The Complete Investment Banking Course 2024

About Course
** Updated for September 2024 **
The Complete Investment Banking Course 2024 is the most hands-on, interactive and dynamic investment banking course you will find online.
- 64 pages of course notes
- 12 course challenges
- 26 PDF Files
- 22 quiz questions
- 32 Excel files
- A complete glossary with key terms and phrases
- Real-world examples and case studies
- Interesting facts about the industry
- 2 valuation models built from scratch
- 13 hours of Full-HD video
The course starts off by introducing you to the four main areas of investment banking – Capital Markets, Advisory, Trading and Brokerage, and Asset Management.
Then we continue by digging deeper into each line of business.
You will learn the subtleties of Initial Public Offerings, Seasoned Equity Offerings, Private Placements, Bond Issuances, Loan Syndications, Securitizations, Mergers & Acquisitions, Restructurings, Trading Instruments, Asset Management Vehicles and more.
This encompasses virtually all topics likely to be discussed in an investment banking interview.
However, the best part is that you will learn different valuation techniques like the ones used by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and J.P. Morgan. We will show you how to carry out a Discounted Cash Flow valuation, a multiples valuation, and an LBO valuation. You will learn how to estimate a company’s cost of capital and future cash flows. Don’t worry if these sound unfamiliar right now; everything is shown in the course – step-by-step – with no steps skipped.
This is a one-stop-shop, providing everything you need to land a job on Wall Street.
What makes this course different from the rest of the Finance courses out there?
- High quality of production: Full-HD video and animations (This isn’t a collection of boring lectures!)
- Knowledgeable instructor (3 million students on Udemy; worked in M&A)
- Complete training: We will cover all major topics and skills you need to land a job in investment banking
- Extensive case studies: To help you reinforce everything you’ve learned
- An abundance of materials: PDF & Excel files, infographics, course notes; you name it! Everything is inside!
- Excellent support: If you don’t understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, you’ll receive an answer within 1 business day
- Dynamic: We don’t want to waste your time! The instructor keeps up a very good pace throughout the whole course
- Bonus prizes: Upon completion of 50% and then 100% of the course, you will receive two bonus gifts
Why should you consider a career as an Investment Banker?
- Salary. Investment Bankers are some of the best paid professionals in our society
- Promotions. Investment Bankers acquire valuable technical skills, which makes them the leading candidates for senior roles in industrial companies and Private Equity firms
- Growth. This isn’t a boring job. Every day you will face different challenges that will test your existing skills
Please don’t forget that the course comes with Udemy’s 30-day unconditional money-back-in-full guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee, when we are convinced that the course will provide a ton of value for you?
Just go ahead and subscribe to this course! If you don’t acquire these skills now, you will miss an opportunity to separate yourself from the others. Don’t risk your future success! Let’s start learning together now!
What Will You Learn?
- Start a career in Investment Banking or Private Equity
- Pass investment banking interviews
- Build financial models from scratch (shown step-by-step)
- Build valuation models – DCF, LBO and multiples
- Have solid financial and business acumen
- Take your career to the next level!
- Tell the story of how investment banking services first appeared
- Understand the difference between investment and commercial banking
- Explain the mechanics of an Initial Public Offering
- Understand how pricing is determined in an IPO
- Draw an IPO timetable
- Understand why companies go public
- Explain the mechanics of a bond offering
- Understand how pricing is determined in a bond offering
- Draw a bond offering timetable
- Understand why companies raise public debt
- Explain loan syndication and who participates in the syndicate
- Understand securitization and explain why banks use securitization
- Learn why companies buy other companies
- Identify successful M&A transactions
- Explain the deal lifecycle
- Tell the difference between Financial and Corporate buyers
- Describe the different payment options in an M&A deal
- Understand the essence of restructuring services
- Learn about the different ways to restructure a company
- Become familiar with trading and brokerage and the securities traded on Financial Markets
- Understand asset management services
- Be able to describe asset management vehicles and expected rates of return
- Calculate a company’s cost of debt, cost of equity, and WACC
- Perform LBO valuation
- Understand the rationale behind Leveraged Buyout deals
- Be able to tell who carries out LBO deals and why they can be very profitable
- After this course, you will have the skills to start a successful career in Investment Banking and Corporate Finance
Course Content
01 – Welcome! Course Introduction
001 What does the course cover.mp4
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002 Download all course materials.html
02 – The ascendance of investment banking services
001 The importance of history, name, tradition, and reputation.mp4
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002 The rise of investment banking services.mp4
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003 What is the difference between commercial and investment banking.mp4
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004 Why do universal banks have a competitive advantage.mp4
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005 Intrinsic conflicts of interest and the role of Chinese walls.mp4
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006 Historical M&A waves.mp4
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007 Three of the most important IPOs in history.mp4
03 – The four main areas of investment banking activity
001 Capital markets – raising equity and debt capital.mp4
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002 Advisory – M&A and Restructuring services.mp4
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003 Trading and Brokerage – trading with financial securities.mp4
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004 Asset management – the ability to use money to make more money.mp4
04 – Strategies pursued by investment banks
001 Strategies pursued by investment banks.mp4
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002 Relationship vs transaction-based banking.mp4
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003 The accidental investment banker – Book recommendation.mp4
05 – Capital markets – Equity capital markets
001 Why would a company want to go public.mp4
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002 Who are the investors in an IPO.mp4
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003 Coming up with a share price.mp4
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004 Technical details of IPO pricing.mp4
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005 IPO share allocation.mp4
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006 What does an IPO timetable look like.mp4
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007 The IPO syndicate – members and responsibilities.mp4
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008 Fee distribution among investment banks.mp4
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009 Post-IPO stabilization Definition of longshort position.mp4
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010 Post-IPO stabilization Applying the Greenshoe option.mp4
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011 Greenshoe explained – Practical example.html
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012 Other ways to place equity capital – SEOs and private placements.mp4
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013 Facebook’s IPO – Case study.mp4
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014 Course Challenge #1 – IPO.mp4
06 – Capital Markets – Debt Capital Markets
001 The four different types of bonds.mp4
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002 Why issue a bond.mp4
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003 The mechanics of a bond offering. Process description.mp4
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004 Junk bonds.mp4
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005 What is securitization and why can it be useful.mp4
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006 Securitization – explained.html
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007 Asset-backed securities An example of securitization.mp4
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008 Loan syndication – a preferred instrument for most banks nowadays.mp4
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009 Project finance.mp4
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010 Course challenge #2 – Debt offerings.mp4
07 – Advisory services – Mergers and acquisitions
001 Why acquire another company.mp4
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002 Describing the typical deal lifecycles and buyer companies.mp4
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003 The three types of M&A processes.mp4
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004 M&A private deals.mp4
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005 M&A auctions.mp4
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006 M&A of listed firms.mp4
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007 Valuation of target companies.mp4
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008 Payment options in M&A deals.mp4
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009 Financial vs. Corporate buyers.mp4
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010 Course challenge #3 – M&A.mp4
08 – Advisory services – Restructuring
001 Restructuring services – why and when.mp4
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002 Prioritization of restructuring efforts.mp4
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003 Course Challenge #4 – Restructuring.mp4
09 – Trading and Brokerage
001 The Trading and Brokerage division.mp4
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002 Types of securities traded.mp4
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003 Proprietary trading vs principal investments.mp4
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004 The advent of algorithmic-driven trading.mp4
10 – Asset management
001 Why hire Investment banks as asset managers.mp4
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002 A risk-return comparison of different investments.mp4
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003 Private equity funds.mp4
11 – A step-by-step guide to Company Valuation
001 Why value a company.mp4
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002 How much is a company worth for an investor.mp4
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003 The two variables that drive a firm’s value.mp4
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004 The mechanism of Unlevered cash flow calculation.mp4
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005 Introducing a discount factor – Weighted average cost of capital.mp4
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006 Calculating a firm’s cost of debt.mp4
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007 Calculating a firm’s cost of equity.mp4
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008 How to find the beta for an unlisted firm.html
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009 Estimating a company’s future cash flows.mp4
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010 The two stages of a DCF model.mp4
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011 Discounting cash flows and terminal value.mp4
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012 Calculating enterprise and equity value.mp4
12 – Financial modeling fundamentals
001 What is a financial model.mp4
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002 Why use a financial model.mp4
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003 Inefficient financial modeling practices.mp4
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004 Efficient financial modeling practices.mp4
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005 Different types of financial models we can build.mp4
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006 The right level of detail we should use when building a 5 or 10-year model.mp4
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007 The right way to approach the forecasting exercise.mp4
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008 Building complete financial models.mp4
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009 Forecasting P&L items.mp4
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010 Forecasting Balance sheet items (12).mp4
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011 Forecasting Balance sheet items (22).mp4
13 – DCF Valuation – Introduction
001 How to value a company – Introduction.mp4
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002 The stages of a complete DCF Valuation.mp4
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003 Let’s go through the structure of the DCF model we will create in Excel.mp4
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004 A glimpse at the company we are valuing – Cheeseco.mp4
14 – DCF valuation – Forecasting of key P&L items
001 Modeling the top line.mp4
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002 Building flexible financial models in Excel.mp4
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003 Modeling other items Other revenues and Cogs.mp4
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004 Modeling other items Operating expenses and D&A.mp4
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005 Modeling Other Items Interest expenses, Extraordinary items and Taxes.mp4
15 – DCF Valuation – Forecasting key Balance Sheet items
001 How to forecast Balance Sheet items – the clear and practical way.mp4
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002 A key concept for finance practitioners – the Days methodology.mp4
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003 How to calculate Days.mp4
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004 How to use Days to project the future development of BS items.mp4
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005 Forecasting Property, plant & equipment, Other assets and Other liabilities.mp4
16 – DCF Valuation – Creating clean output sheets
001 Excel best practices! Create a good-looking and clean output sheet in your model.mp4
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002 Putting what we learned into practice – Populating the P&L sheet.mp4
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003 How to create a clean output Balance Sheet in your Financial Model.mp4
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004 Completing the output BS sheet for the historical period.mp4
17 – DCF valuation – Calculating unlevered cash flows and Net cash flow
001 Learn how to calculate Unlevered free cash flows.mp4
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002 Important! Reconcile UFCF to Net cash flow.mp4
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003 A very useful lesson! Cash flow calculation.mp4
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004 Arriving to actual Net cash flow figures and performing a check with cash.mp4
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005 A fast and effective way to modify multiple cell references in Excel.mp4
18 – DCF valuation – Calculating present value of cash flows in the forecast period
001 Introducing weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and perpetuity growth rate.mp4
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002 Learn how to find the present value of future Cash Flows in Financial Models.mp4
19 – DCF valuation – Calculating Continuing value, Enterprise value and Equity ealue
001 Calculating Continuing value and Enterprise value of the business.mp4
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002 Final steps! Calculating Equity value of the business.mp4
20 – DCF Valuation – Additional analyses accompanying the Financial Model
001 Sensitivity analysis for WACC and perpetuity growth.mp4
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002 An application of Goal seek.mp4
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003 Recap of the financial model with charts and hypothesis testing.mp4
21 – Tesla valuation – Complete DCF exercise
001 Organizing external inputs in a ‘Drivers’ sheet.mp4
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002 The input data we will work with.mp4
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003 Forecasting Tesla’s expected deliveries.mp4
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004 Comparing delivery figures with the ones of industry peers.mp4
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005 Estimating an average selling price of Tesla vehicles.mp4
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006 Calculating automotive revenue.mp4
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007 Peer comparison Gross profit %.mp4
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008 Calculating automotive gross profit.mp4
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009 Calculating automotive cost of sales.mp4
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010 Forecasting ‘energy’ and ‘services’ revenue.mp4
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011 Calculating ‘energy’ and ‘services’ gross profit and cost of sales.mp4
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012 Forecasting operating expenses.mp4
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013 Building a fixed asset roll forward estimating Capex.mp4
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014 Building a fixed asset roll forward D&A schedule.mp4
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015 Peer comparison D&A as a percentage of revenues.mp4
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016 Calculating DSO, DIO, DPO.mp4
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017 Producing a clean P&L output sheet.mp4
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018 Fill in the P&L output sheet.mp4
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019 Calculating investments in working capital.mp4
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020 Forecasting Unlevered free cash flow.mp4
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021 Forecasting other assets.mp4
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022 Forecasting other liabilities.mp4
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023 Completing Unlevered free cash flow.mp4
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024 Modeling Tesla’s financing needs in the forecast period.mp4
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025 Calculating Net income.mp4
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026 Bridging Unlevered Free cash flow to Net cash flow.mp4
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027 Balancing the Balance sheet.mp4
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028 Estimating Weighted average cost of capital (WACC).mp4
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029 Performing Discounted cash flow valuation (DCF).mp4
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030 Calculating enterprise value, equity value, and price per share.mp4
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031 Closing remarks.mp4
22 – Multiples valuation – triangulating DCF results with multiples
001 What are valuation multiples and why we use them.mp4
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002 What types of valuation multiples are there.mp4
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003 Trading vs transaction valuation multiples.mp4
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004 Main principles of multiples valuation.mp4
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005 Comparison of earnings multiples (PE vs EVEBITDA).mp4
23 – Multiples valuation – practical example – Volkswagen
001 Introduction to the exercise.mp4
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002 High-level assessment of peer companies.mp4
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003 Assessment of P&L data – comparable companies.mp4
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004 How to adjust EBIT – theoretical framework.mp4
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005 How to adjust EV – theoretical framework.mp4
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006 How to adjust EBIT – practical example – Volkswagen.mp4
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007 How to adjust EV – practical example – Volkswagen.mp4
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008 Conclusion of the practical exercise.mp4
24 – A guide to Leveraged Buyouts
001 What is an LBO.mp4
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002 How does an LBO work in practice.mp4
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003 Who are the lenders.mp4
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004 What is debt capacity.mp4
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005 When is an LBO a feasible option.mp4
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006 The LBO price.mp4
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007 LBO exit strategies.mp4
25 – LBO Case study Dell’s LBO
001 Intro to the deal.mp4
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002 Dell’s business from a strategic perspective.mp4
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003 Details and information about the deal.mp4
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004 The aftermath.mp4
26 – LBO Valuation – Building a leveraged buyout (LBO) model from scratch
001 Introduction to the model we will build.mp4
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002 Establishing the maximum amount of debt that can be used in the transaction.mp4
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003 Financial sponsors’ perspective.mp4
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004 Forecasting financials until EBIT.mp4
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005 The optimal debt structure.mp4
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006 Estimating cash flows and debt payments.mp4
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007 Completing the model for the period 2018-2021.mp4
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008 Calculating Enterprise value and IRR.mp4
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009 Performing sensitivity analysis.mp4
27 – Building a comprehensive LBO model
001 Case description.html
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002 Introduction to LBO Modeling exercise.mp4
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003 Key drivers in the LBO model.mp4
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004 Constructing the Profit and Loss header.mp4
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005 Analyzing historical Profit and Loss figures.mp4
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006 Valuing the Target company.mp4
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007 Estimating transaction fees.mp4
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008 Sources and uses of funds.mp4
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009 Shaping the Balance sheet at transaction.mp4
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010 Goodwill calculation.mp4
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011 Integrating assumptions into the Drivers sheet.mp4
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012 Building a Fixed asset roll forward schedule.mp4
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013 Forecasting financials using the Drivers sheet.mp4
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014 Completing the Profit and Loss statement (up to EBITDA).mp4
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015 Modeling Working capital.mp4
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016 Filling in the Balance sheet at transaction sheet.mp4
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017 Add financials to the Balance sheet.mp4
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018 Projecting Fixed asset roll forward.mp4
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019 Developing a Debt schedule.mp4
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020 Creating a Fixed asset amortization schedule.mp4
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021 Structuring Cash Flow.mp4
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022 Designing the Financing sheet.mp4
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023 Calculating Cash Flow.mp4
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024 Building an Equity schedule.mp4
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025 Finalizing the Financing Cash Flow.mp4
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026 Modeling the Revolver facility (first part).mp4
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027 Completing the Profit and Loss statement.mp4
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028 Modeling the Revolver facility (second part).mp4
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029 Balancing the Balance sheet.mp4
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030 Exit valuation and IRR comparison.mp4
28 – Interview preparation
001 Career guide and frequently asked interview questions.html
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