The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)
About Course
Want to become a professional Node.js developer? This comprehensive course, designed to take you from beginner to expert, will equip you with the skills and knowledge to build real-world production applications. You’ll learn everything from the fundamentals of Node.js to advanced concepts like MongoDB, Express, and Socket.IO.
This course is perfect for anyone who wants to:
- Learn the latest Node.js technologies and best practices
- Build four practical Node.js applications (a note-taking app, weather application, task manager REST API, and a real-time chat app)
- Master essential tools like npm, MongoDB, Express, Socket.IO, Jest, and more
- Gain hands-on experience with Node.js development
- Land a job as a Node.js developer
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Node.js Fundamentals
- Asynchronous Programming
- ES6/ES7
- MongoDB
- Express
- Socket.IO
- JWT Authentication
- Mongoose
- File and Image Uploads
- Email Sending
- Application Deployment with Heroku
- Version Control with Git
- GitHub
- REST API Design
- Code Testing
- Debugging
- Jest
- And much more!
This course is completely free! Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a Node.js expert.
This course is available on platforms like Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and other leading online learning platforms.
What Will You Learn?
- Completely refilmed for 3rd edition
- Build, test, and launch Node apps
- Create Express web servers and APIs
- Store data with Mongoose and MongoDB
- Use cutting-edge ES6/ES7 JavaScript
- Deploy your Node apps to production
- Create real-time web apps with SocketIO
Course Content
01. Welcome
A Message from the Professor
001. Welcome to the Class!.mp4
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002. Grab the PDF Guide.mp4
02. Installing and Exploring Node.js
001. Section Intro Installing and Exploring Node.js.mp4
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002. Installing Node.js and Visual Studio Code.mp4
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003. What is Node.js.mp4
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004. Why Should I Use Node.js.mp4
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005. Your First Node.js Script.mp4
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Section Quiz
03. Node.js Module System (Notes App)
001. Section Intro Node.js Module System.mp4
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002. Importing Node.js Core Modules.mp4
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003. Importing Your Own Files.mp4
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004. Importing npm Modules.mp4
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005. Printing in Color.mp4
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006. Global npm Modules and nodemon.mp4
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Section Quiz
04. File System and Command Line Args (Notes App)
001. Section Intro File System and Command Line Args.mp4
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002. Getting Input from Users.mp4
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003. Argument Parsing with Yargs Part I.mp4
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004. Argument Parsing with Yargs Part II.mp4
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005. Storing Data with JSON.mp4
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006. Adding a Note.mp4
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007. Removing a Note.mp4
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008. ES6 Aside Arrow Functions.mp4
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009. Refactoring to Use Arrow Functions.mp4
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010. Listing Notes.mp4
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011. Reading a Note.mp4
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Section Quiz
05. Debugging Node.js (Notes Apps)
001. Section Intro Debugging Node.js.mp4
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002. Debugging Node.js.mp4
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003. Error Messages.mp4
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Section Quiz
06. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)
001. Section Intro Asynchronous Node.js.mp4
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002. Asynchronous Basics.mp4
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003. Call Stack, Callback Queue, and Event Loop.mp4
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004. Making HTTP Requests.mp4
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005. Customizing HTTP Requests.mp4
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006. An HTTP Request Challenge.mp4
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007. Handling Errors.mp4
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008. The Callback Function.mp4
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009. Callback Abstraction.mp4
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010. Callback Abstraction Challenge.mp4
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011. Callback Chaining.mp4
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012. ES6 Aside Object Property Shorthand and Destructuring.mp4
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013. Destructuring and Property Shorthand Challenge.mp4
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014. Bonus HTTP Requests Without a Library.mp4
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Section Quiz
07. Web Servers (Weather App)
001. Section Intro Web Servers.mp4
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002. Hello Express!.mp4
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003. Serving up HTML and JSON.mp4
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004. Serving up Static Assets.mp4
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005. Serving up CSS, JS, Images, and More.mp4
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006. Dynamic Pages with Templating.mp4
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007. Customizing the Views Directory.mp4
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008. Advanced Templating.mp4
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009. 404 Pages.mp4
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010. Styling the Application Part I.mp4
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011. Styling the Application Part II.mp4
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Section Quiz
08. Accessing API from Browser (Weather App)
001. Section Intro Accessing API from Browser.mp4
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002. The Query String.mp4
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003. Building a JSON HTTP Endpoint.mp4
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004. ES6 Aside Default Function Parameters.mp4
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005. Browser HTTP Requests with Fetch.mp4
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006. Creating a Search Form.mp4
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007. Wiring up the User Interface.mp4
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Section Quiz
09. Application Deployment (Weather App)
001. Section Intro Application Deployment.mp4
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002. Joining Heroku and GitHub.mp4
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003. Version Control with Git.mp4
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004. Exploring Git.mp4
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005. Integrating Git.mp4
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006. Setting up SSH Keys.mp4
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007. Pushing Code to GitHub.mp4
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008. Deploying Node.js to Heroku.mp4
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009. New Feature Deployment Workflow.mp4
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010. Avoiding Global Modules.mp4
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Section Quiz
10. MongoDB and Promises (Task App)
001. Section Intro Databases and Advanced Asynchronous Development.mp4
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002. MongoDB and NoSQL Databases.mp4
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003. Installing MongoDB on macOS and Linux.mp4
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004. Installing MongoDB on Windows.mp4
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005. Installing Database GUI Viewer.mp4
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006. Connecting and Inserting Documents.mp4
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007. Inserting Documents.mp4
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008. The ObjectID.mp4
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009. Querying Documents.mp4
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010. Promises.mp4
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011. Updating Documents.mp4
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012. Deleting Documents.mp4
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Section Quiz
11. REST APIs and Mongoose (Task App)
001. Section Intro REST APIs and Mongoose.mp4
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002. Setting up Mongoose.mp4
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003. Creating a Mongoose Model.mp4
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004. Data Validation and Sanitization Part I.mp4
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005. Data Validation and Sanitization Part II.mp4
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006. Structuring a REST API.mp4
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007. Installing Postman.mp4
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008. Resource Creation Endpoints Part I.mp4
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009. Resource Creation Endpoints Part II.mp4
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010. Resource Reading Endpoints Part I.mp4
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011. Resource Reading Endpoints Part II.mp4
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012. Promise Chaining.mp4
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013. Promise Chaining Challenge.mp4
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014. AsyncAwait.mp4
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015. AsyncAwait Part II.mp4
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016. Integrating AsyncAwait.mp4
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017. Resource Updating Endpoints Part I.mp4
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018. Resource Updating Endpoints Part II.mp4
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019. Resource Deleting Endpoints.mp4
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020. Separate Route Files.mp4
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Section Quiz
12. API Authentication and Security (Task App)
001. Section Intro API Authentication and Security.mp4
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002. Securely Storing Passwords Part I.mp4
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003. Securely Storing Passwords Part II.mp4
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004. Logging in Users.mp4
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005. JSON Web Tokens.mp4
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006. Generating Authentication Tokens.mp4
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007. Express Middleware.mp4
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008. Accepting Authentication Tokens.mp4
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009. Advanced Postman.mp4
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010. Logging Out.mp4
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011. Hiding Private Data.mp4
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012. Authenticating User Endpoints.mp4
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013. The UserTask Relationship.mp4
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014. Authenticating Task Endpoints.mp4
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015. Cascade Delete Tasks.mp4
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Section Quiz
13. Sorting, Pagination, and Filtering (Task App)
001. Section Intro Sorting, Pagination, and Filtering.mp4
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002. Working with Timestamps.mp4
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003. Filtering Data.mp4
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004. Paginating Data.mp4
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005. Sorting Data.mp4
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Section Quiz
14. File Uploads (Task App)
001. Section Intro File Uploads.mp4
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002. Adding Support for File Uploads.mp4
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003. Validating File Uploads.mp4
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004. Validation Challenge.mp4
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005. Handling Express Errors.mp4
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006. Adding Images to User Profile.mp4
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007. Serving up Files.mp4
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008. Auto-Cropping and Image Formatting.mp4
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Section Quiz
15. Sending Emails (Task App)
001. Section Intro Sending Emails.mp4
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002. Exploring SendGrid.mp4
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003. Sending Welcome and Cancelation Emails.mp4
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004. Environment Variables.mp4
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005. Creating a Production MongoDB Database.mp4
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006. Heroku Deployment.mp4
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Section Quiz
16. Testing Node.js (Task App)
001. Section Intro Testing Node.js.mp4
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002. Jest Testing Framework.mp4
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003. Writing Tests and Assertions.mp4
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004. Writing Your Own Tests.mp4
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005. Testing Asynchronous Code.mp4
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006. Testing an Express Application Part I.mp4
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007. Testing an Express Application Part II.mp4
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008. Jest Setup and Teardown.mp4
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009. Testing with Authentication.mp4
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010. Advanced Assertions.mp4
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011. Mocking Libraries.mp4
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012. Wrapping up User Tests.mp4
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013. Setup Task Test Suite.mp4
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014. Testing with Task Data.mp4
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015. Bonus Extra Test Ideas.mp4
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Section Quiz
17. Real-Time Web Applications with (Chat App)
001. Section Intro Real-Time Web Applications with
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002. Creating the Chat App Project.mp4
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003. WebSockets.mp4
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004. Getting Started with
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005. Events.mp4
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006. Events Challenge.mp4
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007. Broadcasting Events.mp4
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008. Sharing Your Location.mp4
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009. Event Acknowledgements.mp4
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010. Form and Button States.mp4
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011. Rendering Messages.mp4
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012. Rendering Location Messages.mp4
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013. Working with Time.mp4
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014. Timestamps for Location Messages.mp4
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015. Styling the Chat App.mp4
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016. Join Page.mp4
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017. Rooms.mp4
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018. Storing Users Part I.mp4
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019. Storing Users Part II.mp4
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020. Tracking Users Joining and Leaving.mp4
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021. Sending Messages to Rooms.mp4
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022. Rendering User List.mp4
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023. Automatic Scrolling.mp4
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024. Deploying the Chat Application.mp4
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Section Quiz
18. Wrapping Up
001. Section Intro.mp4
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002. New Feature Ideas.mp4
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003. Bonus What should I learn next.mp4
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Section Quiz
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