Introduction to Cloud Computing

About Course
Learn Cloud Computing for Free: Introduction to Cloud Computing
Start your cloud computing journey with this free, self-paced introductory course from IBM. Whether you need general cloud computing knowledge for school, business, or are considering a career change, this beginner-friendly course is right for you.
This comprehensive course covers essential cloud computing concepts, including:
- Cloud service models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
- Deployment models: Public, Private, Hybrid
- Prominent cloud service providers: AWS, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure
- Cloud adoption, blockchain, analytics, and AI
- Cloud computing architecture: datacenters, availability zones, virtual machines, containers, bare metal servers
- Cloud storage options: Object Storage
- Emerging cloud trends: Hybrid, Multicloud, Microservices, Serverless, DevOps, Cloud Native, Application Modernization
- Cloud security and monitoring
- Cloud computing job roles and career paths
You will complete hands-on labs and quizzes to solidify your understanding, and a final project where you deploy an application to the cloud using a serverless architecture. This valuable addition to your portfolio will showcase your cloud computing skills.
This free course is available on Theetay, a platform offering free access to top-rated online courses from leading providers like Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, MasterClass, NearPeer, and more. Enroll now and take the first step towards a rewarding career in cloud computing! This free cloud computing course provides a comprehensive introduction to cloud computing concepts, including cloud service models, deployment models, prominent cloud providers, emerging trends, and cloud security. Learn about IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more.
Course Content
Introduction to Cloud Computing
0005 003_course-learning-objectives_instructions.html
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0006 004_course-syllabus_instructions.html
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0009 001_definition-and-essential-characteristics-of-cloud-computing.mp4
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0012 002_expert-viewpoints-definition-and-essential-characteristics-of-cloud-computing.mp4
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0015 003_history-and-evolution-of-cloud-computing.mp4
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0018 004_key-considerations-for-cloud-computing.mp4
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0021 005_key-cloud-service-providers-and-their-services.mp4
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0022 006_lesson-1-summary-introduction-to-cloud-computing_instructions.html
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0025 001_cloud-adoption-no-longer-a-choice.mp4
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0028 002_expert-viewpoints-cloud-adoption-benefits-and-use-cases.mp4
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0031 003_cloud-adoption-some-case-studies.mp4
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0032 004_lesson-2-summary-business-case-for-cloud-computing_instructions.html
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0035 001_internet-of-things-in-the-cloud.mp4
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0038 002_artificial-intelligence-on-the-cloud.mp4
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0041 003_blockchain-and-analytics-in-the-cloud.mp4
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0042 004_lesson-3-summary-emerging-technologies-accelerated-by-cloud_instructions.html
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0046 001_overview-of-cloud-service-models.mp4
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0049 002_iaas-infrastructure-as-a-service.mp4
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0052 003_paas-platform-as-a-service.mp4
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0055 004_saas-software-as-a-service.mp4
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0056 005_lesson-1-summary-service-models_instructions.html
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0057 006_practice-quiz-service-models_quiz.html
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0060 001_public-cloud.mp4
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0063 002_private-cloud.mp4
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0066 003_hybrid-cloud.mp4
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0069 004_expert-viewpoints-cloud-computing-service-and-deployment-models.mp4
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0070 005_community-cloud_instructions.html
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0071 006_lesson-2-summary-deployment-models_instructions.html
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0072 007_practice-quiz-deployment-models_quiz.html
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0077 001_overview-of-cloud-infrastructure.mp4
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0080 002_virtualization-and-virtual-machines-explained.mp4
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0083 003_types-of-virtual-machines.mp4
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0086 004_bare-metal-servers.mp4
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0089 005_secure-networking-in-cloud.mp4
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0092 006_containers.mp4
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0095 007_expert-viewpoints-components-of-cloud-computing.mp4
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0096 008_lesson-1-summary-cloud-infrastructure_instructions.html
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0097 009_practice-quiz-cloud-infrastructure_quiz.html
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0100 001_basics-of-storage-on-cloud.mp4
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0103 002_file-storage.mp4
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0106 003_block-storage.mp4
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0109 004_object-storage-overview.mp4
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A Message from the Professor
0112 005_object-storage-tiers-and-apis.mp4
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0115 006_cdn-content-delivery-networks.mp4
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0118 007_expert-viewpoints-cloud-storage.mp4
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0119 008_lesson-2-summary-cloud-storage-and-content-delivery-networks_instructions.html
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0120 009_practice-quiz-cloud-storage-and-content-delivery-networks_quiz.html
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0124 001_hybrid-multi-cloud.mp4
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0127 002_microservices.mp4
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0130 003_serverless-computing.mp4
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0131 004_lesson-1-summary_instructions.html
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0134 001_cloud-native-applications.mp4
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0137 002_devops-on-the-cloud.mp4
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0138 003_devops-on-the-cloud_instructions.html
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0141 004_application-modernization.mp4
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0144 005_expert-viewpoints-cloud-native-and-emergent-cloud-trends.mp4
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0145 006_lesson-2-summary_instructions.html
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0146 007_practice-quiz-cloud-native-applications-devops-and-application-modernization_quiz.html
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0150 001_what-is-cloud-security-part-1.mp4
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0153 002_what-is-cloud-security-part-2.mp4
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0154 003_policies-and-principles-of-access-management_instructions.html
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0157 004_identity-and-access-management.mp4
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0160 005_cloud-encryption.mp4
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0163 006_cloud-monitoring-basics-and-benefits.mp4
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0164 007_cloud-monitoring-and-benefits_instructions.html
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0165 008_lesson-summary-cloud-security-and-monitoring_instructions.html
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0168 001_case-studies-in-different-industry-verticals.mp4
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0171 002_career-opportunities-and-job-roles-in-cloud-computing.mp4
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0174 003_expert-viewpoints-job-market-for-cloud-computing.mp4
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0175 004_lesson-summary-case-studies-and-jobs_instructions.html
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0180 001_expert-viewpoints-your-career-in-cloud-computing.mp4
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0181 002_congrats-next-steps_instructions.html
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0182 003_thanks-from-the-course-team_instructions.html
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0003 001_course-welcome.mp4
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