Data Visualization & Dashboarding with R Specialization
About Course
Data Visualization & Dashboarding with R Specialization, This Specialization is intended for learners seeking to develop the ability to visualize data using R. Through five courses, you will use R to create static and interactive data visualizations and publish them on the web, which will you prepare you to provide insight to many types of audiences. Learners will generate many different types of visualizations to explore data, from simple figures like bar plots and scatter plots to interactive dashboards. Learners will integrate these figures into reproducible research products and share them online.
Course Content
01. Getting Started with Data Visualization in R
003 01_introduction-to-the-course.mp4
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004 02_how-to-watch-the-videos_instructions.html
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007 03_introduction-to-r-and-software-installation.mp4
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008 04_the-rstudio-cheat-sheet_instructions.html
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010 05_install-r-and-setup-quiz_exam.html
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014 01_basic-r-part-1.mp4
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018 02_basic-r-part-2.mp4
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022 03_functions-in-r.mp4
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023 04_base-r-cheat-sheet_instructions.html
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024 05_r-for-data-science-chapter-4_instructions.html
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026 06_base-r-and-functions-quiz_exam.html
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030 01_dataframes.mp4
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031 02_a-note-on-file-paths_instructions.html
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034 03_cces-data_instructions.html
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040 04_basics-of-importing-data-into-r.mp4
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041 05_dataframes-and-importing-data-in-r_exam.html
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045 01_base-r-visualizations.mp4
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046 02_cookbook-for-r-basic-plots_instructions.html
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047 03_base-r-visualization-quiz_exam.html
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050 01_introduction-to-the-tidyverse.mp4
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056 02_data-import-and-structure-in-the-tidyverse.mp4
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057 03_r-for-data-science-introduction-and-part-ii-wrangle_instructions.html
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061 04_data-import-cheat-sheet_instructions.html
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062 05_tibble-readr-and-tidyr-documentation_instructions.html
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066 06_tidyverse-introduction-quiz_exam.html
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072 01_filtering-selecting-recoding-renaming-and-piping.mp4
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078 02_recoding-renaming-and-calculating-columns.mp4
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084 03_grouping-and-summarizing-data.mp4
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085 04_r-for-data-science-chapter-5_instructions.html
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088 05_data-wrangling-cheat-sheet_instructions.html
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089 06_getting-started-with-dplyr_dplyr.html
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091 07_learning-to-read-r-documentation_index.html
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093 08_manipulating-variables-and-creating-summaries-quiz_exam.html
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094 01_note-on-installing-latex_instructions.html
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097 02_creating-reports-with-r-markdown.mp4
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098 03_note-on-previewing-figures-in-r-markdown_instructions.html
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099 04_r-for-data-science-chapter-27_instructions.html
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101 05_r-markdown-cheat-sheet_instructions.html
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103 06_r-markdown-reference-guide_instructions.html
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105 07_r-markdown-intro-quiz_quiz.html
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112 01_r-markdown-syntax-and-tables.mp4
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113 02_r-markdown-the-definitive-guide_basics.html
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115 03_r-markdown-syntax-quiz_quiz.html
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119 01_qplots-and-closing-thoughts.mp4
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120 02_qplot-documentation_instructions.html
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122 03_incorporating-tables-and-figures-quiz_quiz.html
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123 01_a-note-about-peer-review-assignments_instructions.html
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128 02_your-r-markdown-report_peer_assignment_instructions.html
02. Data Visualization in R with ggplot2
03. Advanced Data Visualization with R
04. Publishing Visualizations in R with Shiny and flexdashboard
05. Data Visualization Capstone
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