(4 Ratings)
Microsoft Excel – Excel From Beginner to Advanced

About Course
Learn Microsoft Excel from beginner to advanced with this comprehensive course. This free course combines four different courses from Udemy, giving you a complete understanding of Excel. This is a free course from Udemy.
This course covers topics applicable to Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 (Microsoft/Office 365)/2023. You’ll learn:
- Creating effective spreadsheets
- Managing large sets of data
- Mastering Excel functions (SUM, VLOOKUP, IF, AVERAGE, INDEX/MATCH, and more)
- Creating dynamic reports with Excel PivotTables
- Using PowerPivot
- Auditing Excel formulas
- Automating tasks with Macros and VBA
This course includes:
- 18+ hours of video lectures by a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)
- Downloadable exercise files
- Section quizzes
- A Q&A board for asking questions
Enroll now and take the next step in mastering Excel. Go from Excel newbie to Excel guru!
What Will You Learn?
- Master Microsoft Excel from Beginner to Advanced
- Build a solid understanding on the Basics of Microsoft Excel
- Learn the most common Excel functions used in the Office
- Harness the full power of Microsoft Excel by automating your day to day tasks through Macros and VBA
- Maintain large sets of Excel data in a list or table
- Create dynamic reports by mastering one of the most popular tools, PivotTables
- Wow your boss by unlocking dynamic formulas with IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH functions and many more
- Access to a Professional Trainer with 10+ years of Excel Training
Course Content
01 – Microsoft Excel 101 Course Introduction
001 Ask Questions.mp4
00:00 -
002 Course Exercise Files.mp4
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003 Certificate of Completion.mp4
02 – Microsoft Excel Fundamentals
001 Launching Excel.mp4
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002 Microsoft Excel Startup Screen.mp4
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003 Introduction to the Excel Interface.mp4
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004 Customizing the Excel Quick Access Toolbar.mp4
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005 More on the Excel Interface.mp4
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006 Understanding the Structure of an Excel Workbook.mp4
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007 Saving an Excel Document.mp4
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008 Opening an Existing Excel Document.mp4
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009 Common Excel Shortcut Keys.mp4
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Section Quiz
03 – Entering and Editing Text and Formulas
001 Entering Text to Create Spreadsheet Titles.mp4
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002 Working with Numeric Data in Excel.mp4
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003 Entering Date Values in Excel.mp4
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004 Working with Cell References.mp4
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005 Creating Basic Formulas in Excel.mp4
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006 Relative Versus Absolute Cell References in Formulas.mp4
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007 Understanding the Order of Operation (DOWNLOAD EXERCISE FILE).mp4
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Section Quiz
04 – Working with Basic Excel Functions
001 The structure of an Excel Function.mp4
00:00 -
002 Working with the SUM() Function.mp4
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003 Working with the MIN() and MAX() Functions.mp4
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004 Working with the AVERAGE() Function.mp4
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005 Working with the COUNT() Function.mp4
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006 Adjacent Cells Error in Excel Calculations.mp4
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007 Using the AutoSum Command.mp4
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008 Excel’s AutoSum Shortcut Key.mp4
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009 Using the AutoFill Command to Copy Formulas.mp4
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Section Quiz
05 – Modifying an Excel Worksheet
001 Moving and Copying Data in an Excel Worksheet.mp4
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002 Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns.mp4
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003 Changing the Width and Height of Cells.mp4
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004 Hiding and Unhiding Excel Rows and Columns.mp4
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005 Renaming an Excel Worksheet.mp4
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006 Deleting an Excel Worksheet.mp4
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007 Moving and Copying an Excel Worksheet.mp4
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Section Quiz
06 – Formatting Data in an Excel Worksheet
001 Working with Font Formatting Commands.mp4
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002 Changing the Background Color of a Cell.mp4
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003 Adding Borders to Cells.mp4
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004 Excel Cell Borders Continued.mp4
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005 Formatting Data as Currency Values.mp4
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006 Formatting Percentages.mp4
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007 Using Excel’s Format Painter.mp4
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008 Creating Styles to Format Data.mp4
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009 Merging and Centering Cells.mp4
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010 Using Conditional Formatting.mp4
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011 Editing Excel Conditional Formatting.mp4
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Section Quiz
07 – Inserting Images and Shapes into an Excel Worksheet
001 Inserting Images.mp4
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002 Inserting Excel Shapes.mp4
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003 Formatting Excel Shapes.mp4
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004 Working with Excel SmartArt.mp4
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Section Quiz
08 – Creating Basic Charts in Excel
001 Creating an Excel Column Chart.mp4
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002 Working with the Excel Chart Ribbon.mp4
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003 Adding and Modifying Data on an Excel Chart.mp4
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004 Formatting an Excel Chart.mp4
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005 Moving a Chart to another Worksheet.mp4
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006 Working with Excel Pie Charts.mp4
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007 Microsoft Excel Charts Quick Guide (DOWNLOAD).html
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Section Quiz
09 – Printing an Excel Worksheet
001 Viewing your Document in Print Preview.mp4
00:00 -
002 Changing the Margins, Scaling and Orientation.mp4
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003 Excel Worksheet Margins.mp4
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004 Working with Page Layout View.mp4
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005 Adding Header and Footer Content.mp4
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006 Printing a Specific Range of Cells.mp4
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Section Quiz
10 – Working with Excel Templates
001 Intro to Excel Templates.mp4
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002 Opening an Existing Template.mp4
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003 Creating a Custom Template.mp4
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Section Quiz
11 – Excel 101 – Practice What You’ve Learned (DOWNLOAD)
001 Excel 101 – Practice What You’ve Learned (DOWNLOAD).html
12 – Congratulations! You’ve Built a Solid Microsoft Excel Foundation
001 Congratulations!.mp4
13 – Microsoft Excel 102 Course Introduction
001 Excel 102 Course Exercise Files — DOWNLOAD.mp4
14 – Working with an Excel List
001 Understanding Excel List Structure.mp4
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002 Sorting a List Using Single Level Sort.mp4
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003 Sorting a List Using Multi-Level Sorts.mp4
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004 Using Custom Sorts in an Excel List.mp4
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005 Filter an Excel List Using the AutoFilter Tool.mp4
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006 Creating Subtotals in a List.mp4
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007 Format a List as a Table.mp4
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008 Using Conditional Formatting to Find Duplicates.mp4
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009 Removing Duplicates.mp4
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Section Quiz
15 – Excel List Functions
001 Introduction to Excels Function DSUM().mp4
00:00 -
002 Excel DSUM Function Single Criteria Continued.mp4
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003 Excel DSUM Function with OR Criteria.mp4
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004 Excel DSUM Function with AND Criteria.mp4
00:00 -
005 Excel Function DAVERAGE().mp4
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006 Excel Function DCOUNT().mp4
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007 Excel Function SUBTOTAL().mp4
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Section Quiz
16 – Excel Data Validation
001 Understanding the Need for Excel Data Validation.mp4
00:00 -
002 Creating an Excel Data Validation List.mp4
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003 Excel Decimal Data Validation.mp4
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004 Adding a Custom Excel Data Validation Error.mp4
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005 Dynamic Formulas by Using Excel Data Validation Techniques.mp4
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Section Quiz
17 – Importing and Exporting Data
001 Importing Data Into Microsoft Excel.mp4
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002 Importing Data from Text Files.mp4
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003 Importing Data from Microsoft Access.mp4
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004 NEW VERSION — Import Data From Text Files into Excel.mp4
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005 NEW VERSION — Import Data From a Database into Excel.mp4
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006 Microsoft Excel Legacy Import Options for New Excel Versions.mp4
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007 Exporting Data to a Text File.mp4
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Section Quiz
18 – Excel PivotTables
001 Understanding Excel PivotTables.mp4
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002 Creating an Excel PivotTable.mp4
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003 Modifying Excel PivotTable Calculations.mp4
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004 Grouping PivotTable Data.mp4
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005 Formatting PivotTable Data.mp4
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006 Modifying PivotTable Calculations.mp4
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007 Drilling Down into PivotTable Data.mp4
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008 Creating PivotCharts.mp4
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009 Filtering PivotTable Data.mp4
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010 Filtering with the Slicer Tool.mp4
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Section Quiz
19 – Working with Excel’s PowerPivot Tools
001 Introduction to Excel Power Pivot.mp4
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002 Why PowerPivot.mp4
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003 Activating the Excel PowerPivot AddIn.mp4
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004 Creating Data Models with PowerPivot.mp4
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005 Excel Power Pivot Data Model Relationships.mp4
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006 Creating PivotTables based on Data Models.mp4
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007 Excel Power Pivot KPIs.mp4
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Section Quiz
20 – Working with Large Sets of Excel Data
001 Using the Freeze Panes Tool.mp4
00:00 -
002 Grouping Data (Columns andor Rows).mp4
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003 Print Options for Large Sets of Data.mp4
00:00 -
004 Linking Worksheets (3D Formulas).mp4
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005 Consolidating Data from Multiple Worksheets.mp4
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006 Microsoft Excel Managing Large Excel Datasets Quick Guide (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
Section Quiz
21 – Excel 102 Additional Practice Exercises
001 Excel 102 – Practice What You’ve Learned (DOWNLOAD).html
22 – Congratulations! You’re an Intermediate Excel User
001 Congratulations!.mp4
23 – Microsoft Excel 103 Course Introduction
001 Excel 103 Course Exercise Files — DOWNLOAD.mp4
24 – Working with Excel’s Conditional Functions
001 Working with Excel Name Ranges.mp4
00:00 -
002 Advantages and Disadvantages of Excel Name Ranges.mp4
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003 Editing an Excel Name Range.mp4
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004 Using Excel’s IF() Function.mp4
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005 Excel’s IF() Function with a Name Range.mp4
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006 Nesting Functions with Excel.mp4
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007 Nesting Excels AND() Function within the IF() Function.mp4
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008 Using Excel’s COUNTIF() Function.mp4
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009 Using Excel’s SUMIF() Function.mp4
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010 Using Excel’s IFERROR() Function.mp4
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Section Quiz
25 – Working with Excel’s Lookup Functions
001 Microsoft Excel VLOOKUP() Function.mp4
00:00 -
002 Microsoft Excel HLOOKUP() Function.mp4
00:00 -
003 Microsoft Excel INDEX() Function.mp4
00:00 -
004 Microsoft Excel MATCH() Function.mp4
00:00 -
005 Microsoft Excel INDEX() and MATCH() Function Combined.mp4
00:00 -
006 Microsoft Excel INDEX() and MATCH() Function Combined Continued.mp4
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007 Creating a Dynamic HLOOKUP() with the MATCH() Function.mp4
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Section Quiz
26 – Working with Excel’s Text Based Functions
001 Using Excel’s LEFT(), RIGHT() and MID() Functions.mp4
00:00 -
002 Using Excel’s LEN() Function.mp4
00:00 -
003 Using Excel’s SEARCH() Function.mp4
00:00 -
004 Using Excel’s CONCATENATE() Function.mp4
00:00 -
005 Microsoft Excel Adv. Functions and Formulas Quick Guide (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
Section Quiz
27 – Auditing an Excel Worksheet
001 Tracing Precedents in Excel Formulas.mp4
00:00 -
002 Tracing Dependents in Excel Formulas.mp4
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003 Working with the Watch Window.mp4
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004 Showing Formulas.mp4
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Section Quiz
28 – Protecting Excel Worksheets and Workbooks
001 Protecting Specific Cells in a Worksheet.mp4
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002 Protecting the Structure of a Workbook.mp4
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003 Adding a Workbook Password.mp4
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Section Quiz
29 – Mastering Excel’s What If Tools
001 Working with Excel’s Goal Seek Tool.mp4
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002 Working with Excel’s Solver Tool.mp4
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003 Building Effective Data Tables in Excel.mp4
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004 Creating Scenarios in Excel.mp4
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Section Quiz
30 – Automating Repetitive Tasks in Excel with Macros
001 Understanding Excel Macros.mp4
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002 Activating the Developer Tab in Excel.mp4
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003 Creating a Macro with the Macro Recorder.mp4
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004 Editing a Macro with VBA.mp4
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005 Creating Buttons to Run Macros.mp4
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Section Quiz
31 – Excel 103 Additional Practice Exercises
001 Excel 103 – Practice What You’ve Learned (DOWNLOAD).html
32 – Congratulations!
001 Congratulations on Completing the Microsoft Excel 103.mp4
33 – Microsoft Excel Macros and VBA Course Introduction
001 Welcome to the Course.mp4
00:00 -
002 Understanding the Why and How Behind Excel Macros.mp4
34 – Project #1 Using Excel’s Macro Recorder Tool
001 Introduction to Project #1 Inserting and Formatting Text.mp4
00:00 -
002 Project #1 Section Exercise Files (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
003 Activating the Excel Developer Tab.mp4
00:00 -
004 Project #1 Start Recording!.mp4
00:00 -
005 Running a Microsoft Excel Macro.mp4
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006 Project #1 Running an Excel Macro with a Button.mp4
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007 BONUS – Create a Custom Button Using Excel Shapes.mp4
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008 Adding the Excel Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar.mp4
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009 Project #1 Editing the VBA Recorded by the Macro Recorder.mp4
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010 Save a Workbook with a MacroVBA Code.mp4
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011 Practical Uses of Excel Macros.mp4
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Section Quiz
35 – Excel VBA Concepts
001 Intro to Excel VBA Concepts.mp4
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002 Intro to Excel VBA Object Oriented Programming Concepts.mp4
00:00 -
003 Intro to Excel VBA Exercise Files (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
004 The Visual Basic Editor (VBE).mp4
00:00 -
005 Introduction to the Excel VBA Immediate Window.mp4
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006 Excel VBA Modules.mp4
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007 Creating an Excel VBA Procedure.mp4
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008 Adding Code to a VBA Procedure.mp4
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009 Including Excel VBA Comments.mp4
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010 Excel VBA MSGBOX Function.mp4
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011 Excel VBA MsgBox Microsoft Help Information.mp4
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012 Understanding and Working with Excel VBA Variables.mp4
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013 REMINDER Saving an Excel Workbook with VBA Code.mp4
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Section Quiz
36 – Working with Excel VBA Logic Statements
001 Working with Excel VBA Logic Exercise Files (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
002 Building Logic with an Excel VBA IF Statement.mp4
00:00 -
003 Including an Else Statement in the VBA IF Statement.mp4
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004 Expanding the IF Logic with Multiple ElseIf Statements.mp4
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005 Working with Excel VBA Select Case Statements.mp4
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006 Working with an Excel VBA Do While Loop.mp4
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007 Excel VBA Do While Loop Dynamic Condition.mp4
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008 Working with an Excel VBA For Each Loop.mp4
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009 Working with an Excel VBA For Next Loop.mp4
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Section Quiz
37 – Project #2 Moving Beyond the Basics and into VBA
001 Introduction to Project #2 Interacting with the User.mp4
00:00 -
002 Beyond the Basics Sort Project Exercise Files (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
003 Project #2 Introduction to the Excel VBA Range.Sort Method.mp4
00:00 -
004 Creating the Excel VBA Sort Procedures for this Project.mp4
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005 Project #2 Prompting the User for Information.mp4
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006 Continue Excel VBA InputBox.mp4
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007 Project #2 Building Logic into Your Macros.mp4
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008 Project #2 Alerting the User of Errors.mp4
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009 Using Excel VBA Error Control Statements.mp4
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010 Create a Button to Run the Sort Procedure and Save.mp4
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Section Quiz
38 – Project #3 Preparing and Cleaning Up Data with Excel VBA
001 Introduction to Project #3 Cleaning Up and Formatting Data.mp4
00:00 -
002 Project #3 Exercise Files (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
003 Project #3 Preparing to the Use the Macro Recorder.mp4
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004 Project #3 Inserting the Headers.mp4
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005 Project #3 Formatting the Headers.mp4
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006 Project #3 Testing the Macros.mp4
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007 Project #3 Using an Excel VBA Loop to Loop through all Worksheets.mp4
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008 Project #3 Testing the Excel VBA Loop.mp4
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009 Project #3 Adding Logic to an Excel VBA Loop.mp4
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Section Quiz
39 – Project #4 Using VBA to Automate Excel Formulas
001 Introduction to Project #4 Automate Excel Formulas.mp4
00:00 -
002 Project #4 Automate Sum Function Exercise Files (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
003 Project #4 Start the Procedure to Automate the SUM Function.mp4
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004 Working with the Range Address Property.mp4
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005 Creating the SUM Function in VBA.mp4
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006 Run the Excel VBA Procedure to SUM Records.mp4
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007 Project #4 Loop the SUM() Function Over Multiple Worksheets.mp4
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Section Quiz
40 – Project #5 Bringing it All Together and a Weekly Report
001 Introduction to Project #5 Creating the Final Report.mp4
00:00 -
002 Project #5 Final Report Loop Exercise Files (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
003 Project #5 Creating the Final Report Excel VBA Loop.mp4
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004 Project #5 – Copying Content with Excel VBA.mp4
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005 Project #5 – Pasting Content with Excel VBA.mp4
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006 Cleaning Up the Final Report VBA Loop Code.mp4
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007 Adding Logic to Stop the Loop from Running Multiple Times on a Worksheet.mp4
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008 Project #5 – Running the Final Report Procedure.mp4
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Section Quiz
41 – Project #6 Working with Excel VBA User Forms
001 Introduction to Project #6 Working with Excel VBA User Forms.mp4
00:00 -
002 Project #6 Working with Excel VBA User Forms Exercise Files (DOWNLOAD).html
00:00 -
003 Project #6 Creating an Excel User Form.mp4
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004 Project #6 Working with Form and Control Properties.mp4
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005 Project #6 Formatting Excel VBA User Form Controls.mp4
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006 Project #6 Adding VBA Code to the Initialize Event.mp4
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007 Project #6 Using the AddItem Method within a Loop.mp4
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008 Project #6 Adding VBA Code to the ComboBox Change Event.mp4
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009 Project #6 Adding VBA Code to the Add Worksheet Button.mp4
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010 Project #6 Change Worksheet Name.mp4
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011 Project #6 Catch Errors When Adding a Worksheet.mp4
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012 Add Sheet Procedure Catch Errors.html
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013 Project #6 Additional Conditions on the Loop.mp4
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014 Project #6 Running the Final Report Procedure.mp4
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015 Project #6 Showing the VBA User Form On Workbook Open.mp4
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Section Quiz
42 – Project #7 Importing Data from Text Files
001 Project #7 Opening a Text File for Import.mp4
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002 Project #7 Opening a Text File for Import.mp4
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003 Project #7 Get Data from Text File.mp4
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004 Project #7 Importing Multiple Text Files with the GetOpenFilename Method.mp4
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005 Project #7 Creating a Loop to Read Each File.mp4
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006 Project #7 Adding a New Sheet for Imported Data.mp4
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007 Project #7 Clear the Clipboard.mp4
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008 Project #7 Working with the ScreenUpdating Property.mp4
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009 Project #7 Creating Reusable Code with a VBA Function.mp4
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Section Quiz
43 – Course Wrap Up
001 Congratulations! You’re an Excel MacroVBA Master.mp4
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Student Ratings & Reviews
Total 4 Ratings
3 Ratings
1 Rating
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0 Rating
0 Rating
Good comprehensive course. Taught almost all the important excel concepts which are required in daily use. The first module of the course is really well created and taught. Highly recommended for all students from all fields.