Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS

About Course
Learn how to build responsive, real-world websites from scratch using HTML and CSS with this comprehensive course. This is a **completely free** course from Udemy, covering everything from basic principles to advanced techniques, like flexbox and CSS Grid.
This project-based course will take you through the entire process of designing and building a professional website, using the same tools and technologies that experienced web developers use. You’ll learn:
- Fundamentals of modern HTML and CSS
- Web design principles and best practices
- Responsive design for optimal viewing on all devices
- Building professional-looking websites with well-established components and layout patterns
- Finding and using free design assets like images, fonts, and icons
- Essential developer skills like reading documentation, troubleshooting code errors, and using professional web development tools
Join 200,000+ other developers and start building stunning websites today! This is a complete, all-in-one package, perfect for anyone interested in web development, whether you’re a beginner or have some prior experience.
This course includes:
- High-definition video lessons
- Professional English captions
- Downloadable design assets, starter code, and final code for each section
- Downloadable slides for theory videos
- Access to countless free design and development resources
- Free support in the course Q&A forum
- 10+ coding challenges with solutions
Start learning today and unlock your web development potential!
What Will You Learn?
- Become a modern and confident HTML and CSS developer, no prior knowledge needed!
- Design and build a stunning real-world project for your portfolio from scratch
- Modern, semantic and accessible HTML5
- Modern CSS (previous CSS3), including flexbox and CSS Grid for layout
- Important CSS concepts such as the box model, positioning schemes, inheritance, solving selector conflicts, etc.
- A web design framework with easy-to-use rules and guidelines to design eye-catching websites
- How to plan, sketch, design, build, test, and optimize a professional website
- How to make websites work on every possible mobile device (responsive design)
- How to use common components and layout patterns for professional website design and development
- Developer skills such as reading documentation, debugging, and using professional tools
- How to find and use free design assets such as images, fonts, and icons
- Practice your skills with 10+ challenges (solutions included)
Course Content
Welcome and First Steps
A Message from the Professor
Course Structure and Projects
05:34 -
A High-Level Overview of Web Development
11:01 -
Setting Up Our Code Editor
08:52 -
Your Very First Webpage!
09:56 -
Downloading Course Material
04:21 -
Watch Before You Start!
05:44 -
Course Material Download Link
HTML Fundamentals
Section Intro
00:40 -
Introduction to HTML
04:18 -
HTML Document Structure
11:46 -
Text Elements
16:20 -
More Text Elements_ Lists
10:59 -
Images and Attributes
12:42 -
14:49 -
Structuring our Page
10:56 -
A Note on Semantic HTML
06:28 -
Installing Additional VS Code Extensions
07:14 -
11:50 -
CSS Fundamentals
Section Intro
00:56 -
Introduction to CSS
00:47 -
12:12 -
Styling Text
15:32 -
Combining Selectors
09:12 -
Class and ID Selectors
15:23 -
Working With Colors
24:08 -
10:00 -
Styling Hyperlinks
09:43 -
Using Chrome DevTools
08:04 -
CSS Theory #1_ Conflicts Between Selectors
17:23 -
CSS Theory #2_ Inheritance and the Universal Selector
14:36 -
17:41 -
CSS Theory #3_ The CSS Box Model
08:05 -
Using Margins and Paddings
22:07 -
Adding Dimensions
08:03 -
Centering our Page
07:56 -
10:59 -
CSS Theory #4_ Types of Boxes
22:19 -
CSS Theory #5_ Absolute Positioning
16:04 -
16:52 -
Developer Skill #1_ Googling and Reading Documentation
12:15 -
Developer Skill #2_ Debugging and Asking Questions
22:16 -
Layouts_ Floats, Flexbox, and CSS Grid Fundamentals
Section Intro
01:18 -
The 3 Ways of Building Layouts
05:18 -
Using Floats
17:22 -
Clearing Floats
07:22 -
Building a Simple Float Layout
08:46 -
box-sizing_ border-box
11:12 -
20:15 -
Introduction to Flexbox
09:43 -
A Flexbox Overview
07:35 -
Spacing and Aligning Flex Items
10:51 -
The flex Property
11:34 -
Adding Flexbox to Our Project
19:57 -
Building a Simple Flexbox Layout
12:15 -
14:13 -
Introduction to CSS Grid
10:58 -
A CSS Grid Overview
09:40 -
Sizing Grid Columns and Rows
13:54 -
Placing and Spanning Grid Items
13:00 -
Aligning Grid Items and Tracks
13:46 -
Building a Simple CSS Grid Layout
15:46 -
Web Design Rules and Framework
Section Intro
02:18 -
Project Overview
06:13 -
Overview of Web Design and Website Personalities
12:36 -
Web Design Rules #1_ Typography
16:17 -
Implementing Typography
23:23 -
Web Design Rules #2_ Colors
13:40 -
Implementing Colors
18:12 -
Web Design Rules #3_ Images and Illustrations
14:57 -
Web Design Rules #4_ Icons
12:59 -
Implementing Icons
21:33 -
Web Design Rules #5_ Shadows
13:04 -
Implementing Shadows
12:08 -
Web Design Rules #6_ Border-radius
04:54 -
Implementing Border-radius
06:40 -
Web Design Rules #7_ Whitespace
13:10 -
Web Design Rules #8_ Visual Hierarchy
22:58 -
Implementing Whitespace and Visual Hierarchy
15:43 -
Web Design Rules #9_ User Experience (UX)
20:37 -
The Website-Personalities-Framework
30:59 -
The Missing Piece_ Steal Like An Artist!
Components and Layout Patterns
Section Intro
01:00 -
Web Design Rules #10 – Part 1_ Elements and Components
27:48 -
Building an Accordion Component – Part 1
25:31 -
Building an Accordion Component – Part 2
19:24 -
Building a Carousel Component – Part 1
21:25 -
Building a Carousel Component – Part 2
29:42 -
Building a Table Component – Part 1
10:04 -
Building a Table Component – Part 2
13:16 -
CHALLENGE #1_ Building a Pagination Component
24:10 -
Web Design Rules #10 – Part 2_ Layout Patterns
21:52 -
Building a Hero Section – Part 1
22:11 -
Building a Hero Section – Part 2
21:21 -
Building a Web Application Layout – Part 1
15:12 -
Building a Web Application Layout – Part 2
Omnifood Project _ Setup and Desktop Version
Section Intro
01:02 -
The 7 Steps to a Great Website
20:30 -
Defining and Planning the Project (Steps 1 and 2)
24:36 -
Sketching Initial Layout Ideas (Step 3)
07:36 -
First Design and Development Steps (Step 4)
15:21 -
Responsive Design Principles
08:37 -
How rem and max-width Work
16:06 -
Building the Hero – Part 1
16:12 -
Building the Hero – Part 2
29:27 -
Building the Hero – Part 3
23:57 -
Building the Header
15:15 -
Building the Navigation
15:55 -
Setting Up a Reusable Grid
21:23 -
Building the How-It-Works Section – Part 1
29:16 -
Building the How-It-Works Section – Part 2
35:12 -
Building the Featured-In Section
19:45 -
Building the Meals Section – Part 1
26:35 -
Building the Meals Section – Part 2
21:01 -
Building the Meals Section – Part 3
29:42 -
Building the Testimonials Section – Part 1
18:15 -
Building the Testimonials Section – Part 2
24:38 -
Building the Pricing Section – Part 1
24:00 -
Building the Pricing Section – Part 2
25:58 -
Building the Features Part
19:06 -
Building the Call-To-Action Section – Part 1
26:12 -
Building the Call-To-Action Section – Part 2
24:45 -
Building the Call-To-Action Section – Part 3
29:09 -
Building the Footer – Part 1
19:16 -
Building the Footer – Part 2
Omnifood Project _ Responsive Web Design
Section Intro
00:47 -
How Media Queries Work
14:23 -
How to Select Breakpoints
04:47 -
Responding to Small Laptops
15:33 -
Responding to Landscape Tablets
19:25 -
Responding to Tablets
25:24 -
Building the Mobile Navigation
37:58 -
Responding to Smaller Tablets
18:56 -
Responding to Phones
Omnifood Project _ Effects, Optimizations and Deployment
Section Intro
00:50 -
A Short Introduction to JavaScript
03:10 -
Making the Mobile Navigation Work
08:32 -
Implementing Smooth Scrolling
29:24 -
Implementing a Sticky Navigation Bar
28:02 -
Browser Support and Fixing Flexbox Gap in Safari
07:55 -
Testing Performance With Lighthouse
08:45 -
Adding Favicon and Meta Description
12:24 -
Image Optimizations
18:26 -
Deployment to Netlify
08:20 -
Making the Form Work With Netlify Forms
The End!
Where to Go from Here
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