCP Server.mp4
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039 Module 7 Homework.html
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040 Module 7 Handouts.html
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00:00 -
Section Quiz
08 – Module 8 – Disk Management and Run Levels
001 Welcome to Module 8.mp4
00:00 -
002 System Run Levels (0 thru 6).mp4
00:00 -
003 Computer Boot Process.mp4
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004 Linux Boot Process.mp4
00:00 -
005 Linux Boot Process (Newer Versions).mp4
00:00 -
006 Message of the Day.mp4
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007 Customize Message of the Day.mp4
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008 Storage.mp4
00:00 -
009 Disk Partition (df, fdisk).mp4
00:00 -
010 Add Disk and Create Standard Partition.mp4
00:00 -
011 Logical Volume Managment (LVM).mp4
00:00 -
012 LVM Configuration During Installation.mp4
00:00 -
013 Add Disk and Create New LVM Partition (pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate,).mp4
00:00 -
014 Extend Disk using LVM.mp4
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015 Adding Swap Space.mp4
00:00 -
016 Advance Storage Management with Stratis.mp4
00:00 -
017 RAID.mp4
00:00 -
018 File System Check (fsck and xfs_repair).mp4
00:00 -
019 System Backup (dd Command).mp4
00:00 -
020 Network File System (NFS).mp4
00:00 -
021 Samba Installation and Configuration.mp4
00:00 -
022 NAS Drive for NFS or Samba.mp4
00:00 -
023 SATA and SAS.mp4
00:00 -
024 Difference Between CentOSRedhat 5, 6 and 7.mp4
00:00 -
025 Difference Between CentOSRHEL 7 and 8.mp4
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026 Module 8 Homework.html
00:00 -
027 Module 8 Handouts.html
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Section Quiz
09 – Module 9 – All About Resume
001 Welcome to Module 9.mp4
00:00 -
002 Resume Workshop.mp4
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003 Resume design and format.mp4
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004 Grammatical mistakes.mp4
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005 Objective or Summary.mp4
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006 Support your Resume.mp4
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007 Cover Letter.mp4
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008 Post Resume and What to Expect.mp4
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009 Linux Administrator Job Duties.mp4
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010 Exposure to Other Technologies.mp4
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011 Module 9 Homework.html
00:00 -
012 Module 9 Handouts.html
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Section Quiz
10 – Module 10 – All About Interview
001 Welcome to Module 10.mp4
00:00 -
002 What is IT.mp4
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003 Facts about IT.mp4
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004 Linux Operating System Jobs.mp4
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005 IT Management Jobs.mp4
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006 Interview Workshop.mp4
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007 College degree.mp4
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008 IT Certification.mp4
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009 IT related diplomas.mp4
00:00 -
010 New to IT (A+ Certification).mp4
00:00 -
011 Review Competitive Resumes.mp4
00:00 -
012 Redhat Certifications (RHCSA, RHCE etc.).mp4
00:00 -
013 Join Linux Communities and Forums.mp4
00:00 -
014 300+ Interview Questions.html
00:00 -
015 Module 10 Homework.html
00:00 -
016 Module 10 Handouts.html
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00:00 -
Section Quiz
11 – Course Recap
001 Welcome to Course Recap.mp4
00:00 -
002 Commands We Have Learned.mp4
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003 Don’t Give up.mp4
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004 Congratulations.mp4
00:00 -
005 Recap – Handout.html
12 – Additional Resources
001 Welcome to Additional Resources.mp4
00:00 -
002 Troubleshooting Putty Connection.mp4
00:00 -
003 Changing Default File Permissions (umask).mp4
00:00 -
004 Create VM on VMWare Player.mp4
00:00 -
005 Install Oracle Virtualbox on MAC.mp4
00:00 -
006 Install Oracle Guest Addition (Tools).mp4
00:00 -
007 Filesystem Color Definition.mp4
00:00 -
008 Troubleshooting File Issues.mp4
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009 Troubleshooting Change Directory Issues.mp4
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010 Fixing Corrupted FileSystem.mp4
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011 Linux System Performance Issues.mp4
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012 IP Assigned but not Reachable.mp4
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013 Remove Un-necessary or Orphan Packages.mp4
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014 SELinux.mp4
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015 Types of Security Threats.mp4
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016 Running Linux on Web Browser.mp4
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017 Improve Typing Skills.mp4
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018 What is Virtualization and its Benefits.mp4
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019 Introduction to VMWare.mp4
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020 Additional Resources – Handout.html
00:00 -
Section Quiz
13 – Bonus
001 Welcome to Bonus Section.mp4
00:00 -
002 Bonus Lecture.mp4
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