Process Control & Instrumentation 16 Hour Masterclass

About Course
Unlock the secrets of industrial automation with this comprehensive 16-hour masterclass on process control and instrumentation. This completely free course offers a deep dive into the principles, techniques, and applications of automation, providing you with practical skills to excel in this field.
Learn from experts and master the intricacies of process control through six in-depth sections:
- Part 1: Process Control and PID Controllers
- Part 2: The Final Control Element – Control Valves, Actuators and Positioners
- Part 3: Practical Examples of Temperature, Pressure, Flow and Level Controls
- Part 4: Practical Examples of Process Equipment Controls (Heat Exchangers, Pumps, Compressors, Reactors, Piping Systems…)
- Part 5: Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), Interlocks and Alarms
- Part 6: Instrument Devices For Temperature, Pressure, Flow and Level Measurement
This masterclass covers everything from understanding the fundamentals of PID controllers and their tuning to mastering the complexities of control valves, actuators, and positioners. The course emphasizes real-world applications with numerous examples from various industries, making the knowledge gained highly practical and relevant.
In Part 1, you will explore the core principles of process control and learn to design and tune PID controllers effectively. You will also delve into essential concepts such as feedback controls, open loops, and self-acting controls, with clear and concise explanations.
Part 2 focuses on the final control element, the valve-actuator-positioner assembly. Learn about the working principles and construction details of various types of control valves, actuators, and positioners. Explore real-world scenarios through solved problems and interactive 3D and 2D models.
Part 3 dives into the precise control of temperature, pressure, flow, and level in industrial processes. Discover different control techniques, analyze real-world examples, and understand the key aspects of both self-acting and modulating control.
Part 4 takes you deeper into advanced process control, exploring the control mechanisms of crucial process equipment such as chemical reactors, pumps, compressors, and heat exchangers. The examples provided are drawn from real-world industries, making the knowledge acquired highly practical.
Part 5 introduces the vital concepts of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), alarm systems, and interlocks. Learn about their anatomy, functions, and representation in engineering drawings.
Part 6 utilizes 3D animations and cross-sectional views to visualize various control instrument devices used for measuring temperature, pressure, flow, and level. You will be introduced to different instrument types, including thermocouples, RTDs, pressure gauges, flowmeters, and level radars.
Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge through a comprehensive 400+ question quiz. The quiz features various question types, including True/False, Multi-choice, Image-based, and solved problems, ensuring a thorough understanding of the topics covered.
This masterclass is a collaboration of leading online learning platforms such as Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and others, providing access to a wealth of high-quality educational content.
Join us today and start your journey towards becoming a process control expert!
What Will You Learn?
- Learn the essentials of process controls and PID controllers for a successful career in process industries
- Successfully draw the correct information from basic to advanced process control loops
- Master the intricate terminological details of process control (process variable, set point, error, offset, load disturbance...)
- Identify any process control loop and describe its main tasks and functionalities
- Describe the basic function and method of operation for the main control loop components (sensor, transmitter, controller, actuator, control valve...)
- Differentiate between feedback and feedforward control loops
- Explain the basic implementation process for each of the following types of control: Cascade, ratio, split range…
- Differentiate between On/Off, discrete, multi-step and continuous controllers
- Describe the basic mechanism, pros and cons of the following modes of control action: On/Off, Proportional (P), Integral (I), Derivative (D), PI, PID...
- Describe the general goal of PID controller tuning
- Apply the Ziegler Nicholls method to tune P, PI and PID controllers for optimum performance
- Understand control valves working principles for successful operation of your plant and piping systems
- Understand control valve construction details (bonnet, stem, disc, seat, packing, body, actuator, positioner…)
- Identify and know the principles of operation of common control valve actuators (diaphragm, piston, rack and pinion, scotch yoke)
- Dismantle and assemble various types of control valves and actuators using 3D and 2D models
- Understand how single acting and double acting pneumatic actuators work through graphics and 3D animations
- Know how to convert a single acting spring return actuator to a double acting actuator and vice versa
- Understand the concept of failure mode in control valves : Fail Open "FO", Fail Closed "FC", Fail As Is "FAI"
- Understand the concept of "Air-to-push-up" and Air-to-push-down"
- Understand the concept of "direct-acting" and "reverse-acting"
- Know how to convert a fail close actuator to a fail open actuator and vice versa
- Understand the concept of valve flow coefficient "Cv" and familiarize yourself with the various units
- Know how to determine flowrate and pressure drop through control valves for different valve lifts
- Know how to match the valve characteristics to the process
- Know how to construct the installation curve for a given control valve
- Understand the effect of selecting a control valve larger than necessary
- Understand the effect of differential pressure on the valve lift and actuator operation
- Differentiate between fast opening, linear and equal percentage valve characteristics
- Understand how valve positioners operate
- Know the different types of valve positioners (P/P, I/P, force balance, motion balance, digital…)
- Understand when a positioner should be fitted
- Understand the working principles of I/P converters and how they are used in control valves
- Understand the control of pressure in a pipe
- Understand the control of flow in a pipe
- Understand how self-acting pressure controls work and their applications
- Understand how self-acting temperature controls work and their applications
- Understand flow merging control
- Understand flow splitting control
- Understand centrifugal pump control systems (discharge throttling, variable speed drive, minimum flow…)
- Understand positive displacement pump control systems (recirculation pipe, variable speed drive, stroke adjustment…)
- Understand compressor control systems (capacity control, variable speed drive, anti-surge…)
- Understand heat exchanger control systems (direct control, bypass control, back pressure control…)
- Understand reactor temperature control systems
- Understand fired heater control systems
- Understand container and vessel control systems
- Understand electric motor control systems (ON / OFF actions)
- Know and understand the concept of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
- Know and understand the concept of Alarm Systems and Interlocks
- Understand through extensive 3D animation the techniques and methods used in process industries to measure temperature, pressure, flow and level
- Put your knowledge to the test at the end of each section with a valuable technical quiz (420+ questions and solved problems)
- Get access to a set of valuable downloadable resources
Course Content
Introduction to controls
A Message from the Professor
Introduction to controls
03:17 -
Do we need to control at all
01:46 -
Control terminology
05:13 -
Elements of automatic control
02:40 -
Assessing Safety Stability Accuracy
00:53 -
Summary of terminology
03:53 -
Elements of a temperature control system
02:23 -
Automatic process control
01:13 -
Components of an automatic control
02:33 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Basic control theory
Modes of control
02:04 -
OnOff control
09:01 -
Continuous control
01:26 -
Proportional control P
08:14 -
Proportional temperature control example
06:18 -
The concept of gain
08:42 -
Reverse vs direct acting control signal
02:05 -
Industrial Example The FOXBORO 43AP Pneumatic Indicating Controller
10:58 -
Gain line offset Proportional effect
02:53 -
Manual reset
01:50 -
Integral control I Auto reset action
04:47 -
Integral control I Overshoot and windup
03:29 -
Derivative control D
02:45 -
Summary of modes of control P PI PD PID
03:07 -
Time constant
02:38 -
02:31 -
Practical Example The effect of hunting on a steam system
05:02 -
01:07 -
02:18 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Control loops
00:28 -
Control loops
00:22 -
Open loop controls
03:21 -
Closed loop controls
00:50 -
Feedback control
01:10 -
Feedforward control
01:20 -
Single loop control
01:38 -
Multiloop control
02:01 -
Cascade control
02:24 -
Ratio control
02:44 -
Split range control
03:46 -
Draft Lesson
02:01 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Introduction to process dynamics
Draft Lesson
04:24 -
Process reactions
03:45 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Choices and selection of process controls
Draft Lesson
00:46 -
03:28 -
Draft Lesson
01:33 -
Draft Lesson
02:04 -
Draft Lesson
01:30 -
Electropneumatic controls
01:36 -
What you should remember
02:21 -
What type of controls should be installed
02:10 -
What type of valves should be installed
01:34 -
04:13 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Installation and commissioning of process controls
06:33 -
Actuators and sensors
02:53 -
Power and signal lines
01:13 -
Electrical wiring
01:17 -
03:29 -
Setting up a controller The ZieglerNicholls method
05:00 -
Bumpless transfer
02:32 -
Selftuning controllers
01:43 -
Draft Lesson
Computers in process control
Draft Lesson
01:23 -
10:16 -
More on Fieldbus
01:49 -
Benefits of Fieldbus
04:59 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Control valve functions and basic parts
Learning objectives
00:54 -
01:56 -
Valve body
02:13 -
Valve bonnet
01:44 -
01:24 -
Plug and seat
02:07 -
02:29 -
01:04 -
01:39 -
Before you proceed to the next section
Control valve configurations
Control valves
04:08 -
Trim arrangement
01:27 -
Direction of action
02:21 -
Control valve 3D dismantling
01:32 -
Control valve 2D dismantling
01:24 -
Before you proceed to the next section
General considerations
01:18 -
Twoport valves
06:01 -
Shutoff tightness
01:45 -
Balanced single seat
01:48 -
Slide valves Spindle operated
02:14 -
Rotary valves
03:57 -
02:35 -
Twoport valves summary
01:26 -
Threeport valves
07:03 -
Process examples of threeport valves
02:42 -
Before you proceed to the next section
Control valve capacity
06:34 -
Valve flow coefficient Cv
01:26 -
Use of flow coefficient Cv for piping and components
02:44 -
Before you proceed to the next section
Control valve characteristics
Flow characteristics
04:37 -
Fast opening
01:24 -
00:43 -
Equal percentage
01:19 -
Example Determining flowrate for different valve lifts
04:42 -
Matching the valve characteristic to the process
01:46 -
Example A water circulating heating system
00:53 -
Example A boiler water level control system
06:40 -
Example Constructing the installation curve
02:33 -
Example Comparing linear and equal percentage
10:25 -
Example Temperature control of a steam application
15:41 -
Example The effect of selecting a control valve larger than necessary
03:59 -
Before you proceed to the next section
Control valve sizing for water systems
06:00 -
01:07 -
Circulating system characteristics
03:00 -
Actual performance
01:03 -
Threeport valves
05:48 -
Twoport valves
07:35 -
Valve authority
03:06 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Control valve sizing for steam systems
04:08 -
Saturated steam flow through a control valve
05:18 -
Critical pressure
08:02 -
03:31 -
Checking noise
06:22 -
01:49 -
Sizing equations
07:11 -
The concept of hunting
02:31 -
The effect of hunting on a steam system
05:02 -
Sizing globe valves
02:04 -
Draft Lesson
02:34 -
EXAMPLE Sizing a control valve for a steam heating application
11:09 -
Sizing on an arbitrary pressure drop
01:22 -
The higher the pressure drop the better
02:54 -
EXAMPLE Saturated steam for a critical pressure drop application
05:02 -
EXAMPLE Saturated steam for a NONcritical pressure drop application
01:25 -
EXAMPLE Finding the pressure drop across a control valve
01:15 -
EXAMPLE Superheated steam application
02:50 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Control valve actuators and positioners for a continuous control action
01:40 -
Piston actuators
02:32 -
Piston actuators double acting 3D animation
00:49 -
Piston actuators single acting Dismantling
01:02 -
Diaphragm actuators
04:45 -
Actuator valve combinations
02:33 -
Effect of differential pressure on the valve lift
07:20 -
What are valve positioners
02:16 -
Force balance positioners
04:40 -
Motion balance positioners
02:15 -
Example of positioners
05:05 -
Positioners What you should remember
01:44 -
Positioners When should a positioner be fitted
01:15 -
PP positioners
01:00 -
IP positioners
01:23 -
About IP converters
03:42 -
Digital positioners
03:21 -
Summary Selecting a pneumatic valve and actuator
03:13 -
Before you proceed to the next section
Control valve actuators and position indicators for an ONOFF control action
Pneumatic actuators
03:34 -
Example 1 Single acting spring return actuators Components Operation
01:28 -
Example 2 Single acting spring return actuators Components Operation
00:52 -
Example 3 Double acting actuators Components Operation
01:21 -
Example 4 Double acting actuators Components Operation
01:02 -
From single acting to double acting actuator
02:05 -
Draft Lesson
01:11 -
From Fail Close FC to Fail Open FO Rack and Pinion Actuators
02:54 -
Draft Lesson
06:24 -
Valve position indication
02:29 -
Before you proceed to the next section
Controllers and Sensors
06:50 -
03:06 -
Filled system sensors
02:35 -
Resistance Temperature Detectors RTDs
02:26 -
01:32 -
03:58 -
Electrical communication signals
03:52 -
Digital addressing
02:13 -
Draft Lesson
Selfacting temperature controls
Principles of operation
06:18 -
Vapor tension systems
05:14 -
Liquid selfacting temp control valves
01:37 -
Required force for actuation
02:42 -
Bellows balanced valves
01:44 -
Doubleseated control valves
02:15 -
Threeport control valve
01:42 -
Draft Lesson
02:59 -
02:03 -
Environments and applications
01:05 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Selfacting pressure controls
Why reduce fluid pressure
02:41 -
Direct acting control valves
06:32 -
Pilot operated control valves
05:38 -
Selection and installation
04:46 -
Summary of pressure reducing valves
01:07 -
Pressure maintaining valves
02:56 -
Pressure surplussing valves
02:06 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Examples of pressure control systems
01:34 -
Selfacting pressure reducing valves Bellows type
04:27 -
Selfacting pressure reducing valves Diaphragm type
02:29 -
Selfacting pressure reducing valves Pilotoperated
03:27 -
Pneumatic pressure reduction
03:11 -
Electropneumatic pressure reduction
02:51 -
Electric pressure reduction
01:35 -
Series and parallel pressure reduction
05:43 -
Pressure reduction example Steam desuperheater
03:44 -
Controlling pressure to control temperature
03:16 -
Differential pressure control
01:12 -
Surplussing control
01:25 -
Cascade pressure control Example 1
03:39 -
Cascade pressure control Example 2
02:33 -
Cascade pressure control Example 2
02:33 -
Draft Lesson
Examples of temperature control systems
01:17 -
Why control temperature
02:06 -
Selfacting temperature control
04:17 -
Pilotoperated temperature control
01:53 -
Pneumatic temperature control
02:43 -
Electropneumatic temperature control
01:18 -
Electric temperature control
01:37 -
Parallel temperature control
02:10 -
High temperature fail safe control
02:52 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Examples of level control systems
05:59 -
Methods of achieving level control
04:26 -
Nonadjustable OnOff control
03:11 -
Adjustable OnOff level control
01:28 -
Draft Lesson
02:01 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Examples of flow control systems
01:00 -
Flow control system
02:12 -
Supply pressure variation
02:44 -
Using mass flowmeter differential pressure transmitter
03:06 -
Before proceeding to the next section
Control systems installation
02:55 -
00:42 -
Valves and actuators
02:01 -
Radio Frequency Interference RFI
03:44 -
Installation best practices to limit RFI
Miscellaneous process control examples from refineries and chemical plants
Learning objectives
01:03 -
Why do we need to control
01:03 -
How to control
09:42 -
Pipe control Example 1
01:52 -
Pipe control Example 2
02:03 -
Pipe control Example 3
02:30 -
Pipe control Example 4
03:36 -
Flow control Example 1
08:17 -
Flow control Example 2
05:25 -
Pump control Example 1
04:07 -
Pump control Example 2
02:41 -
Draft Lesson
08:55 -
Pump control Example 4
01:47 -
Pump control Example 5
02:41 -
Pump control Example 6
01:15 -
Pump control Example 7
01:12 -
Compressor control Example 1
01:35 -
Compressor control Example 2
11:46 -
Compressor control Example 3
02:53 -
Heat transfer equipment control Example 1
02:06 -
Heat transfer equipment control Example 2
03:54 -
Heat transfer equipment control Example 3
04:26 -
Draft Lesson
02:28 -
Heat transfer equipment control Example 5
01:17 -
Heat transfer equipment control Example 6
02:09 -
Chemical reactor temperature control
06:10 -
Fired heater control Example 1
07:30 -
Fired heater control Example 2
04:47 -
Container and vessel control Example 1
06:41 -
Container and vessel control Example 2
Safety Instrumeneted Systems Interlocks and Alarms
Learning objectives
01:58 -
Safety strategies
01:21 -
Concepts of Safety Instrumented Systems SIS
01:17 -
SIS actions and types
13:55 -
SIS extent
02:10 -
SIS requirements
02:31 -
Anatomy of SIS
02:12 -
Draft Lesson
00:30 -
Draft Lesson
03:03 -
SIS final elements
04:28 -
Switching valve actuator arrangements
02:03 -
Valve position validation
01:52 -
Merging switching and control valves
02:48 -
SIS logic
00:26 -
Showing safety instrumented functions on PIDs
07:16 -
Discrete control
04:31 -
Alarm systems
01:29 -
Anatomy of alarm systems
02:29 -
Alarm requirements
06:14 -
Alarm system symbology
05:55 -
Concept of common alarms
01:13 -
Fire and Gas Detection Systems FGS
03:10 -
Electric motor controls
07:12 -
Electric motor controls 23
04:42 -
Electric motor 33
04:46 -
A typical example of an electric motor control system
A couple of comments
Before you proceed to process instrumentation sections
How process instruments work Temperature measurement
00:47 -
Local indicators
02:08 -
Bulb instruments for remote transmission
01:04 -
03:49 -
Resistance Temperature Detectors RTDs
How process instruments work Pressure measurement
Hydrostatic manometers
02:00 -
Bourdon tube pressure gauges
00:46 -
Bellows pressure gauges
00:41 -
Draft Lesson
00:44 -
Piezoelectric pressure gauges
00:35 -
Capacitive pressure gauges
How process instruments work Flow measurement
Draft Lesson
07:04 -
Pitot tubes
04:21 -
Annular probes
00:52 -
02:01 -
Vortex flowmeters
03:49 -
Ultrasound flowmeters
03:38 -
Electromagnetic flowmeters
03:23 -
Coriolis mass flowmeters
How process instruments work Level measurement
02:04 -
Glass level gauges
02:27 -
Float level gauges
01:10 -
Float switches
00:55 -
Reed chain float sensors
00:49 -
Magnetic level gauges
01:49 -
Hydrostatic level gauges
03:19 -
Draft Lesson
02:46 -
Optoelectronic switches
01:06 -
Capillary systems
00:28 -
Ultarsonic sensors
00:52 -
02:02 -
Radiometric sensors
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