One Week Python
About Course
Learn Python in One Week – Free Course from Udemy
Stop wasting time on lengthy courses you never finish! This quick and effective Python course is designed to get you started fast. Perfect for beginners, this course is your gateway to data science, web development, machine learning, and more.
Taught by experienced instructor Colt Steele, this course is packed with exercises, quizzes, challenges, and projects. Enjoy engaging video lessons (averaging just 4 minutes each), clear diagrams, and helpful cheatsheets. Everything is designed to make learning Python manageable and enjoyable.
This course covers all the essential Python concepts: variables, data structures, object-oriented programming, modules, and more. You’ll build a solid foundation to tackle popular Python libraries like pandas, Flask, scikit-learn, Django, and others.
**This course is FREE!** It’s available on Theetay, your source for free online courses from platforms like Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and more.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Easy installation for all operating systems
- Working with numbers
- Python variables
- Strings and string methods
- Booleans
- Conditional logic
- Boolean logic
- Loops
- Functions
- Scope
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Sets
- Tuples
- *args and **kwargs
- Error handling
- Custom modules
- 3rd party modules
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Classes
Start your Python journey today – for free! Visit Theetay to access this course and many more.
What Will You Learn?
- Master modern Python fundamentals as quickly as possible
- Learn the Python you need to move on to Data Science or Web Development
- Work with 3rd party Python libraries and modules
- Complete dozens of exercises, quizzes, and projects
- You'll learn to code with Python while staying sane!
Course Content
01. Introduction
001. Welcome To The Course!.mp4
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002. What This Course IS NOT.mp4
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003. Why You Should Learn Python.mp4
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004. What We Can Do With Python.mp4
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Section Quiz
02. Installation
001. Python Versions They Actually Matter!.mp4
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002. 2 Ways of Running Python.mp4
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003. Installation For Mac Users.mp4
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004. Installation For Windows Users.mp4
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005. The No-Installation Option
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Section Quiz
03. Numbers DONE
001. Intro to Data Types.mp4
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002. Integers and Floats.mp4
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003. ★ Numbers Quiz Done.html
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004. OPTIONAL Numeric Notations.mp4
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005. Basic Operators.mp4
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006. ★ Basic Operators Quiz Done.html
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007. Lesser Known Operators.mp4
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008. ★ Other Operators Quiz Done.html
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Section Quiz
04. Variables Basics DONE
001. Variables.mp4
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002. ★ Variable Quiz Done.html
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003. Variable Naming.mp4
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004. ★ Variable Naming Quiz DONE.html
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005. Assignment Operators.mp4
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006. ★ Assignment Operators Quiz Done.html
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007. Numbers & Variables In The Wild.mp4
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008. ★ Magic Trick Exercise.mp4
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Section Quiz
05. Strings Basics DONE
001. Introducing Strings.mp4
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002. ★ Strings Basics Quiz DONE.html
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003. String Variables.mp4
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004. String Operators.mp4
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005. ★ String Variables Quiz DONE.html
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006. String Indexing.mp4
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007. ★ String Indexing Quiz DONE.html
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Section Quiz
06. String Basics II DONE
001. String Slices.mp4
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002. ★ Slice Quiz DONE.html
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003. Print().mp4
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004. Escape Characters.mp4
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005. ★ Escape Character Quiz DONE.html
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006. Triple Quotes.mp4
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007. Strings In The Wild.mp4
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008. ★ Nico Hülkenberg Exercise.mp4
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Section Quiz
07. Strings & Built-Ins DONE
001. Introducing Functions.mp4
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002. Len.mp4
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003. ★ Len Quiz DONE.html
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004. Input.mp4
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005. Type Casting.mp4
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006. ★ Types Quiz DONE.html
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007. ★ Age Calculator Exercise.mp4
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008. F Strings.mp4
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009. ★ F-Strings Quiz DONE.html
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010. F-Strings and Type Casting In The Wild.mp4
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011. ★ Shopping Cart Exercise.mp4
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Section Quiz
08. Strings and Methods DONE
001. Introducing Methods Upper and Lower.mp4
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002. ★ Quick String Methods Quiz DONE.html
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003. Navigating The Docs.mp4
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004. Help() & ipython ”.mp4
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005. Reading Function Signatures + Strip Methods.mp4
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006. ★ Yet Another String Quiz! DONE.html
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007. Replace.mp4
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008. Other String Methods.mp4
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009. Method Chaining.mp4
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010. ★ Even More String Methods Quiz DONE.html
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011. String Methods In The Wild.mp4
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012. ★ Press Release Exercise.mp4
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013. What I Didn’t Cover.html
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Section Quiz
09. Booleans DONE
001. Introducing Booleans.mp4
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002. ★ Boolean Quiz DONE.html
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003. Comparison Operators.mp4
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004. Equality Operators.mp4
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005. ★ Comparison Quiz DONE.html
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006. Comparing Across Types.mp4
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007. Truthiness & Falseyness.mp4
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008. ★ TruthyFalsey Quiz DONE.html
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009. The in Operator.mp4
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010. OPTIONAL Comparing Strings.mp4
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011. Booleans In The Wild.mp4
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Section Quiz
10. Conditionals Basics DONE
001. Introducing Conditionals.mp4
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002. The If Keyword.mp4
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003. ★ If Quiz DONE.html
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004. The Elif Keyword.mp4
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005. ★ Elif Quiz DONE.html
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006. The Else Keyword.mp4
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007. ★ Else Quiz DONE.html
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008. ★ Name Length Codealong.mp4
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009. ★ Tweet Checker Exercise.mp4
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Section Quiz
11. Conditionals Part II DONE
001. A Tangent On Indentation.mp4
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002. ★ Indentation Quiz DONE.html
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003. Nesting Conditionals.mp4
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004. ★ Nested Conditionals Quiz DONE.html
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005. ★ Water Boiling Codealong.mp4
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006. Conditionals In The Wild.mp4
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007. ★ Quick 1-Question Feedback Survey.html
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008. ★ BMI Calculator Exercise.mp4
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Section Quiz
12. Writing More Complex Logic DONE
001. Logical AND.mp4
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002. Using Logical AND In Practice.mp4
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003. ★ Logical AND Quiz DONE.html
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004. Logical OR.mp4
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005. Using Logical OR In Practice.mp4
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006. ★ Logical OR Quiz DONE.html
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007. Logical NOT.mp4
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008. ★ Logical NOT Quiz DONE.html
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009. Using Logical NOT In Practice.mp4
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Section Quiz
13. More On Logical Operators DONE
001. TruthyFalsey Testing.mp4
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002. ★ TruthyFalsy Testing Quiz.html
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003. Logical Operator Precedence.mp4
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004. ★ Operator Combo Quiz.html
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005. Logical Operators In The Wild.mp4
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006. ★ Rock Paper Scissors Exercise Intro.mp4
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007. ★ Rock Paper Scissors Exercise.mp4
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Section Quiz
14. Loops Part I DONE
001. Introducing Loops!.mp4
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002. While Loops.mp4
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003. ★ While Loops Practice.mp4
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004. ★ While Loop Quiz.html
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005. Avoiding Infinite Loops.mp4
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006. ★ Infinite Loop Quiz.html
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007. ★ Snake Eyes Codealong.mp4
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008. For Loops.mp4
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009. ★ For Loops Quiz.html
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010. Loops and Indentation.mp4
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011. The range() function.mp4
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012. ★ Range Quiz.html
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013. ★ 99 Bottles Of Beer Codealong.mp4
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014. ★ Loops Problem Set.mp4
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Section Quiz
15. Loops Part II DONE
001. Break and Continue Keywords.mp4
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002. ★ Break Quiz.html
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003. ★ Dice Roller Exercise.mp4
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004. ★ Dice Roller Exercise Solution.mp4
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005. Working With Nested Loops.mp4
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006. ★ Nested Loop Quiz.html
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007. Loops In The Wild.mp4
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008. ★ Toothpick Game Exercise Intro.mp4
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009. ★ Toothpick Game Exercise.mp4
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010. ★ Toothpick Game Refactor.mp4
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Section Quiz
16. Functions
001. Introducing Functions.mp4
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002. Our Very First Function!.mp4
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003. Functions With An Input.mp4
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004. Functions With Multiple Arguments.mp4
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005. ★ Functions Basics Quiz DONE.html
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006. Introducing Return!.mp4
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007. Using The Return Keyword.mp4
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008. ★ Return Quiz DONE.html
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009. ★ Function Practice Set.mp4
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010. Default Parameters.mp4
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011. ★ Default Params Quiz DONE.html
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012. Ordering Default Parameters.mp4
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013. KeywordNamed Arguments.mp4
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Section Quiz
17. Scope DONE
001. Global Scope.mp4
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002. Local Scope.mp4
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003. ★ Scope Quiz DONE.html
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004. Scope In Loops and Conditionals.mp4
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005. Enclosing Scope.mp4
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006. ★ Scope Quiz II DONE.html
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007. Built-In Scope.mp4
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008. Scope Precedence Rules.mp4
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009. ★ Scope Quiz III DONE.html
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010. The ‘Global’ Keyword.mp4
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011. ★ Global Quiz DONE.html
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Section Quiz
18. Lists Basics DONE
001. Creating Lists.mp4
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002. ★ Creating Lists Quiz DONE.html
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003. Accessing Data In Lists.mp4
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004. ★ Lists Quiz II DONE.html
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005. Updating List Elements.mp4
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006. ★ Lists Basics Recap Quiz DONE.html
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007. append() and extend().mp4
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008. insert().mp4
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009. ★ List Methods Quiz DONE.html
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010. List Slices.mp4
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011. Deletion Methods pop(), popitems(), remove().mp4
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012. ★ List Methods Quiz II DONE.html
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013. Iterating Over Lists.mp4
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014. ★ List Loop Quiz DONE.html
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015. Lists + Loops Patterns.mp4
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016. ★ Grand Prix Exercise.mp4
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Section Quiz
19. Lists Part 2
001. Nested Lists.mp4
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002. ★ Nested Lists Quiz DONE.html
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003. List Operators.mp4
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004. Sort(), Reverse(), and Count().mp4
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005. Lists Are Mutable.mp4
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006. Comparing Lists == vs is.mp4
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007. ★ Lists Are Mutable Quiz DONE.html
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008. Join() and Split().mp4
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009. List Unpacking.mp4
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010. Copying Lists.mp4
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011. ★ Todo List Exercise Intro.mp4
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012. ★ Todo List Exercise Solution.mp4
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013. What I Didn’t Cover WIP.html
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Section Quiz
20. Dictionaries
001. Introducing Dictionaries.mp4
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002. Creating Your Own Dictionaries.mp4
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003. ★ Creating Dictionaries Quiz DONE.html
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004. Accessing Data In Dictionaries.mp4
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005. ★ Accessing Dictionaries Quiz DONE.html
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006. Adding and Updating Data In Dictionaries.mp4
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007. The get() method and in operator.mp4
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008. ★ Dictionary Quiz 3 DONE.html
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009. Dictionary pop(), clear(), and del.mp4
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010. Dictionaries Are Mutable Too!.mp4
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011. Iterating Dicts keys(), values(), and items().mp4
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012. Fancy Dictionary Merging.mp4
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013. Lists and Dicts Combined!.mp4
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014. ★ Peak Dictionary Exercise.mp4
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015. What I Didn’t Cover.html
00:00 -
Section Quiz
21. Sets and Tuples DONE
001. Introducing Tuples.mp4
00:00 -
002. ★ Tuples Basics Quiz DONE.html
00:00 -
003. Tuple Functionality.mp4
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004. Why Use Tuples.mp4
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005. Sets Introduction.mp4
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006. ★ Sets Basics Quiz DONE.html
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007. Working With Sets.mp4
00:00 -
008. Set Operators Intersection, Union, Difference.mp4
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009. ★ Set Operators Quiz DONE.html
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010. When Use Sets.mp4
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Section Quiz
22. Returning To Functions DONE
001. Introducing args.mp4
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002. Using args.mp4
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003. ★ args Quiz DONE.html
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004. Introducing kwargs.mp4
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005. ★ Kwargs Quiz DONE.html
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006. Parameter List Ordering.mp4
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007. A Common Gotcha Mutable Default Args.mp4
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008. Unpacking Args.mp4
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009. ★ ArgsKwargs Problem Set.mp4
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Section Quiz
23. Errors
001. Common Error Types.mp4
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002. Raising Exceptions.mp4
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003. When To Raise.mp4
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004. Try and Except.mp4
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005. LBYL and EAFP.mp4
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Section Quiz
24. Modules DONE
001. Working With Built-In Modules.mp4
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002. Importing More Built-In Modules.mp4
00:00 -
003. Fancy Import Syntax.mp4
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004. ★ Import Quiz DONE.html
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005. Creating Custom Modules.mp4
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006. 3rd Party Modules Pip & PyPI.mp4
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007. Our First Pip Package!.mp4
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008. Language Translator Package.mp4
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009. ★ Sentiment Analysis Fun Project Installation.mp4
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010. ★ Sentiment Analysis Fun Project.mp4
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Section Quiz
25. OOP
001. Introducing OOP.mp4
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002. Class Syntax.mp4
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003. Writing Our First Class.mp4
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004. Instance Methods.mp4
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005. Practicing Instance Methods.mp4
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006. Class Attributes.mp4
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007. Class Methods.mp4
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008. Inheritance Basics.mp4
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009. The super() Function.mp4
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Section Quiz
01. Introduction
001. Welcome To The Course!.mp4
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