EE Guide

Electrical Engineers have just the Right Spark (Pun Intended)

What to Expect

This guide is specifically written to provide a bigger picture of Electrical Engineering to both the students starting with Electrical Engineering and the ones lost in Electrical Engineering.

        Most students after their first 2 or 3 semesters in Electrical Engineering find themselves in the same state as the guy in the image. And most of the times it isn’t due to the technical incompetence of the students but due to the fact that they can’t pull themselves together and get carried away with the flow uncertain of the outcome they’ll face at the end of their degree.

Now, we’ll take a step-by-step approach to understand the bigger picture of the whole field and how can we capitalize on the opportunities provided inside the field with the least wastage of resources and time.


Read through the entire guide step-by-step and you’ll find yourself in a better position to view your EE career in a boarder perspective and you’ll find it way easier to plan your degree and allocate time and resources to each individual goal.


Goal Planning

Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets planning...

Time Management

Time isn't the main thing. It's the only thing...

Electrical Engineering Basics

The very basics of what electrical engineering is and what it isn't...

Embedded Systems

What are Embedded Systems             Let’s first understand what embedded systems is all...

Power Systems

What are Power Systems? First of all, let’s get a proper understanding of Power Systems. Power...

Robotics, Computer Vision, AI & ML

What is Robotics            Now we’ll talk about the buzz word now-a-days. Robotics, Artificial...

Communication Systems

What are CommunicationSystems? Let’s first formally define what communication systems are. As...