Postman: The Complete Guide – REST API Testing (Valentin Despa)
About Course
Become a Postman expert with our free API testing course! This comprehensive course is designed for testing engineers, software developers, and anyone interested in mastering the art of API testing.
Taught by an expert, this course will guide you through the powerful features of the Postman App, a versatile tool for crafting, sending, and analyzing API requests. Learn to utilize various HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE), work with JSON formatting, and implement authentication strategies like Basic Auth, API Keys, and OAuth.
Go beyond the basics and discover how to write robust API tests, organize them into collections, and seamlessly integrate them into your CI/CD workflows. We’ll cover real-world scenarios, answer your questions, and help you gain a comprehensive understanding of Postman’s capabilities.
What You’ll Learn:
- HTTP request methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
- JSON format
- Building complex API requests
- Authentication/authorization (Basic Auth, API Keys, OAuth)
- Crafting comprehensive API tests
- Organizing tests into collections
- Integrating API tests into CI/CD
- Q&A sessions for personalized insights
This course is completely free and offers access to high-quality learning materials from leading platforms such as Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and more. Unlock your API testing potential and become a Postman pro – sign up today!
What Will You Learn?
- Create GET, POST, PUT, DELETE request
- Understand GET vs POST request method
- Work with real-world APIs (Github API, Trello API)
- JavaScript basics for tests
- Write API tests in Postman
- Use data from Excel files (CSV) or JSON
- Use Postman variables to create workflows and scenarios
- Run API tests with Newman in Jenkins, GitLab CI or TeamCity
- Use OAuth2, API keys, tokens, JWT, basic auth
- Test file uploads
- Use mock servers
- Collaborate using Team Workspaces
Course Content
01 – Introduction and first steps in Postman
A Message from the Professor
001 Course overview.mp4
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002 About the course.mp4
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003 How to install Postman.mp4
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004 A quick introduction to APIs.mp4
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005 Introduction to Postman & APIs.html
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006 Your first Postman request.mp4
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007 Troubleshooting Postman errors.mp4
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008 Using Postman on the web.mp4
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009 A brief overview of HTTP.mp4
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010 The Postman Landscape.mp4
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011 First steps in Postman.html
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Section Quiz
02 – Creating REST API requests with Postman
001 Section overview.mp4
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002 Resources for this section.html
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003 Postman collections.mp4
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004 Storing configuration in collection variables.mp4
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005 Modifying collection variables.mp4
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006 Postman collections and variables.html
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007 GET request.mp4
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008 Visualizing responses in Postman.mp4
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009 Query parameters.mp4
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010 Misconceptions about API parameters.mp4
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011 Query parameters.html
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012 Assignment – Query parameters.mp4
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013 Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions.html
00:00 -
014 Assignment – Query parameters – Solution.mp4
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015 Shortcuts in Postman.mp4
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016 Path variables.mp4
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017 Troubleshooting Path variables.mp4
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018 Query params vs Path variables.mp4
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019 Path variables.html
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020 The business processes and rules behind an API.mp4
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021 POST request.mp4
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022 Assignment – Check cart contents.mp4
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023 Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions.html
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024 Assignment – Check cart contents – Solution.mp4
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025 JSON format explained.mp4
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026 POST request with JSON.mp4
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027 Troubleshooting POST requests.mp4
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028 GET vs POST.mp4
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029 POST requests with JSON.html
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030 API Authentication.mp4
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031 Troubleshooting HTTP status codes.mp4
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032 Assignment – Place an order.mp4
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033 Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions – Place an order.html
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034 Troubleshooting – Place an order.html
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035 Assignment – Place an order – Solution.mp4
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036 Using random data in requests (random variables).mp4
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037 Working with HTTP headers in Postman.mp4
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038 Common questions about HTTP headers.mp4
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039 Headers vs query vs params.mp4
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040 Exporting and Importing a Postman collection.mp4
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041 PATCH request method.mp4
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042 Assignment – PATCH request method.mp4
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043 Assignment – PATCH request method – Solution.mp4
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044 Using Postman variables to avoid duplication.mp4
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045 PATCH request method – continued.mp4
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046 PUT request method.mp4
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047 DELETE request method.mp4
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048 Assignment – Delete an order.mp4
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049 Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions.html
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050 Assignment – Delete an order – Solution.mp4
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051 GET, POST, PUT, PATCH … What is the difference.mp4
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052 HEAD request method.mp4
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053 HTTP request methods quiz.html
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054 Assignment – Valentin’s Book List API.mp4
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055 Guided Assignment – Valentin’s Book List API.html
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056 Assignment – Valentin’s Book List API – Solution.mp4
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Section Quiz
03 – Practice section – Building REST API requests
001 Section overview.mp4
00:00 -
002 Why learn to use real-world APIs.mp4
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003 Troubleshooting.html
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004 Using the API documentation.mp4
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005 Using the API documentation – Assignment.mp4
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006 Guided Assignment – Using the API documentation.html
00:00 -
007 Using API documentation – Assignment Solution.mp4
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008 Using identifiers when working with resources.mp4
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009 Assignment – Creating resources – Lists.mp4
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010 Guided Assignment – Creating resources – Lists.html
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011 Assignment – Creating resources – Lists – Solution.mp4
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012 Assignment – Creating resources – Cards.mp4
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013 Guided Assignment – Creating resources – Cards.html
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014 Assignment – Creating resources – Cards – Solution.mp4
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015 Assignment – Managing resources.mp4
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016 Guided Assignment – Managing resources.html
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017 Assignment – Managing resources – Solution.mp4
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018 Assignment – Deleting resources.mp4
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019 Guided Assignment – Deleting resources.html
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020 Assignment – Deleting resources – Solution.mp4
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021 Protect your API keys.mp4
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Section Quiz
04 – Introduction to API testing & JavaScript
001 Section overview.mp4
00:00 -
002 A short history of JavaScript.html
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003 Your first Postman script.mp4
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004 Your first API test in Postman.mp4
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005 Defining JavaScript variables.mp4
00:00 -
006 Using “let” to define JavaScript variables.mp4
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007 Conventions for naming JavaScript variables.mp4
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008 Working with JavaScript variables.mp4
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009 Constants in JavaScript.mp4
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010 Data Types in JavaScript.mp4
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011 Data Types in JavaScript.html
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012 Working with JavaScript variables.html
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013 Swap two variables in JavaScript.html
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014 Variables.html
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015 Mathematical operations.mp4
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016 Mathematical operations.html
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017 Code blocks and variable scopes.mp4
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018 Defining a function in JavaScript.mp4
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019 Returning values from functions.mp4
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020 Built-in JavaScript functions.mp4
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021 Generate a random email address.html
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022 Arrow functions.mp4
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023 Callback functions.mp4
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024 Callback functions in Postman.mp4
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025 Objects in JavaScript.mp4
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026 Object methods.mp4
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027 Object methods – using a property from the object.mp4
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028 Alternative syntax for defining and accessing object properties.mp4
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029 JavaScript objects and JSON.mp4
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030 Parsing JSON in Postman.mp4
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031 Writing assertions in Postman.mp4
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032 Storing a list of items – Arrays in JavaScript.mp4
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033 Navigating object properties and arrays.mp4
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034 Navigating complex data structures in Postman.mp4
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035 Navigating complex data structures.html
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036 Built-in methods when working with arrays.mp4
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037 Array methods.html
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038 Conclusion.mp4
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Section Quiz
05 – Writing basic API tests
001 Introduction.mp4
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002 Resources for this section.html
00:00 -
003 Verifying the response status code.mp4
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004 Assignment – Adding status code tests.mp4
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005 Guided Assignment – Adding status code tests.html
00:00 -
006 Assignment – Adding status code tests – Solution.mp4
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007 Testing the response body.mp4
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008 Asserting the data type of a property.mp4
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009 The Postman Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference Guide.html
00:00 -
010 Refactoring tests.mp4
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011 Testing the API error handling.mp4
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012 Organizing requests and reusing tests.mp4
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013 Assignment – Reduce duplication in tests.mp4
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014 Guided Assignment – Reduce duplication in tests.html
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015 Assignment – Reduce duplication in tests – Solution.mp4
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016 Boundary testing.mp4
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017 Assignment – Boundary testing.mp4
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018 Assignment – Boundary testing.html
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019 Assignment – Boundary testing – Solution.mp4
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020 Documenting requests in Postman.mp4
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Section Quiz
06 – Using Postman variables in scripts
001 Section overview.mp4
00:00 -
002 Setting Postman variables from scripts.mp4
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003 Passing data from one request to the other.mp4
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004 Troubleshooting setting collection variables from scripts.mp4
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005 Assignment – Set the cartId in a Postman variable.mp4
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006 Guided Assignment – Set the cartId in a Postman variable.html
00:00 -
007 Assignment – Set the cartId in a Postman variable – Solution.mp4
00:00 -
008 Assignment – Store all dynamic data in Postman variables.mp4
00:00 -
009 Guided Assignment – Store all dynamic data in Postman variables.html
00:00 -
010 Assignment – Store all dynamic data in Postman variables – Solution.mp4
00:00 -
011 Getting Postman variables from scripts.mp4
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012 Assignment – Getting Postman variables from scripts.mp4
00:00 -
013 Guided Assignment – Getting Postman variables from scripts.html
00:00 -
014 Assignment – Getting Postman variables from scripts – Solution.mp4
00:00 -
015 Working with Postman collection variables from scripts.html
00:00 -
016 JavaScript Comparing data types.mp4
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017 JavaScript For loop statement.mp4
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018 for loop statement.html
00:00 -
019 JavaScript Iterating over arrays (for loop).mp4
00:00 -
020 Iterating over arrays (for loop).html
00:00 -
021 JavaScript Conditionals – if statements.mp4
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022 Conditionals.html
00:00 -
023 Searching for data in a response (for loop).mp4
00:00 -
024 Writing assertions against an array.mp4
00:00 -
025 Iterating over arrays (forEach loop).mp4
00:00 -
026 Iterating over arrays (forEach loop).html
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027 Filtering a list of items.html
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028 JavaScript Finding data in an array with find.mp4
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029 Assignment – use find instead of forEach.mp4
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030 Guided Assignment – use find instead of forEach.html
00:00 -
031 Assignment – use find instead of forEach – Solution.mp4
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032 Managing the data type in Postman variables.mp4
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033 Passing data from the pre-request script to the requesttests.mp4
00:00 -
034 Where can you use Postman variables.mp4
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035 Removing collection variables.mp4
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036 Recap Using Postman variables in scripts.html
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Section Quiz
07 – Using Postman environments & environment variables
001 Test-driven development (TDD).mp4
00:00 -
002 Postman Environments & Environment variables.mp4
00:00 -
003 Troubleshooting environment variables.mp4
00:00 -
004 Using if statements to include or exclude tests.mp4
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005 Storing secrets in environments.mp4
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006 Exporting and importing environments.mp4
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007 Environment variables quiz.html
00:00 -
008 Setting, getting and removing environment variables from scripts.mp4
00:00 -
009 Getting variables in scripts according to the scope.mp4
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010 Migrating from collection variables to environment variables.mp4
00:00 -
011 Global variables.mp4
00:00 -
012 Setting, getting and removing global variables from scripts.mp4
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Section Quiz
08 – Practice section – Adding tests to an API
001 Section overview.mp4
00:00 -
002 Resources for this section.html
00:00 -
003 Troubleshooting.html
00:00 -
004 Assignment – Add status code tests.mp4
00:00 -
005 Guided Assignment – Add status code tests.html
00:00 -
006 Assignment – Add status code tests – Solution.mp4
00:00 -
007 Assignment – Use Postman variables.mp4
00:00 -
008 Guided Assignment – Use Postman variables.html
00:00 -
009 Assignment – Use Postman variables – Solution.mp4
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010 Assignment – Reducing manual work by using variables & scripts.mp4
00:00 -
011 Guided Assignment – Reducing manual work by using variables & scripts.html
00:00 -
012 Assignment – Reducing manual work by using variables – Solution.mp4
00:00 -
013 JavaScript Transforming an array with map().mp4
00:00 -
014 Working with complex data structures in Postman variables.mp4
00:00 -
015 Assignment – Write tests for Create board request.mp4
00:00 -
016 Guided Assignment – Write tests for Create board request.html
00:00 -
017 Assignment – Write tests for Create board request – Solution.mp4
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018 Assignment – Dynamic board names.mp4
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019 Guided Assignment – Dynamic board names.html
00:00 -
020 Assignment – Dynamic board names – Solution.mp4
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021 Assignment – Write tests for the TODO and DONE lists.mp4
00:00 -
022 Guided Assignment – Write tests for the TODO and DONE lists.html
00:00 -
023 Assignment – Write tests for the TODO and DONE lists – Solution.mp4
00:00 -
024 Write tests for the Create card request.mp4
00:00 -
025 Guided Assignment – Write tests for the Create card request.html
00:00 -
026 Assignment – Write tests for the Create card request – Solution.mp4
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027 Assignment – Test the request Move card to DONE list.mp4
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028 Guided Assignment – Test the request Move card to DONE list.html
00:00 -
029 Assignment – Test the request Move card to DONE list – Solution.mp4
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030 Clean-up work.mp4
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031 Resilient scripts & tests.mp4
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Section Quiz
09 – Advanced assertions
001 Ongoing course update.html
00:00 -
002 Chai Assertion Library.mp4
00:00 -
003 Assertions.mp4
00:00 -
004 Chai Assertion Library.html
00:00 -
005 Assertions on arrays.mp4
00:00 -
006 Assertions on nested objects.mp4
00:00 -
007 How to write assertions in Postman (objects, arrays, nested properties).html
00:00 -
008 Testing headers and cookies.html
00:00 -
Section Quiz
10 – Postman Automation basics
001 Overview.mp4
00:00 -
002 Running the collection manually.mp4
00:00 -
003 Postman Collection Runner.mp4
00:00 -
004 Collection runner usage limits.mp4
00:00 -
005 Scheduled collection runs.mp4
00:00 -
006 Running Postman collections as part of CICD.mp4
00:00 -
007 Postman CLI (installation & basic usage).mp4
00:00 -
008 Newman CLI (installation & basic usage).mp4
00:00 -
009 Troubleshooting Node.js npm Newman Problems (for Windows).html
00:00 -
Section Quiz
11 – Automation with Postman CLI
001 Section overview.mp4
00:00 -
002 Login and logout.mp4
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003 Running a collection.mp4
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004 Running a collection from an URL.mp4
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005 Running a collection from a file.mp4
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006 Using environments.mp4
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007 Advanced configuration options.mp4
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008 Usage restrictions and limitations.mp4
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Section Quiz
12 – Automation with Newman
001 Installing Newman.mp4
00:00 -
002 Troubleshooting Newman installation problems (for Windows).html
00:00 -
003 Running a collection from an URL.mp4
00:00 -
004 Running a collection from a file.mp4
00:00 -
005 Specifying environments with Newman.mp4
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006 Generating HTML reports.mp4
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007 Generating JUnit reports.mp4
00:00 -
008 Searching for Newman reporters.mp4
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009 Advanced configuration options.mp4
00:00 -
010 Conclusion.mp4
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Section Quiz
13 – Postman Test Automation with Jenkins
001 Section overview.mp4
00:00 -
002 How to run Jenkins with Docker.mp4
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003 Defining jobs in Jenkins Jenkins freestyle and Jenkinsfile.mp4
00:00 -
004 Using Postman CLI in Jenkins (freestyle).mp4
00:00 -
005 Managing secrets in Jenkins.mp4
00:00 -
006 Using Postman CLI in Jenkins with Jenkinsfile.mp4
00:00 -
007 Using Newman in Jenkins (freestyle).mp4
00:00 -
008 Using Newman in Jenkins (Jenkinsfile).mp4
00:00 -
009 Publishing an HTML report in Jenkins (freestyle).mp4
00:00 -
010 Publishing an HTML report in Jenkins (Jenkinsfile).mp4
00:00 -
011 Publishing JUnit report (Freestyle).mp4
00:00 -
012 Publishing JUnit report (Jenkinsfile).mp4
00:00 -
013 Troubleshooting failed builds with reports.mp4
00:00 -
014 Troubleshooting Jenkins Problems (for Windows).html
00:00 -
015 Troubleshooting Jenkins Problems (for macOS, Linux).html
00:00 -
016 Troubleshooting HTML reports.html
00:00 -
Section Quiz
14 – Running Newman with other CI servers tools
001 Gitlab CI.mp4
00:00 -
002 TeamCity.mp4
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Section Quiz
15 – Workflows and Scenarios
001 Overview.mp4
00:00 -
002 Creating a basic workflow scenario.mp4
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003 Advanced workflows.mp4
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004 Multiple workflows with the same collection.html
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Section Quiz
16 – Data driven tests Running a request multiple times with different data sets
001 Using workflows to create data-sets.mp4
00:00 -
002 Using external data files – Basic usage.mp4
00:00 -
003 Using external data files – Writing tests.mp4
00:00 -
004 Using external data files – Advanced usage.mp4
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Section Quiz
17 – Team Collaboration
001 Introduction.mp4
00:00 -
002 Using the Git version control system – Overview.mp4
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003 Using the Git version control system – Hands on.mp4
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004 Team Workspaces – Creating and sharing a workspace.mp4
00:00 -
005 Team Workspaces – Understanding users and permissions.mp4
00:00 -
006 Team Workspaces – Managing user permissions.mp4
00:00 -
Section Quiz
18 – Mock servers
001 Introduction to mock servers.mp4
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002 Why use a mock server.mp4
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003 Create your first mock server.mp4
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004 Practical example using mock servers for front-end development.mp4
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005 Recording responses from an existing API.mp4
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006 Known limitations.mp4
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Section Quiz
19 – File uploads (testing, automatic uploads, uploading multiple files)
001 Sending and testing multipartform-data requests (file upload form).mp4
00:00 -
002 Automatic the upload and testing process with Newman.mp4
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Section Quiz
20 – Authentication Authorization
001 Basic access authentication.mp4
00:00 -
002 OAuth2 Authorization Flow (Authorization Code Grant).mp4
00:00 -
003 Form-based Session-based authentication.mp4
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004 JSON Web Tokens (JWT).mp4
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Section Quiz
21 – Advanced topics and user questions
001 You ask, I answer.html
00:00 -
002 Reusing tests in multiple requests.mp4
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003 How to deal with CSV responses.mp4
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004 Writing files to the file system.mp4
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005 Passing variables dynamically to the request at runtime (Newman).html
00:00 -
006 Sending requests from scripts.mp4
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007 How can I connect to my database using Postman.mp4
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008 JSON Schema validation in Postman.html
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Section Quiz
22 – New features in Postman
001 Designing APIs with Postman (OpenAPI 3.0.0 Swagger).mp4
00:00 -
002 Sending GraphQL Queries in Postman.mp4
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Section Quiz
23 – Postman Developer Challenge
001 Postman challenge webinars.html
24 – Last words
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