Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization

About Course
Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization, If you are interested in developing the skills needed to be a data engineer, the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization is a great place to start. We live in a world that is driven by big data – from what we search online to the route we take to our favorite restaurant, and everything in between. Businesses and organizations use this data to make decisions that impact the ways in which we navigate our lives. How do engineers collect this data? How can this data be organized so that it can be appropriately analyzed? A data engineer is specialized in this initial step of accessing, cleaning and managing big data.
Course Content
01. Python and Pandas for Data Engineering
003 01_overview-of-python-bash-and-sql-essentials-for-data-engineering.mp4
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007 02_meet-your-supporting-instructors-alfredo-deza-and-noah-gift_instructions.html
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008 03_course-structure-and-discussion-etiquette_instructions.html
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011 04_overview-of-key-concepts.mp4
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012 05_getting-started-and-best-practices_instructions.html
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015 01_introduction-to-setting-up-your-python-environment.mp4
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018 02_installing-packages-with-pip-in-python.mp4
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021 03_saving-requirements-file-in-python.mp4
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024 04_creating-and-using-a-python-virtual-environment.mp4
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027 01_expression-statements-in-python.mp4
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030 02_assignment-statements-in-python.mp4
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031 03_assignment-statements_quiz.html
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034 04_import-statements-in-python.mp4
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035 05_import-statements_quiz.html
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038 06_other-simple-statements-in-python.mp4
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041 01_compound-statements-in-python.mp4
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042 02_evaluating-to-true-or-false_instructions.html
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045 03_if-statements-in-python.mp4
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046 04_if-statements_quiz.html
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049 05_while-loops-in-python.mp4
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050 06_while-loops_quiz.html
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053 07_functions-in-python.mp4
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057 01_introduction-to-python-essentials.mp4
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060 02_sequences-in-python.mp4
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061 03_sequence-operations_quiz.html
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064 04_lists-and-tuples-in-python.mp4
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065 05_lists-and-tuples_quiz.html
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068 06_strings-in-python.mp4
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071 07_creating-range-objects-in-python.mp4
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072 08_range-objects_quiz.html
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075 01_creating-dictionaries-in-python.mp4
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078 02_accessing-dictionary-data-in-python.mp4
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079 03_accessing-data-in-dictionaries_quiz.html
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082 04_dictionary-views-in-python.mp4
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085 05_sets-and-set-operations-in-python.mp4
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086 06_sets-and-set-operations_quiz.html
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089 01_list-comprehensions-in-python.mp4
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090 02_list-comprehensions_quiz.html
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093 03_generator-expressions-in-python.mp4
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094 04_generator-expressions_quiz.html
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097 05_generator-functions-in-python.mp4
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101 01_introduction-to-data-in-python-pandas-and-alternatives.mp4
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104 02_creating-pandas-dataframes-in-python.mp4
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107 03_investigating-data-in-a-pandas-dataframe.mp4
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110 04_selecting-data-in-a-pandas-dataframe.mp4
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113 01_manipulating-pandas-dataframes.mp4
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116 02_updating-pandas-dataframe-data.mp4
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119 03_applying-functions-in-a-pandas-dataframe.mp4
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122 01_creating-numpy-arrays-in-python.mp4
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123 02_numpy_quiz.html
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126 03_spark-and-pyspark-dataframes-in-python.mp4
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127 04_pyspark_quiz.html
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130 05_creating-dask-dataframes-in-python.mp4
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131 06_dask_quiz.html
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135 01_introduction-to-python-development-environments.mp4
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138 02_introduction-to-vim-normal-mode.mp4
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141 03_switching-from-normal-to-insert-and-visual-modes-in-vim.mp4
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142 04_insert-and-visual-modes_quiz.html
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145 05_working-with-the-vim-command-line.mp4
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146 06_vim-command-line-mode_quiz.html
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149 07_vim-configuration.mp4
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152 01_introduction-to-visual-studio-code.mp4
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153 02_features-of-visual-studio-code_quiz.html
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156 03_setting-up-visual-studio-code.mp4
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159 04_debugging-visual-studio-code.mp4
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162 01_what-is-version-control.mp4
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163 02_version-control_quiz.html
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166 03_introduction-to-git-and-git-concepts.mp4
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167 04_git-commands_quiz.html
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170 05_version-control-with-github.mp4
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171 06_hosted-git_quiz.html
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172 01_cumulative-python-and-pandas-for-data-engineering-quiz_exam.html
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175 02_summary-of-python-and-pandas-for-data-engineering.mp4
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176 03_next-steps_instructions.html
02. Linux and Bash for Data Engineering
03. Scripting with Python and SQL for Data Engineering
04. Web Applications and Command-Line Tools for Data Engineering
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