(Udemy) Flutter Shop App | State Management BLoC | Backend (Dastagir Ahmed)

About Course
Learn how to build a complete Flutter shop app from scratch with this comprehensive course. This course covers everything from basic UI design to advanced features like state management with BLoC, backend development with Laravel and Firebase, and secure payment integration with Stripe.
This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn Flutter app development, regardless of their experience level. You’ll learn how to:
- Create a user-friendly interface with Flutter
- Implement state management with BLoC
- Build a secure backend with Laravel and Firebase
- Integrate Stripe for secure payments
- Use reusable widgets to streamline development
- Master Firebase chatting and building API
This course is completely free and available on Theetay. It’s delivered by Dastagir Ahmed, an experienced Flutter developer.
**Key Features:**
- Onboarding screen with three photos
- Email login with Firebase verification
- Social media login with Google, Apple, and Facebook
- Course viewing with video playback
- Course upload from backend
- Multiple teacher course viewing
- Front-end course purchasing
- Step-by-step Stripe payment integration
- Super admin panel
- Teacher admin panel
- Chatting feature using Firebase
**Technical Requirements:**
- PHP >= 7.4
- Laravel > 8.8
- Flutter > 3.3
**Get started today and build your dream Flutter app!**
What Will You Learn?
- How to build a mobile app step by step using Flutter for iOS and Android
- Connect your app with Firebase and Laravel Backend
- Learn to build API for you app
- Learn to use BLoC state management
Course Content
A Message from the Professor
Basic project and state management
Create the project and up and running
03:16 -
Understand the project and state management
Understanding BLoC state management
Create bloc app states and events
05:24 -
Create blocs for app and understand the mechanism
07:09 -
Dependency inject and use blocs
05:09 -
Importance of BlocBuilder widget
03:58 -
More about bloc and next part
Welcome screen
Welcome screen and stack widget ui part 1
08:22 -
Welcome screen and column layout ui part 2
03:49 -
Welcome screen and work on the next button ui part 3
07:40 -
Welcome screen and reusable widget ui part 4
06:51 -
Welcome screen and show dots indicator ui part 5
05:09 -
Welcome screen page view and dots indicator ui part 6
12:18 -
Welcome screen and work size indicator part 7
01:03 -
Welcome screen and show image ui part 8
07:08 -
Welcome screen and page swipe button click ui part 8
05:27 -
MultiBlocProviders part 1
05:40 -
MultiBlocProviders and heroTag part 2
01:50 -
MultiBlocProvider and lazy bloc loading part 3
04:38 -
MultiBlocProviders and routing with pushNamedAndRemoveUntil part 4
Sign in screen
Sign in screen and app bar part 1
09:52 -
Sign in screen and social icon buttons part 2
06:36 -
Sign in screen and reusable buttons part 3
03:53 -
Sign in screen and reusable text part 4
06:48 -
Sign in screen and text field part 5
05:06 -
Sign in screen and text field part 6
04:29 -
Sign in screen and text field part 7
07:24 -
Sign in screen and text field part 8
05:31 -
Sign in screen forgot link part 9
04:28 -
Sign in screen and login and registration button part 10
Refactor section
Refactor code part 1
12:42 -
Refactor code part 2
04:30 -
Refactor code part 3
Sign in bloc section
Sign in bloc and states part 1
05:00 -
Sign in bloc and events part 2
02:49 -
Sign in bloc and create blocs part 3
07:19 -
Sign in bloc and understand event handler part 4
07:14 -
Sign in bloc and understand emit function part 5
04:38 -
Sign in bloc and event handler part 6
02:15 -
Sign in bloc and on method part 7
Sign in controller
Sign in controller and get bloc context and state part 1
04:56 -
Sign in controller and install plugin and firebase auth part 2
04:40 -
Sign in controller and firebase auth part 3
04:36 -
Sign in controller and firebase project creating part 4
09:57 -
Sign in controller and iOS settings part 5
04:56 -
Sign in controller and text field value part 6
12:41 -
Sign in controller and passing function to widgets part 7
05:47 -
Sign in controller and test with data part 8
03:19 -
Sign in controller and try on Android part 9
02:37 -
Sign in controller and toast widget part 10
09:00 -
Sign in controller and separate BlocProviders part 11
Register section
Register screen and route part 1
05:00 -
Register screen and do ui part 2
05:10 -
Register screen and do ui part 3
04:58 -
Register screen and ui app bar theme part 4.mp4
06:38 -
Register screen and register states part 5
04:06 -
Register screen and understand immutable classes part 6
04:47 -
Register screen and understand copyWith method part 7
05:43 -
Register screen and create copyWith method part 8
06:32 -
Register screen and register blocs part 9
04:36 -
Register screen and optional named parameter for blocs part 10
07:26 -
Register screen and finish the blocs part 11
05:40 -
Register screen and inject bloc part 12
06:24 -
Register screen and deeper understanding copyWith method part 13
Register controller
Register controller and part 1
06:52 -
Register controller and part 2
05:21 -
Register controller and part 3
Application screen
Application screen and ui part 1
06:05 -
Application screen and ui bottom navigation part 2
04:59 -
Application screen and ui bottom navigation part 3
06:17 -
Application screen and ui bottom navigation part 4
07:26 -
Application screen and ui bottom navigation part 5
Route section
Route section and understand bloc and routes part 1
04:52 -
Route section and understand PageEntity class part 2
06:28 -
Route section and create list of routes with provider part 3
08:14 -
Route section and inject bloc part 4
07:20 -
Route section and onGenerateRoute part 5
06:09 -
Route section and onGenerateRoute part 6
07:43 -
Route section and debug route part 7
05:17 -
Route section and organize files part 8
03:50 -
Route section and app states part 9
03:38 -
Route section and app events part 10
03:25 -
Route section and bloc super constructor part 11
03:58 -
Route section and set up application route part 12
06:09 -
Route section and application page part 13
05:56 -
Route screen and application widget bottom navigation bar part 14
SharedPreferences and singleton instance part 1
06:30 -
SharedPreferences and setBool part 2
05:59 -
SharedPreferences and getBool part 3
05:36 -
SharedPreferences and remember the welcome screen part 4
07:31 -
SharedPreferences and set user profile string part 5
05:13 -
SharedPreferences and retreive user profile string part 6
05:53 -
Home page and app bar part 1
06:32 -
Home page and app bar part 2
05:28 -
Home page and title text part 3
04:11 -
Home page and sub title text part 4
01:41 -
Home page and reusable text widget part 5
07:28 -
Home page and search field part 6
08:04 -
Home page and search button part 7
04:24 -
Home page and designSize for adaptive screen part 8
07:40 -
Home page and slider part 9
07:28 -
Home page and reusable slider widget part 10
06:08 -
Home page and dots indicator part 11
03:16 -
Home page and states part 12
05:36 -
Home page and events and blocs injection part 13
05:51 -
Home page and dots with states part 14
05:19 -
Home page and section title text part 15
05:37 -
Home page and reusable section title part 16
05:32 -
Home page and course button part 17
07:46 -
Home page and course reusable button part 18
05:19 -
Home page and course buttons refactor part 19
07:05 -
Home page and CustomScrollView part 20
05:07 -
Home page and SliverGrid and Delegate part 21
05:08 -
Home page and understanding delegate and gridDelegate part 22
06:11 -
Home page and grid text part 23
05:03 -
Home page and grid text part 24
Profile section part 1
Profile page and create page part 1
05:03 -
Profile page and app bar part 2
05:16 -
Profile page and icon and edit button part 3
07:15 -
Profile page and listview buttons part 4
06:46 -
Profile page and dynamic listview part 5
Settings page part 1
Settings page folders
04:01 -
Settings page and create states
07:29 -
Settings page and onTap event part 7
04:56 -
Settings page and understanding callback function part 8
09:53 -
Settings page and app bar part 9
05:16 -
Settings page and dialogue box part 10
06:30 -
Settings page and remove user data on logout part 11
09:06 -
Settings page and code refactor part 12
05:28 -
Settings page and application state reset part 13
04:25 -
Settings page and code refactor part 14
05:16 -
Settings page and code refactor part 15
Backend section part 1
Windows 11 + Xampp + Laravel
08:44 -
Backend and install laravel part 2
03:56 -
Windows laravel admin package set up part 3
04:54 -
Backend and remove error part 4
04:40 -
Backend and install sanctum package part 5
02:16 -
Backend and dummy register and login with sanctum part 6
10:53 -
Backend build our own login api part 7
06:37 -
Backend and build our own api login part 8
10:29 -
Backend and modify users table part 9
05:50 -
Backend and add more database fields part 10
07:53 -
Backend and work on access token part 11
04:07 -
Backend and finish building our login api part 12
Front end login repo
Home Page preview
03:14 -
Front end api repos and save google login data part 1
05:05 -
Front end and login request entity part 2
06:28 -
Front end and work on the end point part 3
04:14 -
Front end and create HttpUtil part 4
06:39 -
Front end and make a call to the api part 5
07:12 -
Front end and hit end point part 6
09:32 -
Front end and status code
08:42 -
Front end and more debugging on the api and database part 8.mp4
10:16 -
Front end and refactor code part 9
07:28 -
Front end and finalize login api part 10
05:31 -
Front and back end understand the complete flow
24:29 -
Front end and get user profile part 11
08:40 -
Front end and show name and image part 12
07:02 -
Front end and fix avatar url part 13
10:52 -
Front end and fix null value issues part 14
Back end and build ui and api
Build the back end ui part 1
06:32 -
Backend and work on ui grid view part 2
16:56 -
Backend and understand migration part 3
06:55 -
Backend and do migrations part 4
05:35 -
Backend and CourseTypeController detail and index method part 5
07:45 -
Backend and create draggable menu category part 6
11:21 -
Backend and better understanding for grid
14:16 -
Backend and create migration for course part 8
07:17 -
Backend and create CourseController part 9
02:38 -
Backend and update CourseController form method part 10
08:06 -
Backend and work on the form method part 11
07:14 -
Backend and finish the form method part 12
09:08 -
Backend and upload course and Windows and Mac settings part 13
08:36 -
Backend and laravel admin command line interface part 14
06:26 -
Backend and create a new CourseController part 15
05:45 -
Backend and finish working on CourseController part 16
07:25 -
Backend and show image in the row part 17
03:58 -
Backend and understand api section part 18
05:52 -
Backend and changes in RouteServiceProvider part 19
08:50 -
Backend and finish work on courseList method part 20
06:55 -
Backend and understand select () and get() differences part 21
03:17 -
Backend and access the api from the frontend part 22
18:19 -
Backend and understand the api security part 23
Home page and Bloc data update
Frontend and formatting data part 1
10:04 -
Frontend and backend error handling part 2
09:41 -
185. Home page and finish states
11:13 -
Home page and show data and pictures from backend using bloc part 4
09:53 -
Home page and prevent unnecessary call part 5
05:00 -
Home Page and check context part 6
02:49 -
Home page and change in AppBlocs part 7
01:51 -
Home page and HomePageDots part 8
02:01 -
Home page and learn about BlocObserver part 9
Detail page and routes and refactor code
Detail page and create blocs and routes part 1
10:19 -
Detail page and pass id as arguments part 2
09:40 -
Detail page and singleton class part 3
09:58 -
Detail page and use singleton class and prevent unnecessary api call part 4
13:21 -
Detail page and build app bar part 5
04:45 -
Detail page and show image part 6
08:56 -
Detail page and show author button part 7
11:22 -
Detail page and build reusable widgets part 8
06:53 -
Detail page and draw text and button part 9
11:29 -
Detail page and listview items part 10
10:46 -
Detail page and show lesson list part 11
Backend build api
Backend build course detail api and test with postman part 1
11:05 -
Backend and course detail api part 2
03:54 -
Back end and create paycontroller part 3
08:20 -
Backend and work on checkOut end point part 4
08:10 -
Backend and checkOut with query part 5
06:27 -
Backend and build order model part 6
16:15 -
Backend and finish checkOut api part 7
Front end and api integration
Course detail controller part 1
21:53 -
Front end and work on detail course bloc and ui part 2
26:57 -
Front end bloc check null value part 3
05:41 -
Front end and show dynamic values for course part 4
13:20 -
Front end and goBuy button and stripe url part 5
Front end and paywebview part 1
05:54 -
Front end and paywebview blocs part 2
07:05 -
Front end and paywebview part 3
14:41 -
Front end and show webview with bloc part 5
12:27 -
Front end and reusable app bar part 6
04:53 -
Front end and back end web hook part 7
20:58 -
Front end and back end and create more routes part 8
13:07 -
Front end and back end done with payment part 9
21:45 -
Front end and deal with status code 400 part 10
08:11 -
Front and get callback message part 11
07:30 -
Front end and pay and repay issue solved part 12
Backend order module
Backend and show orders part 1
08:51 -
Backend and show orders with buyer part 2
08:16 -
Backend and show orders with status part 3
Backend and Lessons module
Backend and lesson migrations part 1
07:39 -
Backend and lesson controller and form method part 2
07:24 -
Backend and lesson controller and upload part 3
14:13 -
Backend and set and get video attributes part 4
07:30 -
Backend and done uploading medias part 5
12:05 -
Backend and build lesson end points part 6
17:34 -
Backend and work on the json format part 7
10:09 -
Backend and understand the form submission issue part 8
19:17 -
Backend and form submission and saving method part 9
05:51 -
Backend and understand the saving method and data processing part 10
15:23 -
Backend and finish form editing part 11
Front end and lesson data
Lesson data build api end point
18:41 -
Lesson data load and trigger events
20:10 -
Frontend and load lesson data to the UI part 3
16:08 -
Frontend and refresh indicator part 4
05:21 -
Frontend and lesson detail blocs part 5
15:13 -
Frontend and build lesson controller part 6
14:15 -
Frontend and set up routes
11:26 -
Frontend and work on video player part 8
21:17 -
Frontend and lesson video player understanding part 9
08:35 -
Frontend and lesson play video part 10
18:55 -
Frontend and play video with buttons part 11
09:41 -
Frontend and iOS play video issue part 12
08:30 -
Frontend and draw list of videos part 13
21:41 -
Frontend and play on button click part 14
05:51 -
Frontend lesson detail and code refactor part 15
04:07 -
Frontend and lesson detail video buttons part 16
05:40 -
Frontend and lesson detail video index state part 17
16:52 -
Frontend and auto play video and show thumbnail of video18
Complete code part 1
Complete code part 1
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