(Udacity) Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer

About Course
Become a Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer with this comprehensive online course, completely free on Theetay! This course, offered by Udacity, provides you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the exciting field of flying cars and autonomous flight. Learn from industry experts and gain hands-on experience in topics like aerodynamics, propulsion systems, autonomous navigation, and flight control. Whether you’re an aspiring engineer or a curious learner, this course will equip you with the fundamentals of flying car technology. Access this course for free on Theetay, your one-stop destination for top-rated courses from platforms like Udemy, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and more.
Course Content
Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Welcome!
A Message from the Professor
Trailer FCND-w2lV5_S2_2A
01:41 -
02 Flying Cars Are Here! V3-eM6kMpM_bwQ
02:16 -
03 Meet Andy And Jake-w8MC2-6HYyU
01:07 -
Meet Nick and Angela-mPGnIDXw–0
03:47 -
Projects You Will Build-xq0gZBySFOo
Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 02_Autonomous Flight
00:54 -
02 Brief History Of Flight Re-Edit-z1BHCF7nSEQ
02:12 -
Vehicle Morphologies-ojMfOPp_SfY
01:39 -
Why Quadrotors-ao5boE0jJpE
02:52 -
05 Quadrotor Components Re-Edit-BjVAmh3396g
02:01 -
The Frame-nRChl_1OrZ0
00:57 -
Motors SpeedControllers-TARVT5XBRCc
01:37 -
02:39 -
01:08 -
Driving A Quadrotor-QaLhiaXFdA0
02:13 -
Attitude Control-qxjGln_eA28
01:50 -
01:13 -
IMU Gyroscope-TDus6cfGvRw
01:40 -
IMU Accelerometers-1ccatHUDjDA
01:41 -
01:44 -
Flight Computer-xBQzqUfz24s
02:59 -
Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 03_Backyard Flyer
BYF Lesson Intro-z48qy6lGU5M
01:19 -
01 Intro UHD V1-wIRJPPH2gkc
00:44 -
01 V2 V1-8zpkGojsw6g
01:23 -
04 V3-8TFLgWGyfrg
01:50 -
06 L The Problem With Sequential Execution V1-TCz0PkLoxgU
03:05 -
08 V3-f_GPA9ULqJU
04:30 -
09 V2 V1-Lq4DmvlsJAI
05:03 -
10 V2 V1-IZjLJxSYdRM
Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 04_Drone Integration
Nd787 C1 L4 A01 Intel Aero Unboxing V3-_4r9ghv6Mm8
08:48 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A02 Intel Aero First Boot V3-jXKZwWdhLpA
01:53 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A02 L Intel Aero Flight Modes 2 V1-CemgWroChSE
02:05 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A02 L Intel Aero Remote Control 3 V2-_Ei05vGbttg
03:08 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A02 L Intel Aero Safety Subclip 4 V2-gKulshbx8J0
00:32 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A07 L A Note On Safety 1 V1-4-9CidAXkNI
01:30 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A03 L Backyard Flyer Aero Software Check 2 V4-TNoqm87Yd6c
04:35 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A04 L Getting Familiar With QGroundControl 1 V3-z4_m_IIek-Q
04:51 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A05 L Configure PX4 1 V2-q2S4JOSX9wA
07:00 -
Nd787 C1 L4 A08 L Lets Go Fly 1 V4-XPH-WR0i-Xs
Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Planning as Search
Nd787 C2 L1 00 Sebastian V1-2s3Pxc6AS8Y
00:16 -
C2 L1 A00 Transition To Planning V4-0nyCrWuO1QM
00:29 -
C2 L1 A01 The Planning Problem V6-oyPT3qirXPk
02:26 -
C2 L1 A02 Search Space V6-vsMQtkOjT3c
02:39 -
C2 L1 A03 Grid Representation V5-WcC-CfvQuJI
02:51 -
C2 L1 A04 Search V5-_iJ_pPZcLJc
01:29 -
06 Breadth Vs Depth V6-mtBKgqxjCyQ
02:39 -
C2 L1 A07 Cost V5-qEYbn-jq7Qg
01:17 -
C2 L1 A08 Heuristics V6-qBAwN2r573Q
02:14 -
09 Astar V8-yT-8YRxSkqk
02:48 -
C2 L1 A10 Summary V4-MlvfEd8REJI
Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Flying Car Representation
Nd787 C2 L2 00 Sebastian V1-54bXmWz_U7k
00:36 -
C2 L2 A01 Intro To Vehicle Representation V2-PsHOHInwDIk
01:28 -
C2 L2 A02 Geodetic Frame V2-CwA1L8uJ71I
01:33 -
C2 L2 A03 ECEF Frame V2-9e3Gl-b_rvw
00:29 -
C2 L2 A04 Body Frame V2-JEDZyWtco5k
01:20 -
C2 L2 A05 Euler Angles V3-C5bRTJ9UGgA
02:54 -
C2 L2 A06 Gimbal Lock V2-gWL0oXWADSU
02:20 -
C2 L2 A07 Rotation Matrices V2-sUoaCP9S9V8
01:25 -
C2 L2 A08 Quaternions V2-Jwelviv1ZNY
02:57 -
C2 L2 A09 Motions As Transformations V2-1Lp4eNjhwxs
01:24 -
C2 L2 A10 Configuration Space V2-a08D9WnuRHU
01:39 -
C2 L2 A11 Summary V2-iXzj0F2zhKk
Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_From Grids to Graphs
Nd787 C2 L4 00 Sebastian V1-MYtJg8fe4U4
01:25 -
01 Intro To Graphs V3-ikh_CDbMwec
01:19 -
02 Waypoint Extraction V4-rI5AJGHStxA
01:53 -
03 Collinearity V6-NsmiEpZKYJU
03:06 -
04 Ray Tracing V4-BiPdcTmi5Yg
01:59 -
05 Bresenham V5-DhLZnsJxd-E
02:37 -
06 Grids To Graphs V4-DDamvBxXP3I
02:47 -
07 Graph Trade Offs V6-gQvoAaAYP88
04:44 -
08 Generating Graphs V4-Pj1U6VHs1w4
03:15 -
09 Deadbands V4-kswcczWbszA
02:55 -
10 Summary V3-RGkoXva9rSc
Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Moving into 3D
Nd787 C2 L3 00 Sebastian V1-41DhFrk6m7s
01:20 -
C2 L4 A01 Intro To 3D V2-x7aDcy9xxrQ
01:44 -
C2 L4 A02 3D Grids V3-SzNLVvlvOvs
01:21 -
C2 L4 A03 25D Maps V3-oWvl2yaoblY
02:18 -
Random Sampling Updated-DtmF5xOx2P0
02:33 -
C2 L4 A06 Probabilistic Roadmap V4-DCSe-uBfBNY
03:22 -
C2 L4 A07 Local Planning V4-DsUE1rYvRyw
03:07 -
C2 L4 A08 Receding Horizon V4–wTe_AFFT-I
02:22 -
C2 L4 A09 Replanning V3-zcZbKZJ3D6s
01:16 -
C2 L4 A10 Summary V2 (1)-ydWkeSB30zs
Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 05_Real World Planning
Nd787 C2 L5 00 Sebastian V1-uec2ezY4Hnk
01:23 -
C2 L5 A01 Intro V2-E_pDGN3wfS0
01:37 -
C2 L5 A02 Constraints V3-iDk8ODcGh7s
02:51 -
C2 L5 A03 Modelling Dynamics V4-Ozo9tEhFs1s
03:37 -
C2 L5 A04 Dubins Car V4 (1)-rEMw-qF5V-w
03:03 -
C2 L5 A05 Steering V3-eFj0lswWYXo
02:00 -
C2 L5 A06 RRT V4-THpH4DDabZM
02:01 -
C2 L5 A08 Adding Obstacles V3-LEhEGaYFGZs
01:19 -
C2 L5 A09 Potential Field Planning V3-4tbyckaBLh4
03:38 -
C2 L5 A10 Summary V2-jWNotyJJpRA
Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 06_Project 3D Motion Planning
Nd787 C2 L6 00 Sebastian V1-0ChnDlwpeBw
00:27 -
Planning Handoff 02 V1-hR__HI_Ocew
Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Vehicle Dynamics
Nd787 C3 L1 00 Sebastian V1-dzGdwiADfjs
00:49 -
L01 01 Intro V2-EME6cpJF_aw
01:23 -
C3 C1 L2 Forces On Quad V3-F8BvMsR2VyU
03:23 -
C3 C1 L3 Trans Equal V1-0bEHYCkPGTI
01:55 -
C3 C1 L4 Rot Equal V1-S9X9sJIeDIk
00:56 -
C3 C1 L5 Rot Equal 2 V2-scNi0w5aajM
01:36 -
C3 C1 L6 Rotor Physics V2-DMXPYxnocdE
01:19 -
L01 07 Unbalanced Forces V1-7TiBKJsKwR0
00:23 -
C3 C1 L8 Fma V1-dA82iMkJMC4
01:25 -
C3 C1 L9 Unbalanced Movements V3-qOXE8_cZRzU
02:26 -
AB L1 01 Coaxial Copter Dynamics Explained-0XkkWGxmZDM
02:38 -
AB L1 02 Tracking Changes To State-O25yHC541qo
03:22 -
C3 C1 L13 2nd Order Of Systems V2-ShSbIP7MDEY
02:24 -
AB L1 03 Compact Representations Of State-y8EFM3RRZ6c
02:15 -
C3 C1 L15 Motion In 2D Dimensions V1-KFcsGXHBLkc
01:00 -
C3 C1 L16 Decomposing Thrust V2-TbHVgjtZ8qI
01:52 -
C3 C1 L17 Calculating Moments V2-v2vVHXVv2rU
01:23 -
L01 18 Rotation Rates V3-OzZpPpgL_Hs
00:55 -
L01 19 Controlling 2D Quad V1-2lBmddVJtOE
01:00 -
C3 C1 L20 Summary V2-1FD7OuJ6_bg
Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to Vehicle Control
Nd787 C3 L2 00 Sebastian V1-bTJTGOz-0Dg
01:19 -
L02 01 Lesson Intro V1-Gn78zDvSD8Q
00:49 -
L02 02 Perfect Control V1-iBoH3NdSK-8
01:25 -
C3 L2 L3 Perfect Js Impassible 1 V1-uo-BqviC6QY
02:45 -
L02 03B Perfect Js Impassible 2 V3-uezdQ5itsBM
02:25 -
C3 L2 L4 Control Diagrams V1-ZE_U_036EBA
02:31 -
C3 C2 L5 Controllers V1-z9raMimMmsk
01:41 -
C3 L2 L6 2 Problems V2-QWYJDLeVPrY
01:03 -
C3 L2 L7 Limitations Of P Control V3-3_RLoHqxEAY
02:03 -
C3 L2 L8 PD Control V3-hqQc1D2xXVk
01:19 -
C3 L2 L9 Incorp Feed Forward V2-wejr034_AGw
01:23 -
C3 L2 L10 L PD Math And Reparameterization V2-QpeIwF-Zq8Y
03:15 -
C3 L2 L11 Overshoot V1-AIlzDd4mhOs
02:57 -
AB L2 01 More Model Error-zEdIdTGa3t0
03:04 -
C3 L2 L13 PID Control V1-R0NQWGNWzJQ
01:39 -
C3 L2 L14 Summary V1-qbED_HpGMEA
Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Control Architecture
Nd787 C3 L3 00 Sebastian V1-tS9oGNg4oLY
00:51 -
C3 L3 01 Intro To 2D Dynamics V1-DsSlWKIJ4sk
01:18 -
C3 L3 02a Underactuation V2-Q6dJA8HhAWU
01:31 -
C3 L3 02 Coupling V2-jlDD-RVhK9g
01:50 -
L3 03 Lesson Overview V2-3M7K5qC1zq0
01:31 -
C3 L3 04 Motivation For Linearization V1-UmV-KSARONs
01:32 -
C3 L3 05 Linearization Math V1-SgDcWJ8lS4c
02:48 -
L3 06 Linearization Intuition 1 V1-XBTgM0ibU2s
01:16 -
C3 L3 07 Linearization Intuition 2 V2-y5dUxtA_wC8
02:31 -
C3 L3 08 Linearization Intuition 3 V3-dZTiI1n3F5E
02:12 -
C3 L3 09 Controlling Motion Near Hover V1-jgUZzCSXPm8
02:17 -
C3 L3 10 Intro To Cascaded Control V1-FzObnvshV7Q
02:47 -
L3 11 Separation Of Time Scales V1-2jAAsCvufl0
00:51 -
C3 L3 12 NonLinear Control V2-Tvu76GD8SyA
01:11 -
C3 L3 13 Summary V1-nRnULToP-jU
Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Full 3D Control
Nd787 C3 L4 00 Sebastian V1-DH70DtWEOW0
00:32 -
01 Lesson Overview V1-TkbKNvu67bo
01:17 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A02 Review Of 2D Dynamics V1-AhdEPjfhFWc
02:07 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A03 World Vs Body Frames V1-zFhip1JLgAY
01:38 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A04 Tracking 3D Dynamics Overview V1-QxShTrK2vus
03:37 -
AB L4 01 Notebook Walkthrough-xnggxr3Pz38
03:30 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A05 Tracking Rotations In 3D V1-2u6-2Ts7UUk
01:22 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A06 Eulers Equations In A Rotating Frame V1-7VyzQGlax_0
02:20 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A07 Integrating PQR Into The World Frame V2-taxXqgdHk0w
01:57 -
08 Summary Of 3D Dynamics V1-84UzlNJKWkw
01:14 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A09 Control Knobs For A 3D Quadrotor V3-WJ5lRmX7_To
01:28 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A10 3D Control Architecture V2-CsN5-lHcxyM
04:06 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A11 First Vs Second Order Systems V2-1Ilt2w17LMU
02:30 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A12 Understanding Altitude V2-1g_uyhDgoiQ
03:36 -
13 Controller Design V1-9WtAmL_aa3c
00:45 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A14 Controller Design 2 V1-nKw5PD19cZo
01:46 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A15 Practical Considerations V1-jPKfF11h4mE
01:46 -
Nd787 C3 L4 A16 From Path Planning To Control V1-otFd1oWj_Qs
02:18 -
17 Conclusion V1-BSTb2Uxm3go
Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Project Building a Controller
Nd787 C3 L5 00 Sebastian V1-d1kpZ_LPMsM
Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_Introduction to Estimation
Nd787 C4 L1 00 Sebastian V1-feIE-SVBCjA
00:58 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A01 Welcome Back V1-C04K4pvkbas
00:41 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A02 Intro To Estimation V1-qQi-9ly0RXg
03:05 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A03 Review Of Discrete Probability V1-qeU6v66-uKk
02:46 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A04 Expected Value V1-YqrPR1GnMoE
01:22 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A05 Variance V1-79A0nWd0goY
01:19 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A06 Probability Density Functions V1-lmkpfbpe9LQ
02:40 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A07 Uniform And Gaussian Distributions V1-hK-6jz5ETHI
02:47 -
Nd787 C4 L01 A08 Estimating Parameters From Data V1-NTeLymqjPWU
01:53 -
Nd787 C4 L01 A09 Multivariate Distributions V1-YmeaZcqfTK0
03:04 -
Nd787 C4 L01 A10 Joint And Marginal Distributions V1-Sm0Jv3lilQo
03:03 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A11 Correlation And Independence V1-gZIjyw62RdA
03:30 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A12 Conditional Distributions V1-nxDCf_vMXms
01:24 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A13 Applying Bayes Rule V1-R6S8VnN2CkA
02:35 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A14 Approaches To Estimation V1-_7k7ZaRqII4
04:06 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A15 Intro To Least Squares V3-_V72SUDhIAw
02:10 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A16 Deriving The Maximum Likelihood Estimator V1-yQmtE0vWCQg
02:54 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A17 Fitting A Line With Linear Least Squares V1-UfmjTc33wa8
02:10 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A18 Recursive Estimation V1-t1HvD3cqWUY
04:54 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A19 The Problem With Non Linearities V1-dcmLDW_ZSfw
02:16 -
Nd787 C4 L1 A20 Calculating The Jacobian V1-9q_oQOfjx5k
Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to Sensors
Nd787 C4 L2 00 Sebastian V1-SeqO0Cti1Dw
01:38 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A01 Welcome Back V1-bPvfjHJFF44
00:44 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A02 Introduction V1-ZeFXv7k2vaI
02:47 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A03 Complementary Sensors V1-jhVT127kLGI
03:13 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A04 Inertial Sensors Gyros And Accelerometers V1-50CBmWfDhKA
02:03 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A05 Rate Gyro Physics And Implementation V1-MX_RKifV6T4
04:34 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A06 Gyro Measurement Model V1-UnsHV0SR6So
02:19 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A07 Dead Reckoning Uncertainty V1-IzoxlPFWIWU
03:08 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A08 Full 3D Attitude Update V1-MxofULgsyGE
01:07 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A09 Accelerometers V1-g851qCxYr6k
02:55 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A10 Two Things Accelerometers Measure V1-h5k8ayFvu58
02:59 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A11 Inertial Navigation Vs Position Fixing V1-irV_mAgx85k
02:57 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A12 Reading An IMU Spec Sheet V1-dTLjM-wxclo
02:37 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A13 Three Sources Of Error V1-NS_Kp-mPWb4
02:03 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A14 Calibration V1-mGoybWJ14wc
01:52 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A15 Magnetometer Intuition V1-fnnwLDyi9kM
02:58 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A16 Magnetometer Errors And Calibratio V1-Rp5bUAfnAiM
03:46 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A17 GPS Overview V1-mXTNBI1DZAE
03:34 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A18 GPS Math V1-CzKi-xbSUGY
02:46 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A19 GPS Errors Initialization And Calibration V2-lOzc32S3k6I
03:05 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A20 The Barometer V1-zSNNajfuqNg
02:36 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A21 Barometer Errors And Calibration V1-XgYEMCUcBug
02:13 -
Nd787 C4 L2 A22 Summary V1-lAYpXj-3s9k
Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Extended Kalman Filters
Nd787 C4 L3 00 Sebastian V1-NwZi7JshQeE
00:26 -
Nd787 C4 L3 01 Introduction V2-WleBZHdI_vc
00:37 -
Nd787 C4 L3 02 1D PID Control V2-Y9A6W9TXnxE
02:29 -
Nd787 C4 L3 03 Controlling With Noisy Measurements V2-j0KuThQUQZQ
00:45 -
Nd787 C4 L3 04 Averaging Measurements V1-C2EvnerFork
02:28 -
Nd787 C4 L3 05 Recursive Averaging V2-WEBwezpZ5nQ
01:53 -
Nd787 C4 L3 06 The Need For Control V2-ITakz4-3xtw
01:39 -
Nd787 C4 L3 07 Estimation Filters V2-ed4queOTU7A
01:59 -
Nd787 C4 L3 08 The Bayes Filter V1-aRUyud9H2Dc
03:48 -
Nd787 C4 L3 09 The Kalman Filter V2-t_nR08qDHX4
02:13 -
Nd787 C4 L3 10 Kalman Predict V1 V1-uk6aplXeAg8
02:26 -
Nd787 C4 L3 11 The Measurement Function V1-R61K0yzKWOk
01:48 -
Nd787 C4 L3 12 Kalman Update V1-nrONt9rDEvg
02:40 -
Nd787 C4 L3 13 Nonlinear Drone V1-23dKxgmrdd0
03:50 -
Nd787 C4 L3 14 EKF Predict V1–VvvbI8HdRw
04:08 -
Nd787 C4 L3 15 Non-Linear Measurement Model V1-l8g-8PLwKvw
01:49 -
Nd787 C4 L3 16 EKF Update V1-HzNYY1U_0Ys
01:26 -
Nd787 C4 L3 17 Summary V1-hBSEeUh6Uhc
Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_The 3D EKF and UKF
Nd787 C4 L4 00 Sebastian V1-SRe2iP8GNxA
00:50 -
Nd787 C4 L04 01 Welcome Back V3-UUYupCvLrnk
00:52 -
Nd787 C4 L04 02 3D Estimation Overview V3-kdu0tLy7ut0
02:47 -
Nd787 C4 L04 03 EKF Tradeoffs 1 – State V3-U1z5AgzmTZM
01:47 -
Nd787 C4 L04 04 EKF Tradeoffs 2 – Control V3-CocSTlcO4w0
02:35 -
Nd787 C4 L04 05 Attitude Estimation V3-kthK1fr4N78
02:20 -
Nd787 C4 L04 06 Complementary Filter Math V3-SlZoIyvqdPM
02:36 -
Nd787 C4 L4 07 L EKF Implementation 1 – Overview V2-on3hcvv5O7g
01:46 -
Nd787 C4 L4 08 EKF Implementation – Predict V1-bPPuLzBJ_OE
02:08 -
Nd787 C4 L4 09 EKF Implementation 3 – Update V1-YKbIcSsvWSs
01:34 -
Nd787 C4 L04 10 Kalman Recap V3-IBZkNrfBS1A
02:01 -
Nd787 C4 L04 11 The Unscented Kalman Filter V3-uv6rr8QRsMM
01:21 -
Nd787 C4 L04 12 UKF Sigma Points V3-jTTFpHklF6Y
02:27 -
Nd787 C4 L04 13 UKF Predict V3-Gp_Suwa6yt0
01:54 -
Nd787 C4 L04 14 UKF Update V3-I-lLigA1cfc
03:16 -
Nd787 C4 L04 15 Conclusion V3-SlMwUVc5JzY
Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 06_GPS Denied Navigation
Nd787 C4 L5 00 Sebastian V1-tpsrAr13aUo
00:48 -
Nd787 C4 L06 01 Introduction V1-he2b-oN5ehs
01:47 -
Nd787 C4 L06 02 Optical Flow Estimation Overview V1-Ar4wSP28NtM
00:58 -
Nd787 C4 L06 03 Good Features To Track V1-Tl51Hmt-MMs
02:35 -
Nd787 C4 L06 04 Tracking A Single Pixel V1-7b-DUiAxuJo
02:21 -
Nd787 C4 L06 05 Lucas Kanade Optical Flow V1-oCtNseXe-SE
03:35 -
Nd787 C4 L06 06 Translating Optical Flow To Vehicle Velocity V1-AYJw2iHnqws
03:14 -
Nd787 C4 L06 07 Introduction To Particle Filters V1-ELDLiyGN-7I
03:17 -
Nd787 C4 L06 08 Sampled Distributions V1-946LtGH0DCs
01:56 -
Nd787 C4 L06 09 Propagating Samples V2-i50D7RJqcIk
02:34 -
Nd787 C4 L06 10 Sampling From Arbitrary Distributions V3-Qwzd-9SmSxc
04:00 -
Nd787 C4 L06 11 Sensor Modelling V2-5MPNYyKvHbc
02:33 -
Nd787 C4 L06 12 Monte Carlo Sampling For Sensor Fusion V2-K2bd8zcoicU
02:15 -
Nd787 C4 L06 13 Putting It All Together V3-sKL8dIoJvW0
02:30 -
Nd787 C4 L06 14 Particle Filter Pros And Cons V3-ghaL55MOZHI
02:46 -
Nd787 C4 L06 15 Conclusion V1-zcAOzXxidug
Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile
00:54 -
GitHub profile important items-prvPVTjVkwQ
01:35 -
Good GitHub repository-qBi8Q1EJdfQ
01:10 -
Interview with Art – Part 1-ClLYamtaO-Q
02:11 -
Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0
00:12 -
Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-ncFtwW5urHk
00:51 -
Quick Fixes-Lb9e2KemR6I
01:11 -
Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0
00:13 -
Writing READMEs with Walter-DQEfT2Zq5_o
00:40 -
Interview with Art – Part 2-Vvzl2J5K7-Y
01:19 -
Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo
00:16 -
Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA
00:15 -
Interview with Art – Part 3-M6PKr3S1rPg
02:30 -
Participating in open source projects 2-elZCLxVvJrY
00:54 -
Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI
00:13 -
Starring interesting repositories-ZwMY5rAAd7Q
Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Strengthen Your Online Presence Using LinkedIn
Why Network-exjEm9Paszk
02:00 -
Meet Chris-0ccflD9x5WU
03:00 -
Elevator Pitch-S-nAHPrkQrQ
02:04 -
Elevator Pitch-0QtgTG49E9I
01:08 -
Pitching to a Recruiter-LxAdWaA-qTQ
Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Congratulations!
Term 1 Conclusion V2-1LirHqi09WI
Part 07-Module 01-Lesson 01_Introduction to Fixed-Wing Flight
Nd787 C5 L1 A01 L Whats A Flying Car V5-17g4l84E53c
02:08 -
Nd787 C5 L1 A02 L History Of Hybrid Vehicles V2-yayolj-tQkM
01:45 -
Nd787 C5 L1 A03 L Fixed Wing Vs Rotary Wing Aircraf V2-3YCIT9xUgrQ
02:06 -
Nd787 C5 L1 A04 L Components Of Fixed Wing Aircraft RENDER V2-JHmaNljt8XI
01:39 -
Nd787 C5 L1 A05 L Components Of A Wing RENDER2 V2-HMlofVBvpGY
02:02 -
Nd787 C5 L1 A07 L Fixed Wing Control Surfaces V2-X4q8el9m_Lw
01:34 -
Nd787 C5 L1 A08 L Summary V1-kYLOA3KdE_k
Part 07-Module 01-Lesson 02_Lift and Drag
Nd787 C5 L2 A01 L Introduction To Lift And Drag V2-KYbi95VDT1s
01:24 -
Nd787 C5 L2 A02 L Fixed Wing Dynamics Longitudinal Vs Latera V3-k_sNlUyeNS0
00:58 -
Nd787 C5 L2 A03.1 L Longitudinal Analysis V4-Y2qxWFaWwt0
02:32 -
Nd787 C5 L2 A03.2 L Longitudinal Analysis Part 2 V2-JU5iSi-RoAE
01:43 -
Nd787 C5 L2 A05 L Lift And Stall V2-8iVgnZ0hrW4
02:29 -
Nd787 C5 L2 A06 L Calculating Lift V2-I94_czCrWn0
02:31 -
Nd787 C5 L2 A07 L Drag V2-WJp3-vrVVcM
01:32 -
Nd787 C5 L2 A09 L Trim States And Simplified Models V3-ANXsAZ6ZuoI
03:00 -
Nd787 C5 L2 A12 L Conclusion V1-DR7ObN2rBRs
Part 07-Module 01-Lesson 03_Longitudinal Model
Nd787 C5 L3 A01 L Introduction V1-1-iv2ZHEGDg
00:41 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A02 L Force Free Dynamics V3-UBWxJ6Cub6U
01:18 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A03 L Full Longitudinal Dynamics V2-FZMja7L7hn4
02:00 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A05 L Understanding Oscillations V2-GYaU98xGq5w
01:16 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A06 L The Rest Of This Lesson V2-IAlM_7JrOBY
01:21 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A07 L Linearized Model V3-OHJL7tIpKEw
02:12 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A08 L Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors V2-ZehfPpMlyUc
02:19 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A09 L Modes Of Motion V2-wsTmXnLt_Fs
01:27 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A10 L Short Period Response V2-yJ6XJNYhHWw
01:48 -
Nd787 C5 L3 A11 L Conclusion V1-8kQI5lI_aIo
Part 07-Module 01-Lesson 04_Lateral-Directional Model
Nd787 C5 L4 A01 L Introduction To Lateral Directional Model V2-vlvIUyhyvE4
01:47 -
Nd787 C5 L4 A03 L Incorporating Forces V2-oZjryB3BpGY
01:32 -
Nd787 C5 L4 A04 L Coordinated Turns V2-hQYoItsBUeQ
02:02 -
Nd787 C5 L4 A06 L Static Stability V2-Bmg66oeHXG0
02:29 -
Nd787 C5 L4 A07 L Rest Of The Lesson V2-C5wdgT7aOTE
00:46 -
Nd787 C5 L4 A09 L Stability Analysis 1 V2-dohXBQOl8QM
01:11 -
Nd787 C5 L4 A10 L Stability Analysis 2 V2-GtCNe6gBi10
01:30 -
Nd787 C5 L4 A11 L Stability Analysis 3 V4-OFhzQSTRGwQ
01:50 -
Nd787 C5 L4 A12 L Conclusion V2-C-K_pshzDuY
Part 07-Module 01-Lesson 05_Fixed-Wing Autopilot
Nd787 C5 L5 A01 L Intro V1-XI9c-HfW1WQ
00:29 -
Nd787 C5 L5 A02 L Fixed Wing Trajectory V1-tQkk_SCNzDQ
01:13 -
Nd787 C5 L5 A04 L Controller Design Principles V2-vWJxmSVaT1c
01:55 -
Nd787 C5 L5 A05 L Lateral Directional Autopilot V2-xHw6zdfc2u0
01:52 -
Nd787 C5 L5 A09 L Longitudinal Autopilot V2-KRooEa015ms
01:54 -
Nd787 C5 L5 A15 L Conclusion V1-NoAimkRksso
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