Postman – Learn API Testing from Scratch with Live Projects

About Course
Postman – The Most popular API tool to build Automated API/WebServices Tests with very minimal code in quick and easy way.
This tool comes with Powerful JavaScript editor (Postman object) which helps us to perform various assertions inside the tool to validate your API Tests.
This course starts from the scratch with Postman fundamentals and then gives you the deeper understanding on various ready made Postman features to build Framework like Variables, Environments, Workflows, Data driven components and Pm object which helps to quickly Setup Automation lab for Testing.
Postman Supports various types of Services like Rest API’s , Soap Web services, GraphQL Testing. etc. There is discussion on how to automate all these services types with the examples in the course.
This tool comes with Powerful Integration of NewMan tool to run the Automated Tests from CLI which can also be Integrated with Jenkins for CI/CD Integration.
All the above features are clearly demonstrated in the course with real time examples from Scratch along with API Authorizations like OAuth.
Below is high level content this Course Covers –
Postman Setup
Collections in Postman
Environments in Postman
Variables and their Scope
Global, Collection, local variables and their usage
Dynamically generated variables in Postman
Understand Rest API Automation with Postman
Assertions in Postman
Collection Test Runner in Postman
Validating Json responses
Json Schema validations in Postman
Data Driven testing with Postman
Error handling Scenarios in Postman
Work flow execution methods in Postman
Parsing complex Json responses with Pm object
Understand Soap WebServices Automation with Postman
OAuth 2.0 Authentication Automation with Postman
What is Newman and running tests through Newman
Newman CLI options configuration
Prepare HTML reports for Postman Automation execution
Integration Postman Automation to Jenkins for CI/CD Integration
Team collaboration with Postman
Version control Management with Postman
Good Luck and See you in the Course 🙂
Course Content
01 – Introduction to Postman tool for testing API’s in Collections
002 Important resources information to learn API Basics.html