Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Finance Specialization

About Course
Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Finance Specialization, The main goal of this specialization is to provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary to develop a strong foundation on core paradigms and algorithms of machine learning (ML), with a particular focus on applications of ML to various practical problems in Finance. The specialization aims at helping students to be able to solve practical ML-amenable problems that they may encounter in real life that include: 1. mapping the problem on a general landscape of available ML methods, 2. choosing particular ML approach(es) that would be most appropriate for resolving the problem, and 3. successfully implementing a solution, and assessing its performance.
The specialization is essentially in ML where all examples, home assignments and course projects deal with various problems in Finance (such as stock trading, asset management, and banking applications), and the choice of topics is respectively driven by a focus on ML methods that are used by practitioners in Finance. The specialization is meant to prepare the students to work on complex machine learning projects in finance that often require both a broad understanding of the whole field of ML, and understanding of appropriateness of different methods available in a particular sub-field of ML (for example, Unsupervised Learning) for addressing practical problems they might encounter in their work.
Course Content
01. Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance
004 01_welcome-note.mp4
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008 02_specialization-objectives.mp4
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012 03_specialization-prerequisites.mp4
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016 01_artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-part-i.mp4
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020 02_artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-part-ii.mp4
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024 01_machine-learning-as-a-foundation-of-artificial-intelligence-part-i.mp4
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028 02_machine-learning-as-a-foundation-of-artificial-intelligence-part-ii.mp4
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032 03_machine-learning-as-a-foundation-of-artificial-intelligence-part-iii.mp4
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036 01_machine-learning-in-finance-vs-machine-learning-in-tech-part-i.mp4
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040 02_machine-learning-in-finance-vs-machine-learning-in-tech-part-ii.mp4
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044 03_machine-learning-in-finance-vs-machine-learning-in-tech-part-iii.mp4
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045 01_the-business-of-artificial-intelligence_instructions.html
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046 02_how-ai-and-automation-will-shape-finance-in-the-future_instructions.html
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047 03_a-geron-hands-on-machine-learning-with-scikit-learn-and-tensorflow-chapter-1_instructions.html
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053 01_generalization-and-a-bias-variance-tradeoff.mp4
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058 02_the-no-free-lunch-theorem.mp4
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063 03_overfitting-and-model-capacity.mp4
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068 04_linear-regression.mp4
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072 05_regularization-validation-set-and-hyper-parameters.mp4
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076 06_overview-of-the-supervised-machine-learning-in-finance.mp4
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077 01_i-goodfellow-y-bengio-a-courville-deep-learning-chapters-4-5-5-1-5-2-5-3-5-4_instructions.html
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078 02_leo-breiman-statistical-modeling-the-two-cultures_instructions.html
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079 01_module-2-quiz_exam.html
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080 02_jupyter-notebook-faq_instructions.html
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081 03_euclidean-distance-calculation_instructions.html
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086 01_dataflow-and-tensorflow.mp4
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090 02_a-first-demo-of-tensorflow.mp4
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094 03_linear-regression-in-tensorflow.mp4
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099 04_neural-networks.mp4
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104 05_gradient-descent-optimization.mp4
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109 06_gradient-descent-for-neural-networks.mp4
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112 07_stochastic-gradient-descent.mp4
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113 01_a-geron-hands-on-ml-chapter-9-chapter-4-gradient-descent_instructions.html
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114 02_e-fama-and-k-french-size-and-book-to-market-factors-in-earnings-and-returns_instructions.html
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115 03_j-piotroski-value-investing-the-use-of-historical-financial-statement_instructions.html
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116 01_module-3-quiz_exam.html
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117 02_jupyter-notebook-faq_instructions.html
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118 03_linear-regression_instructions.html
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123 01_regression-and-equity-analysis.mp4
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128 02_fundamental-analysis.mp4
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133 01_machine-learning-as-model-estimation.mp4
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138 02_maximum-likelihood-estimation.mp4
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143 03_probabilistic-classification-models.mp4
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148 04_logistic-regression-for-modeling-bank-failures-part-i.mp4
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153 05_logistic-regression-for-modeling-bank-failures-part-ii.mp4
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158 06_logistic-regression-for-modeling-bank-failures-part-iii.mp4
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162 07_supervised-learning-conclusion.mp4
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163 01_c-bishop-pattern-recognition-and-machine-learning-chapters-4-1-4-2-4-3_instructions.html
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164 02_a-geron-hands-on-ml-chapters-3-chapter-4-logistic-regression_instructions.html
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165 01_module-4-quiz_exam.html
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166 02_jupyter-notebook-faq_instructions.html
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167 03_tobit-regression_instructions.html
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168 01_jupyter-notebook-faq_instructions.html
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169 02_course-project_instructions.html
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170 01__resources.html
02. Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance
03. Reinforcement Learning in Finance
04. Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance
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