HRCI Human Resource Associate Professional Certificate

About Course
A Course by HRCI
HRCI Human Resource Associate Professional Certificate, Human Resource professionals have a significant impact on an organization’s success. They play a vital role in hiring the right people, developing employee policies, and creating a positive work culture. By pursuing a career in Human Resources, you can contribute to the overall achievement of an organization. This program is uniquely designed to prepare aspiring Human Resource professionals. Through engaging videos, interactive activities, assessments, and peer-reviewed projects, you can enhance your professional expertise and gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals in this field. This program is mobile friendly so whether you prefer accessing the program from your mobile device or computer, you have the flexibility to shape your learning journey. By completing this program, you will receive a certificate from Coursera and also gain the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in this field.
You will also be prepared to undertake the HRCI Associate Professional in Human Resources (aPHR) certification exam, setting you apart as a qualified HR professional. This program has a variety of engaging and interactive self-guided activities that allow you to apply what you have learned to real-world scenarios. In addition, there are four peer-reviewed projects. These projects serve as opportunities for you to demonstrate your proficiency in various critical areas, including the talent acquisition process, designing impactful training experiences, fostering an inclusive organizational culture, and conducting thorough organization audits. By successfully completing these projects, you will amass a diverse and impressive collection of tangible examples showcasing your expertise that can be readily shared with prospective employers.
Course Content
01. Talent Acquisition
003 01_hrci-human-resources-associate-professional-certificate-introduction.mp4
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006 02_course-overview-talent-acquisition.mp4
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009 03_instructor-introduction-video.mp4
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010 04_talent-acquisition-course-syllabus_instructions.html
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011 05_how-to-be-successful-in-this-course_instructions.html
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014 01_weekly-introduction-introduction-to-talent-acquisition.mp4
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017 02_forecasting-workforce-needs.mp4
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020 03_tools-for-forecasting-workforce-needs.mp4
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021 04_methods-to-forecast-workforce-needs_instructions.html
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022 05_outsourcing-and-offshoring_instructions.html
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025 06_independent-contractors.mp4
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027 07_identifying-independent-contractors_instructions.html
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030 08_gig-work.mp4
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033 09_temporary-workers.mp4
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034 10_temporary-work-and-employee-rights_instructions.html
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037 11_exempt-and-non-exempt-employees.mp4
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038 12_exempt-and-non-exempt-employees_instructions.html
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041 13_flexible-work-arrangements.mp4
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044 14_example-forecasting-and-planning-talent-acquisition.mp4
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047 01_job-design-and-job-redesign.mp4
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050 02_approaches-to-job-design.mp4
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051 03_overview-job-design-approaches_instructions.html
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054 04_legal-issues-in-job-design.mp4
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055 05_legal-issues-in-job-design-in-the-us_instructions.html
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058 06_example-job-design.mp4
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061 07_weekly-review-introduction-to-talent-acquisition.mp4
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064 01_weekly-introduction-how-to-get-started-in-talent-acquisition.mp4
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067 02_the-talent-acquisition-process.mp4
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070 03_job-analysis.mp4
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073 04_job-analysis-techniques.mp4
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074 05_position-analysis-questionnaire-paq_instructions.html
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077 06_job-descriptions.mp4
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078 07_job-description-template_instructions.html
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081 08_example-job-analysis-and-job-description.mp4
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084 01_recruiting-and-tracking-applicants.mp4
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087 02_recruiting-a-diverse-workforce.mp4
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089 03_uniform-guidelines-on-employee-selection-procedures-ugesp_instructions.html
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092 04_example-recruiting-a-diverse-workforce.mp4
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095 05_weekly-review-how-to-get-started-in-talent-acquisition.mp4
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098 01_weekly-introduction-talent-acquisition-life-cycle.mp4
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101 02_talent-sourcing-strategies.mp4
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104 03_employer-branding.mp4
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107 04_employee-referrals.mp4
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110 05_job-boards.mp4
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113 06_candidate-pipelines.mp4
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116 07_resume-mining.mp4
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119 08_job-fairs.mp4
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122 09_erecruitment-and-eselection-systems.mp4
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125 10_example-talent-sourcing.mp4
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128 01_screening-candidates.mp4
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131 02_interviewing-candidates.mp4
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134 03_types-of-interviews.mp4
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137 04_interviewing-dos-and-don-ts.mp4
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140 05_types-of-interview-bias.mp4
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143 06_avoiding-bias-in-interviews.mp4
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144 07_interview-techniques_instructions.html
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147 08_example-interviewing-candidates.mp4
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150 01_evaluating-employees-before-hiring.mp4
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153 02_background-and-record-checks.mp4
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156 03_different-test-options.mp4
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157 04_employment-eligibility-test_instructions.html
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160 05_test-reliability-and-test-validity.mp4
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161 06_overview-reliability-and-validity-tests_instructions.html
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164 07_biases-in-the-hiring-process.mp4
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167 08_example-evaluating-prospective-employees.mp4
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170 09_weekly-review-talent-acquisition-life-cycle.mp4
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173 01_weekly-introduction-negotiations-and-onboarding.mp4
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176 02_negotiation-offer-and-counteroffer.mp4
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177 03_elements-of-an-offer-letter_instructions.html
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180 04_employment-contracts-and-common-clauses.mp4
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181 05_overview-employment-contract-clauses_instructions.html
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184 06_example-negotiations.mp4
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187 01_orientation-and-onboarding.mp4
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190 02_employee-orientation.mp4
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193 03_employee-onboarding.mp4
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196 04_employee-handbook.mp4
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197 05_components-of-an-employee-handbook_instructions.html
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200 06_example-orientation-and-onboarding.mp4
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203 01_importance-of-employee-retention.mp4
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206 02_tactics-for-retaining-employees.mp4
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209 03_example-employee-retention.mp4
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212 04_important-hr-metrics-to-track.mp4
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213 05_overview-hr-metrics_instructions.html
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214 06_technology-and-hr_instructions.html
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215 07_talent-acquisition_peer_assignment_instructions.html
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216 08_key-terms_instructions.html
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217 01_what-to-expect_instructions.html
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218 02_how-to-add-your-info-to-linkedin_instructions.html
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221 03_weekly-review-negotiations-and-onboarding.mp4
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224 04_congratulations.mp4
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225 01__resources.html
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