(1 Rating)

Advanced Arduino Boards and Tools

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About Course

Get access to a comprehensive and completely free course on **Advanced Arduino Boards and Tools**! This course is offered for free on Theetay, your gateway to the best online courses from platforms like Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and more.

This course will unlock the power of advanced Arduino boards and tools, expanding your Arduino skills to the next level. You’ll learn about popular boards like the Mega 2560, Due, 101, Zero, Galileo Gen 2 and more. Dive into advanced programming, master tools like Atmel Studio, Atmel-ICE, and Temboo, and learn about cloud-based automation and Arduino-PC collaboration.

This course features over 8 hours of video lectures in 50+ lectures, covering everything from board features and special capabilities to practical project implementation. All demo sketches are available for download on Github, allowing you to focus on learning and experimentation.

This course is perfect for anyone with prior experience using a basic Arduino board like the Uno. If you’re new to Arduino, consider taking a beginner course first.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Select the right Arduino board for your next project
  • Learn about debugging and relevant tools
  • Create Internet of Things applications using Arduino and Temboo
  • Use Processing to create desktop applications that interface with the Arduino
  • Use OpenOCD and GDB to debug a sketch running on an Arduino Zero
  • Use Atmel-ICE and Atmel Studio to program and debug Arduino sketches
  • Appreciate the differences between advanced Arduino boards

Course Content

01 Introduction

  • 001 What is this course about.mp4
  • 002 A summary of the course content.mp4
  • external-assets-links.txt
  • Section Quiz

02 The Arduino Zero

03 The Arduino 101

04 Arduino Mega 2560

05 Arduino Due

06 Arduino Galileo Gen 2

07 Atmel Studio and debugging

08 Playing with Temboo

09 Processing

10 Debugging with OpenOCD and GDB

11 Conclusion

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Student Ratings & Reviews

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Ahmad Mushtaq
9 months ago
Good overview of all the boards. I bought and tested some of these boards. It was a good learning experience. Highly recommended for students who already completed the Step by Step Getting Started course for Arduino.

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